I would think you'd have a problem with the government following you around spying on you with no just cause.
Not at all. See my response. I would have thought that he would have a problem with being spied on for no reason.
for those who think the patriot act took away our rights do you know anyone who has been effected by the new laws put into the patriot act?
The Patriot Act gave the government the power to access your medical records, tax records, information about the books you buy or borrow without probable cause.
Examples of this happening?
The can enter your home and search it without you being present for any federal crime, including misdemeanors, without a warrant and not tell you for weeks, months, or ever.
Examples of this happening?
It set up a system where the government does not need a court order for wiretaps.
so they just start tapping away? for no apparent reason?
The right to privacy has decreased for average Americans whereas it makes it harder for Americans to find out what it's government is doing.
pretty vague statement here - anything to back it up?
All the government has to do is call a group an "enemy combatant" and you will lose all rights as an American citizen, no habeas corpus for you. Bye Bye due process.
Gee, seems like a high value AQ detainee is being released from Gitmo under habeas corpus - guess he wasn't an enemy combatant.
You really think this is "all the govt has to do" and you lose all rights as a citizen?
Google the name Brandon Mayfield. A US citizen and Muslim convert who was "linked" to the Madrid Train bombing was held for two weeks without being charged or allowed to see a lawyer. The FBI was able to search his house under provisions of the Patriot Act where the found "Spanish documents". The documents happened to be Spanish homework that belonged to his son.
They are welcome to spy on me and tap my phone lines. The cool part us that doing so would actually prove my innocence in anything in which I might be implicated. Funny how that works.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm shocked you guys feel this way. I'm not being flippant, I really am shocked. I thought you wanted less government intrusion into your lives?
I'm shocked you guys feel this way. I'm not being flippant, I really am shocked. I thought you wanted less government intrusion into your lives?
I don't want to be wiretapped. However, of the things the government is going to do I grant them more leeway in national defense then provision of goods/services.
In reality, the PA has virtually no chance of affecting me. The HC bill is another matter entirely. At a theoretical level they both intrude; at a practical level one's (HC) effect will be much more widespread.
You make the government too large. I trust those professionals charged with defending the citizenry, not elected or appointed officials.So you tacitly trust the federal government in that you believe it wouldn't lead to anything worse.