And so it begins...

Texas is just waiting for that dead weight to make the jump and take the blame for breaking up the Big XII. An anual home and home with Notre Dame is much greater than a home and home with aTm.

So join the Southland already so we can get this thing going.
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So join the Southland already so we can get this thing going.
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No thanks. I'd rather just sit back a watch you guys screw the pooch/sheep by jumping to the SEC. :eek:lol:
You'll be "watching" alright, because you damn sure won't be involved in the conversations.
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Awfully high on that SEC mountain. I'm kinda surprised actually, all things considered.
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No, I just don't see the point in adding a program that hasn't been a consistent contender in the Big 12 for over a decade. Should the SEC add Texas Tech, too?
When is you athletic dept going to pay off it's debt and get out of the red. The state is only going to allow the university to loan you so much money you know.
If you add A&M to the west, who do you add to the east? My first choice would be FSU.
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As much as I dislike VaTech, I think adding them to the east and making aTm their annual cross-division rival would be pretty sweet.

It would be intriguing at the very least since both schools have corps of cadets.
As much as I dislike VaTech, I think adding them to the east and making aTm their annual cross-division rival would be pretty sweet.

It would be intriguing at the very least since both schools have douchebags playing soldier.
That's more like it.
Regardless of your slights Hat, it's inevitable that we are joining.
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Do not want.

Someone help a brother out and post the 'do not want' dog.
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I still think the television market A&M would bring in is overrated. I doubt it would help recruiting that much, either. People keep talking about how it would give SEC teams access to the "Texas Pipeline," but I'm pretty sure the Horns basically just choose who they want in that state.
Do not want.

Someone help a brother out and post the 'do not want' dog.
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Regardless of your slights Hat, it's inevitable that we are joining.
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So? The SEC West gets weaker and Starkville and Auburn are no longer the biggest jerkwater outposts in the league. Doesn't affect UT that much.
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So? The SEC West gets weaker and Starkville and Auburn are no longer the biggest jerkwater outpsts in the league. Doesn't affect UT that much.
I'd be okay if we could add a couple west teams and bring Bama into our division.
You arrived at the conclusion that College Station is a "sewer", based off a handful of visits?

You've done better Hat. Just get over it.
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You arrived at the conclusion that College Station is a "sewer", based off a handful of visits?

You've done better Hat. Just get over it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yeah, I'm sure I've missed so much about College Station. It's probably a cultural mecca. How can you beat a place where bonfires and "yell practice" are big deals?
I've never been Hat. So perhaps I am ill informed. However, it would be hard not to beat out Morgantown. The town embodies every negative WV stereotype out there. People mock the south as it is, adding perhaps the worst state in the east isn't going to help the SEC promote itself to outsiders.
Ooooops, somebody went there. Guess he doesn't know about agy class. You are only allowed to mock mentally deranged basketball players who kill their teammates from rival schools. Silly Hat.
I still think the television market A&M would bring in is overrated. I doubt it would help recruiting that much, either. People keep talking about how it would give SEC teams access to the "Texas Pipeline," but I'm pretty sure the Horns basically just choose who they want in that state.

This. Some are acting like it's the 1950s and there's one game on a week. I'm pretty sure Texas gets ESPN.

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