And so it begins...

Let's not forget the original thesis of the thread, which is that this was all some sort of concocted lie, conjured up by the far left.

sjt could not have been more wrong.

First, everything in the Politico story has been confirmed now to be 100 % true. Cain does not dispute a single thing in the story.

Second, the consensus, even amongst the conservative commentators, is that it was likely a GOP rival behind its disclosure.

People are fallible. Whatever Cain did at the time, this whole thing has been bungled. And what is most remarkable about that is that Cain has at least 10 days' warning that it was coming. It was his arrogance, and the arrogance of his campaign director, that prevented him from being prepared to deal with this.
You are 100% correct. It's unconscionable that Cain had 10 days notice and bungled the response so poorly.

What's so hard about saying, "yes, years ago I was accused of sexual harassment. While I believe I did no wrong, a decision was made to settle the case. The decision to settle was purely a business decision and to this day I maintain that I did no wrong. However, out of deference to my former coworker and the settlement I will not speak about this episode beyond today."
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If by "never stopped" you mean that his antics were a factor in the GOP Congress grab, led to his impeachment in the House, and kept Clinton from pushing any of the legislation he wanted to push, then you are correct.

Basically, elect Cain with these clouds and you are asking for a lame-duck GOP President with no mandate.
I think most people including myself would just like to see some kind of improvement in the economy. Through all the finger pointing, mud slinging and most of them looking like total goofs. Cain has made more sense, and looked less like a Washington suit in my eyes. I really don't care about his personal life, none of my business.
You are 100% correct. It's unconscionable that Cain had 10 days notice and bungled the response so poorly.

What's so hard about saying, "yes, years ago I was accused of sexual harassment. While I believe I did no wrong, a decision was made to settle the case. The decision to settle was purely a business decision and to this day I maintain that I did no wrong. However, out of deference to my former coworker and the settlement I will not speak about this episode beyond today."

That is exactly what he should have said.

Instead, he tried to "pretend" it was no big deal, that it was all so obviously baseless these women were given some pocket change and sent on their way.
You are 100% correct. It's unconscionable that Cain had 10 days notice and bungled the response so poorly.

What's so hard about saying, "yes, years ago I was accused of sexual harassment. While I believe I did no wrong, a decision was made to settle the case. The decision to settle was purely a business decision and to this day I maintain that I did no wrong. However, out of deference to my former coworker and the settlement I will not speak about this episode beyond today."

If you're not in PR, you missed your calling
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If there is anything the inside the beltway perverted progressives in Washington DC hate, it is the regular normal people, especially if they run for high office.

For one thing over 60% of the American public leans to conservative point of view, that is why the sewer rats have to resort to character assassination to get their putrid cohorts elected to office.



Cain has been married to the same woman for 47 years and she is quite a lady, very articulate and when she enters the fray we will see her make Michelle look like a cheap streetwalker.


Tell me this, how did both Barry and Michelle both become disbarred in Illinois?

Although the court records are sealed it had to be something very unethical for them to lose their licenses to practice law in Chicago since that is probably the most corrupt city in America.

Herman Cain is getting Palined.

The same sewer rats that attacked Palin now focus on Cain.

Martin wrote that Palin was causing all sorts of problems for campaigns, and tried to give support to his claim by adding,

"When Alaska's former governor released her book last fall, she repeatedly sought to move around scheduled media appearances with little notice.
According to a source familiar with the situation, she backed out of planned interviews with conservative talk-show hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin the morning she was scheduled to talk to them. And her multiple schedule changes so annoyed Glenn Beck that he finally decided not to have her on his radio or TV show to promote the book.

Notice how Martin uses the, "according to sources familiar with the situation" line that he used so heavily in the recent hit piece on Cain. That is baseless hearsay on it's face, but that day, Mark Levin demanded a retraction from Martin, saying,

This is a flat out lie. Sarah Palin never backed out of any interview with me. Period. And John Martin, the reporter, never contacted me to ask me directly. I insist on a retraction.

Sean Hannity joined Levin in the demand, and Sarah Palin tweeted,

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny…ya just made big mistake lying about Levin, Beck, Rush…U can lie about me, but taking on the Big Guns? Not smart

The following day, Glenn Beck had Palin on his radio show where they laughed about the outrageous lies in the report and Palin called Martin a "punk."

Which is exactly what he is.

As far as I'm concerned so are those who parrot his lies.

The problem with that storyline, is that we can see Herman Cain, we can hear him, and we have sized him up to be quite honest, intelligent, and filled with common sense, unlike any other candidate out there.

Another rumor was put out on Newt Gingrich, that he asked his wife for a divorce as she lay dying of cancer in the hospital.

This is absolutely FALSE.

I'm no big Newt fan but his daughter did set the record straight on that whether it was reported by LSM or not nor whether the sewer rat rumor mongers retracted their assertions or not.

It was Gingrich's wife who asked for the divorce, she sat the family down at the table and told her children the two had agreed to a divorce.

While she was in the hospital for an operation to remove a benign tumor, not dying from cancer, Newt did visit and he did so to bring the children to visit their mother.

It is completely in order to call these people who habitually lie in order to cast doubt on any candidate who is even faintly conservative as being people of low character SCUM, because that is exactly what they are, scum and the dregs of society.



.... the left has a well established pattern of attempting the personal destruction of anyone who seems ready to take up the Reagan mantle with conservatives. Of course they also have a long established pattern of character assassination against women and blacks who dare step off the left's political plantation.

Double whammy for Cain. He's black and supported by conservatives... he has shown that "teflon" attribute of Reagan when it comes to ideas and policies... so now the politics of personal destruction begin.

Hey LG... its because he's black, right? This is absolute proof that the left is institutionally racist, right?

"Oopsie by you."

-- signed, Herman Cain
Not really LG. The left does in fact have such a pattern. Perry or some other campaign may have started it... but the MSM and left generally have gone crazy with it.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... were you aware that there is a pending sexual harassment charge against Jesse Jackson in Chicago? Should that not be pretty big news? Reznik (sp?) is in prison for all sorts of fraud and financial crimes... He was the one that got a community organizer a $2 million home in Chicago a few years back. If that had been one of the current GOP contenders, their campaign would have been over.

The left dominates the print and tv media. They use that domination effectively. You should relish in that... not run from it.
Oh... and while we are at it. A good point was made by Limbaugh of all people today.

We are now 5 days into this thing and there's still no specifics of what Cain supposedly did. The MSM continues to hound Cain demanding that he answer a negative by denying charges that have not been specified. Cain's biggest transgression seems to be that he has not reacted like normal politicians do... he hasn't formed a committee to handle bimbo eruptions or impugn the accusers. He hasn't "managed" a formulated response. He's been all over the map answering questions as they are asked.

The longer this goes on without specifics but with all sorts of assumptions of guilt and innuendo... the more it stinks.
Statement from the National Restaurant Association | The Right Scoop

Here is the NRA’s statement:

“We have seen the statement Joel Bennett released earlier today on behalf of his client, a former employee of the Association. The Association consented to the release of that statement, at the request of Mr. Bennett’s client.

“Based upon the information currently available, we can confirm that more than a decade ago, in July 1999, Mr. Bennett’s client filed a formal internal complaint, in accordance with the Association’s existing policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment. Mr. Herman Cain disputed the allegations in the complaint. The Association and Mr. Bennett’s client subsequently entered into an agreement to resolve the matter, without any admission of liability. Mr. Cain was not a party to that agreement. The agreement contains mutual confidentiality obligations. Notwithstanding the Association’s ongoing policy of maintaining the privacy of all personnel matters, we have advised Mr. Bennett that we are willing to waive the confidentiality of this matter and permit Mr. Bennett’s client to comment. As indicated in Mr. Bennett’s statement, his client prefers not to be further involved with this matter and we will respect her decision.

“The Association has robust policies designed to ensure that employees with concerns may bring them forward for prompt investigation and resolution, without risk of retaliation. The Association is fully committed to equal employment opportunity and to an environment that is free from any discrimination or harassment.”

The agreement was made between the NRA and the client with no admission of liability. And Cain, just as he said, wasn’t a party to the agreement.
Actually this is important enough not to get lost in those other threads.

Some have actively asserted that Cain lied about knowing about the agreement or what was in it. There is some question as to whether Cain was even still there when the agreement was reached. This helps explain that confusion. If he wasn't a party to the agreement or else wasn't even still at NRA when the agreement was struck... he might well be unfamiliar with the details in it.

I know it isn't what some of you want to hear but there are "old school" guys who say things without thinking that are construed by "some" women as offensive. Sexual harassment is VERY ambiguous and difficult to define. In many ways, S/H rules were written detached from any consideration of human nature. Some people are "huggers". Some aren't. If you are... and a boss... you better be sure the person you hug is a hugger. Something completely innocent to you could be construed as egregious harassment by someone else.

The bigger issue with regard to his electability is whether he pursued women while married... or if he just made careless comments or gave someone an unwanted hug or had the habit of touching a woman's elbow or shoulder while allowing her to go in front of him.
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I also want to repeat something I said in the other thread. If there was really "fire" here as Mr Bennett suggests then he is a HORRIBLE lawyer. Sexual harassment cases with merit pay out in the hundreds of thousands and millions... not 5 figure "agreements" for separation. That isn't a settlement... it is severance. I have a good friend and know others that received 5 figure "agreements" after being fired for cause.

It is also a little fishy that now they've backed away from giving details... again. NRA said OK. Ostensibly they did so knowing that Cain could sue them for damages if they violated a legal agreement in a way that caused him direct harm.

Lastly.... I find it interesting that the two accusers supposedly went to Ivy League schools. Mr Bennett's client is now a gov't bureaucrat. These things combined might give some insight into her political leanings.
Oh... and while we are at it. A good point was made by Limbaugh of all people today.

We are now 5 days into this thing and there's still no specifics of what Cain supposedly did. The MSM continues to hound Cain demanding that he answer a negative by denying charges that have not been specified. Cain's biggest transgression seems to be that he has not reacted like normal politicians do... he hasn't formed a committee to handle bimbo eruptions or impugn the accusers. He hasn't "managed" a formulated response. He's been all over the map answering questions as they are asked.

The longer this goes on without specifics but with all sorts of assumptions of guilt and innuendo... the more it stinks.

You were saying ?
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You were saying ?
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I was saying facts. It was several days before anyone came out with specifics. Now someone has. That someone has serious, serious credibility issues. She PURSUED Cain not long ago. Someone has already come out and called her a gold digger. To say that she may have issues and specifically issues with the truth... is no stretch at all.

What you really need LG... is one of the other women to come forward. One of the ones who lodged complaints at the time. When/if they come, they need to be completely credible AND what they claim has to rise to the standard determined by the voters. We already know their complaints did not rise to the standard of the legal system.

I mean if you really are a lawyer or work in a law office then you know that a credible SH suit against a top executive isn't going to settle for roughly the same as an employee would get for being fired for cause. You have taken the time to consider that haven't you? You aren't just driven by fear and hatred for conservatives are you?

That brings us to an interesting point. Your continued attacks on this self-made black man without real proof reek of racism. What happened? Did he get too "uppity" for you? Did you find yourself driven to "hobble" him to teach him and those "like him" a lesson?
The degree to which the hard right is doggedly hanging on to Cain is remarkable. But it is beginning to erode. Cain has looked panicked and no one believes his denials. It dominates the coverage of him.

It's just a matter of time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Witness: Sharon Bialek hugged Herman Cain during Tea Party meeting a month ago - Chicago Sun-Times

Cain accuser stands by her account despite denial - Yahoo! News

Making the rounds of morning television news shows Tuesday, Sharon Bialek was asked repeatedly about her motives in coming forward against the pizza business executive and Republican presidential hopeful years after the incident of sexual harassment that she alleges.

She said she was "embarrassed" by the incident and wanted to move on. Bialek said she had nothing to gain financially, and in fact wasn't even paying a fee to Gloria Allred, the nationally known attorney whose name has become synonymous with women's rights issues. And Bialek said she decided to go public at this time mostly because her 13-year-old son told her to.
The degree to which the hard right is doggedly hanging on to Cain is remarkable. But it is beginning to erode. Cain has looked panicked and no one believes his denials. It dominates the coverage of him.

It's just a matter of time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

How moronic of you...

I am pushing your buttons for being an absolute hypocrite in every sense.

Cain may or may not be guilty of anything. Right now, the evidence for him being guilty of what would legally be called sexual harassment is non-existent.

I know you are still rejoicing over this high tech lynching... but there is still no meat on these bones. Something may yet come out. I have no way of knowing. But what has come out so far has been either anonymous and ambiguous or from a non-credible source. You just want too much to believe.

But I have already said that his infidelity bothers me. It bothers me a great deal because it goes to the very core of trustworthiness and integrity.

Panicked? Try confused. If I charged you with saying something that someone took wrong... more than 10 years ago... would you be "panicked"?

Yes. He is NOT a professional politician. We already knew that... it is part of his appeal.
Yep... the good accuser #4 was so completely traumatized by that event 14 years ago that she specifically worked her way back stage at an event, sought Cain out, and gave him a hug.

She sounds like a victim to me... NOT.

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