And you guys really put blind faith in Fauci?

Yep. Vietnam.
Then completely understood. I know a few myself and they’re very touchy for good reason. One of them recently died and gave his Vietnam battle worn knife. He was army infantry so I thought that was awesome. Got it hanging in my gun room
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I can respect that stance but it won’t change my opinion. Anyone not willing to fight for their country, freedom or stand against tyranny in my opinion should not have the honor of anything red, white and blue.

What branch did you serve?
Again I tend to side with you, but there are plenty in this country who believe they are patriots for seeing the status quo as evil that should be eradicated, and there are all differing shades and opinions in between. One man's patriot is another man's traitor, and it's always been that way. We are probably more fragmented now as a country than we've ever been because we have no real common, definable enemy - so we fight each other.

We have a common definable enemy that we should be fighting and that is the federal government.
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I always enjoy being called a Marxist, but not as much as when they call me a Pinko Commie Bastard - then I know it's game, set, match.

I am especially amused when "Bolshevik" gets sprinkled in.
I just can’t imagine anyone who can combine the words “BLM” and “patriot” in the same sentence. Let alone Biden or Fauci after what they’ve done

And there are those that couldn't fathom including the proud boys, qanon, trump, his crotch spawn or the oath keepers in the same sentence with the term "patriot", it's your inability to reconcile that both sides want a better America that keeps tripping you up. If you haven't had that switch flip yet, you likely won't and we're all waisting our breath.

What you see depends on where you sit, it's pretty clear at this point that you're unwilling or unable to apply this concept to worldviews that aren't in line with your preferred view.

When you figure that out, you'll understand why you're being goofed on for not understanding why your personal opinions of what makes a patriot are amusing.
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And there are those that couldn't fathom including the proud boys, qanon, trump, his crotch spawn or the oath keepers in the same sentence with the term "patriot", is your inability to reconcile that both sides want a better America that keeps tripping you up. If you haven't had that switch flip yet, you likely won't and we're all waiting our breath.

What you see depends on where you sit, it's pretty clear at this point that you're unwilling or unable to apply this concept to worldviews that aren't in line with your preferred view.

When you figure that out, you'll understand why you're being goofed on for not understanding why your personal opinions of what makes a patriot are amusing.
Two people criticizing me isn’t being “goofed on” on a message board full of people that my quotes are not hidden. If I had to guess there are people reading this exchange that agree with me as well as you two
Two people criticizing me isn’t being “goofed on” on a message board full of people that my quotes are not hidden. If I had to guess there are people reading this exchange that agree with me as well as you two


I was a cop until 2017. So I never “served” imo because I don’t put that in the same category like some do. I just come from a long line of a military family.

Then don’t judge who should “have the honor of the red white and blue” for not standing up and fighting. Every US citizen is entitled to their opinions of how the country should go.
Then don’t judge who should “have the honor of the red white and blue” for not standing up and fighting. Every US citizen is entitled to their opinions of how the country should go.

Agreed, as an actual vet - I'm for everyone getting to huck an opinion into the void (dumb as I may find it, personally) without fear of being labeled as "unamerican."
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Then don’t judge who should “have the honor of the red white and blue” for not standing up and fighting. Every US citizen is entitled to their opinions of how the country should go.
I’ll stop judging when the left stop trying to force everyone to live their way and STFU. How’s that?
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How exactly is "the left" trying to force you to "live their way"?
Is Biden not left? HE believes the vaccine works despite evidence suggesting otherwise and therefore mandated that you take it or starve. Wouldn’t BLM be considered a leftists organization? They’ve incited violence for the better part of the past year and a half forcing changes around the world. Do I need to go on?
Is Biden not left? HE believes the vaccine works despite evidence suggesting otherwise and therefore mandated that you take it or starve. Wouldn’t BLM be considered a leftists organization? They’ve incited violence for the better part of the past year and a half forcing changes around the world. Do I need to go on?

Yes you do, because you're repeating your talking points instead of answering the question.

Besides the vaccine, what daily part of your life do you feel you are expected to change?
Bless your heart.
The only thing I pointed out is that he has managed to make a crap ton of money even during the pandemic.
Thanks for blessing me. I had only asked for evidence that Fauci released the virus upon us and made money off it’s release, as the poster had accused. I read the article like you asked. Fauci made a lot of money during the pandemic… So what? It doesn’t answer my question. Linking that article was disingenuous. I made good money during the pandemic too. I guess I must be involved in your alleged Fauci’s plot to kill Americans for monetary gain by your logic.
Is Biden not left? HE believes the vaccine works despite evidence suggesting otherwise and therefore mandated that you take it or starve. Wouldn’t BLM be considered a leftists organization? They’ve incited violence for the better part of the past year and a half forcing changes around the world. Do I need to go on?
Again post evidence the vaccine doesn’t work…
Thanks for blessing me. I had only asked for evidence that Fauci released the virus upon us and made money off it’s release, as the poster had accused. I read the article like you asked. Fauci made a lot of money during the pandemic… So what? It doesn’t answer my question. Linking that article was disingenuous. I made good money during the pandemic too. I guess I must be involved in your alleged Fauci’s plot to kill Americans for monetary gain by your logic.
I’ll just drop this here for you
NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research
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GOF research is important in helping us identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health.

That's just wonderful, those "rapidly evolving pathogens" didn't seem to be making much headway until humans started playing Dr Frankenstein. Just a hint to those highly intelligent people playing with pathogenic matches: find a cure and a vaccine before you create an infectious disease.

download (9).jpg
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Yes you do, because you're repeating your talking points instead of answering the question.

Besides the vaccine, what daily part of your life do you feel you are expected to change?
Don’t you see the bigger picture? Our kids are being taught left. Which means they grow up with a left lean. Parents are being investigated as possible domestic terrorist for standing up to it at school board meetings. They’re being taught hate with CRT. I’ve seen kids watching cartoons where a boy has a boyfriend or girl has a girlfriend. Or even worse is the fact that during the commercial break of any Cartoon Network you’ll see advertisements for HIV meds where all they see is same sex relationships. It doesn’t phase them because it’s their normal.So they don’t recognize it. How about the boarder? You don’t think over a million illegal immigrants (some cartel members) changes the lives of the people in the cities they were dropped in? It’s literally everywhere you look. The left has changed the landscape in nearly everything we see and it goes unnoticed because it’s become our normal and that’s the most dangerous part. Letting it become normal. Because the more we allow things like this to become normal without standing up, the more they chip away and before you even realize what’s happened, we’rea dictatorship
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Holy guacamole! Thanks for the link my friend! So, let me get this straight. The NIH is a massive government entity that funds much of the biomedical research across the US with its yearly 42 billion dollar yearly budget. It’s an entity that is NOT led by Dr. Fauci. It provides regulation and oversight for its 27 separate institutes and centers, of which Dr Fauci is the leader of one (NIAID). The NIH, not the NIAID, decided to lift a pause in funding gain of function research, which by the way has helped scientists develop vaccines and cancer targeting treatments that you or your loved ones may have used and benefited from. And this fact, that the NIH paused and reviewed the safety of gain of function ultimately finding that the benefits are important enough that they should continue to fund it, is the bit of information that proves that Dr. Fauci is an evil conspirator who engineered COVID 19 to kill Americans so he could gain political power and make oodles of cash……… wait that makes no sense and is frankly absurd. But Tucker told you that its true so it must be….
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