Another Mass Shooting - Philly Fireworks

So you'd prefer living in constant fear of being gunned down that coming together as a society and fixing this stupidity.

Is that really what you want?

Oh yeah, I guess that's right, you're probably one of those who believes they're going to keep a tyrannical government in check with their weekend warrior toys.

Well first off, if they haven't taken up arms by now after the lockdowns, shutting down Easter, blocking hospital visits and funerals, mandatory vaccines and stolen elections, then they never will. So we can take that off the table for now. But it does appear to still be a deterrence (on a marginal level) of the local govts acting too radically in red states. The Feds on the other hand are so far removed from the situation that they will do whatever.
America isn’t unique in terms of mental health disparities or treatments. We aren’t unique in exposure to violence in films or video games. We certainly don’t have the market cornered on broken homes or gang violence… so, that’s not it.

Can you think of any other parts of the equation where America is unique?

We’re one of 3 countries that allow babies to be killed on the day they are about to be born. China and North Korea are the other 2 that have normalized this violence as acceptable.
America isn’t unique in terms of mental health disparities or treatments. We aren’t unique in exposure to violence in films or video games. We certainly don’t have the market cornered on broken homes or gang violence… so, that’s not it.

Can you think of any other parts of the equation where America is unique?
Our diverse and expansive population is unique. I suspect if we had as much diversity as the Swiss or Norway or the population density of Iceland or Denmark our numbers would be lower
America isn’t unique in terms of mental health disparities or treatments. We aren’t unique in exposure to violence in films or video games. We certainly don’t have the market cornered on broken homes or gang violence… so, that’s not it.

Can you think of any other parts of the equation where America is unique?

Wealth? Per capita GDP?
Our diverse and expansive population is unique. I suspect if we had as much diversity as the Swiss or Norway or the population density of Iceland or Denmark our numbers would be lower
Even beyond whatever definition of race you want to use, the sheer number of cultures we have is definitely not seen elsewhere.
So you'd prefer living in constant fear of being gunned down that coming together as a society and fixing this stupidity.

Oh yeah, I guess that's right, you're probably one of those who believes they're going to keep a tyrannical government in check with their weekend warrior toys.
If you think our government was almost overthrown by dudes with zip ties and flag poles then you must concede they could easily stop our government with real weapons of war.
So you'd prefer living in constant fear of being gunned down that coming together as a society and fixing this stupidity.

Oh yeah, I guess that's right, you're probably one of those who believes they're going to keep a tyrannical government in check with their weekend warrior toys.

you live in constant fear of being gunned down?
The bolded is a false dilemma, and it’s used here all the time. Anyone with sense, and even most liberals believe it or not, don’t want law abiding citizens to give up anything. What most people with some sense do want is being proactive in identifying who shouldn’t be armed with weapons that can kill dozens of people at once and taking steps to keep them out of those hands. I believe the law abiding citizens you speak of should want the same thing, to keep weapons out of the hands of the irresponsible and/or unstable.

Give us a solution that doesn’t infringe upon law abiding citizens.
I can see how that relates to gun violence 😂

I’ll give you two. It is violence that the left doesn’t have an issue with. It is also an example of how far the left will go if they are given any middle ground at all with any issue. Confiscating every firearm is where they will push their agenda.
I’ll give you two. It is violence that the left doesn’t have an issue with. It is also an example of how far the left will go if they are given any middle ground at all with any issue. Confiscating every firearm is where they will push their agenda.
Nice. Hyperbole, false dichotomy, abstraction, deflection, conflation, demonization, assumptions stated as fact, stigmatization… all in a single paragraph. You do propagandists everywhere proud.
Nice. Hyperbole, false dichotomy, abstraction, deflection, conflation, demonization, assumptions stated as fact, stigmatization… all in a single paragraph. You do propagandists everywhere proud.

You asked how we are unique in the equation. We are unique as a free country that has democrats ignoring that violence and embracing the legislation permitting it.

Put away your thesaurus. You don’t know how to use it.
So I’ll pose the same question that I do every time this issue is brought up. When these same mass shootings continue to happen after we ban all the scary looking guns, then what’s the plan going to be?
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So I’ll pose the same question that I do every time this issue is brought up. When these same mass shootings continue to happen after we ban all the scary looking guns, then what’s the plan going to be?
Are you posing a hypothetical question looking for a hypothetical answer?
Hypothetical or not, it’s rather simple. Events like this will still happen after we ban assault weapons. So what’s plan B going to be?

And your proof for that is????

I admit they will likely continue to some degree since there are so many of those stupid things in circulation, but they will likely lessen over time.

What's the argument for why such a ban would have no effect? Most of the most recent mass shootings were with recently acquired AR-15s by late teen/early 20-something men. That demographic would have a hard(er) time getting them if there were a ban.
My proof is common ******* sense.

That's not common sense. If there were a ban on assault rifles (no new ones, no resales), their numbers would gradually shrink over time, if sold on the black market their price would be out of reach for many (especially young troubled men), and those young troubled men would not be able to acquire newly produced ones. That's. Common. Sense.
That's not common sense. If there were a ban on assault rifles (no new ones, no resales), their numbers would gradually shrink over time, if sold on the black market their price would be out of reach for many (especially young troubled men), and those young troubled men would not be able to acquire newly produced ones. That's. Common. Sense.

Why didn't the 1994 a/w ban have the effect you claim?

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