Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

How absurd.
Of course there is a violence problem and of course the tool is relevant.
Of course the tool is relevant.

When your primary concern is reducing the Lethality of the next event, as opposed to the Likelihood of the next event.
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Of course the tool is relevant.

When your primary concern is reducing the Lethality of the next event, as opposed to the Likelihood of the next event.
It's beyond insane to not have them both as primary concerns......and to deny the fact that easy accessibility to guns does not increase the likelihood of the next event.
Well, when we have these every other day, it's kinda gonna work out that a few happen in swing states during election years.

Just a bunch of foul people in the GOP suggesting that this is some sort of Dem conspiracy.

It's beyond insane to not have them both as primary concerns......and to deny the fact that easy accessibility to guns does not increase the likelihood of the next event.
I do not hold them equally as primary concerns.

I consider decreasing the likelihood of the next event as primary to the lethality of the next event, as any reasonable individual would.
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What is deemed “access”? I mean they live in the same house so unless they just left it laying out for him to grab I find it difficult to just start throwing out blame to anyone and everyone.
It should be secured, in a gun safe ideally, if not locked in a closet with a lock on the weapon itself as well.

If he can just walk into Dad's room and grab it from the drawer that isn't good enough, especially since the kid has already declared intentions to harm someone.
Well, when we have these every other day, it's kinda gonna work out that a few happen in swing states during election years.

Just a bunch of foul people in the GOP suggesting that this is some sort of Dem conspiracy.

That's beyond foul, it's sick - are there actually people stupid enough to believe that?
Are there any posters here willing to admit that you think she has a point?
Well, when we have these every other day, it's kinda gonna work out that a few happen in swing states during election years.

Just a bunch of foul people in the GOP suggesting that this is some sort of Dem conspiracy.

Like the foul people in the DNC that suggested the assassination attempt on Trump was a Republican conspiracy?

Foul people are foul people, just make sure you address your house the same as you do others.
Nope - I am in a bordering district.
So the statements about them speaking with he and parents prior about threats is coming from news outlets?

I've been at my second job, just getting home, I only know what's being reported here.
Nope - I am in a bordering district.
This was northeast of Atlanta iirc, I know some of those areas around Buckhead can be hit or miss kind of rough.

Is that school considered a nice community, the grounds looked nice.
So the statements about them speaking with he and parents prior about threats is coming from news outlets?

I've been at my second job, just getting home, I only know what's being reported here.

The 14-year-old student suspected of killing two students and two teachers at the Apalachee High School was questioned by law enforcement last year regarding “several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time,” according to a joint statement from FBI Atlanta and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office.

The online threats included photographs of guns, according to the statement.

The suspect and his father were then interviewed by the county sheriff’s office.

“The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them,” the statement read. “The subject denied making the threats online. Jackson County alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject.
“At that time, there was no probable cause for arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state, or federal levels,” the statement said.
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That might actually pass constitutional muster. But you know as well as I do that any person who wants a gun badly enough will manage to get one. And if not; they will use a butcher knife or a baseball bat.
I’m a staunch supporter on the 2A, but holding gun owners responsible when they allow access to a minor then they take the weapon and shoot to a school isn’t the worst idea. Same goes for the criminal that gets the perpetrator a weapon. And as much as I disagree with LG on this issue, we aren’t talking about baseball bat and butcher knife mass murders in schools. In this case the officer responded like he should and still 4 people died. Without a gun there is no way that happens.

Like I said, I’m a gun enthusiast and sport shooter. I would like to see well trained and armed teachers in schools. But the knife argument in these cases don’t hold much water IMO.

The 14-year-old student suspected of killing two students and two teachers at the Apalachee High School was questioned by law enforcement last year regarding “several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time,” according to a joint statement from FBI Atlanta and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office.

The online threats included photographs of guns, according to the statement.

The suspect and his father were then interviewed by the county sheriff’s office.

“The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them,” the statement read. “The subject denied making the threats online. Jackson County alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject.
“At that time, there was no probable cause for arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state, or federal levels,” the statement said.
Somebody is lying, obviously he had unsupervised access because that is what happened, unless the parent is saying he gave his kid the gun.
It's beyond insane to not have them both as primary concerns......and to deny the fact that easy accessibility to guns does not increase the likelihood of the next event.
Easy accessibility to drugs will most certainly increase the "likelihood" of the next event. How's that war on drugs going btw?

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