Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Once I learned it would be illegal I stopped looking really. Never bought one. So tell me again how big of a hypocrite I am. I own a 22 LR given to me by my dead grandfather that I shoot maybe 3 times in 5 years. And I don't even shoot at anything just fire off into the woods behind my house. Yes yes, such a hypocrite.

You’re breaking the law now. You’re grandfather also broke the law.
Start the clock. Within 24 hours we will probably start getting the news slowly leaking out that the school and/or local authorities had been alerted that this kid was a potential threat and the warnings were ignored…….
Can I call it or what…..

So get your authorities to actually do THEIR jobs first before you even THINK ABOUT going after people’s constitutional rights
Republicans love to ban books in schools, I’m 100% certain books did not kill anyone at that school today.
So you would be for a book outlining how to make improvised bombs etc is appropriate for middle schools.........

Why are you giving a pass to the left when they were pro banning books?
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When you and yours finally recognize that we have a violence problem and the tool is irrelevant we can have a productive discussion. Until then it’s a waste of time.
How absurd.
Of course there is a violence problem and of course the tool is relevant.
My wife said if the kid was already know he should have never been in a regular school or there should have been safe guards in place. She said in TN they have a no tolerance in school on mass threats of violence.

The warnings were not ignored. You guys have no clue how many "potential threats" every school gets every year.
Should they have gone in and removed the guns from the boy's home?
I get it, but if the reports are correct this one seems like it was pretty specific.
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Republicans love to ban books in schools, I’m 100% certain books did not kill anyone at that school today.
Name one single solitary book “banned” by any Republican in any state. We can wait

And before you make the expected lame claim, not carrying a book in a school library is not “banning”. Would you want a school library to maybe not carry Penthouse or Hustler? Would that be a ban of said periodicals since a person could go purchase them elsewhere in the community?
Peel off $40B from the bloated, overspending military industrial complex budget. That would provide all 128,961 public schools with a $300K+ budget for security that includes armed officers, complete with video surveillance in and outside the school, including facial recognition, having to be “buzzed” in and vetted by security before going any further.

Flame away, but it’s better than what we have now or taking it out on responsible gun owners. I’ll post it again after the next school shooting to highlight the continued stupidity and lack of seriousness by Congress. They love a political football so they can exhibit their feigned outrage. They simply don’t care. So many easy solutions in this world and they can’t seem to enact a single one.
No less absurd than believing the problem is solved because you ban a single tool in the kit.
I don't believe anyone believes the problem would be solved. Nothing will completely solve the problem.

I should have avoided entering the discussion.....this one's a little to close to home.
The school is nearby, we played them in football on that field two weeks ago, and a couple of our coaches were friends with the coach/teacher who was killed.

The idiocy exhibited in this thread is just an added layer of sadness.
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Please tell us what metric or number you would accept as having “done enough”

It's not measurable. We know that, for the umpteenth time, a teenager got a gun, took it to school, and killed kids and teachers. It's happening seemingly all the time now. Every month it feels like. It's out of control and the source of that gun needs to face SERIOUS criminal liability for deterrence purposes.
How absurd.
Of course there is a violence problem and of course the tool is relevant.
But remember the correct name of the tool. The gun nuts blow a gasket if you refer to the AR 15 as an Assault Rifle. Call it what it should be called: A Mass Murder Rifle..
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My wife said if the kid was already know he should have never been in a regular school or there should have been safe guards in place. She said in TN they have a no tolerance in school on mass threats of violence.

What this tells us is that the parents knew and kept guns in the house. Assuming it was one of those guns then the parents should be imprisoned for a loooooonnngggggg time. Parents in this situation need to know in the future thay THEY will be held accountable if their guns end up being used by their troubled kids.
The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.
What it tells me is the government isn't able to adequately enforce the laws on the books, this is well established. Why would the answer be more laws of laws aren't even being properly enforced now?

Gun violence to me is usually pumped into three groups.

1) a person at the end of their rope and desperate, one who isn't thinking rationally and possibly mentally disturbed with underlying psychiatric issues.

2) a person who lives in the fringe of society, think outlaws, gangsters, drug dealers and ultra right wackos.

3) mentally ill, misfit, has trouble connecting with people and holding meaningful relationships, a ticking timebomb..... Usually has a lot on common with number 1

The laws in place in theory should catch and prevent a lot of these. What new laws short of complete ban would prevent gun violence from the groups above?
It's not measurable. We know that, for the umpteenth time, a teenager got a gun, took it to school, and killed kids and teachers. It's happening seemingly all the time now. Every month it feels like. It's out of control and the source of that gun needs to face SERIOUS criminal liability for deterrence purposes.

Why are you always looking to blame someone else? If he took the gun without the owners permission then he should be the only one punished.
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What this tells us is that the parents knew and kept guns in the house. Assuming it was one of those guns then the parents should be imprisoned for a loooooonnngggggg time. Parents in this situation need to know in the future thay THEY will be held accountable if their guns end up being used by their troubled kids.

This is so utterly ridiculously stupid.
But remember the correct name of the tool. The gun nuts blow a gasket if you refer to the AR 15 as an Assault Rifle. Call it what it should be called: A Mass Murder Rifle..
That would apply to any rifle that isn't bolt action then. It's a dangerous proposition considering the reason our founding fathers afforded us the right to arms. Further complicated by or governments slow and steady encroachment upon our rights.
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It's not membership. Come on.

It's the NRA killing any meaningful gun reform or effort to hold owners responsible.

I doubt seriously that the shooter bought this gun, himself. He got it from somewhere and that's the choke point we need to address.

If it was from parents, they need to be held criminally and civilly responsible. If from criminals they need to be found and held responsible.

Why didnt the Ds with a POTUS D, Control of House, 60 vote super majority in Senate, Supreme Court advantage, and political cover from prior shootings not so anything meaningful in 2009-2010?

They are just like Trump on getting illegals out of the country..a bunch of hot air...

Ds care more for the $$$ fighting for gun control than actual gun control
What this tells us is that the parents knew and kept guns in the house. Assuming it was one of those guns then the parents should be imprisoned for a loooooonnngggggg time. Parents in this situation need to know in the future thay THEY will be held accountable if their guns end up being used by their troubled kids.
I thought about this earlier. If the FBI is aware they most likely made contact. Part of that contact should have been communicating the consequences of being irresponsible given the fact their kid has made threats to harm.
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What it tells me is the government isn't able to adequately enforce the laws on the books, this is well established. Why would the answer be more laws of laws aren't even being properly enforced now?

Gun violence to me is usually pumped into three groups.

1) a person at the end of their rope and desperate, one who isn't thinking rationally and possibly mentally disturbed with underlying psychiatric issues.

2) a person who lives in the fringe of society, think outlaws, gangsters, drug dealers and ultra right wackos.

3) mentally ill, misfit, has trouble connecting with people and holding meaningful relationships, a ticking timebomb..... Usually has a lot on common with number 1

The laws in place in theory should catch and prevent a lot of these. What new laws short of complete ban would prevent gun violence from the groups above?

The laws we desperately need are to restrict gun ownership and to hold people accountable for the misuse of their guns.
It's not measurable. We know that, for the umpteenth time, a teenager got a gun, took it to school, and killed kids and teachers. It's happening seemingly all the time now. Every month it feels like. It's out of control and the source of that gun needs to face SERIOUS criminal liability for deterrence purposes.
If you can’t give any way of telling that your proposed laws are effective or not; then you have no business passing said law.
Because we all know how this works. You will first hand semiautomatic weapons. Then when another school shooting happens (as it inevitably will), then you will say we need to do “more” and want to ban handguns and bolt action rifles. Then when the next school shooting occurs (as it inevitably will) then we still are doing “enough” and you will want to ban all remaining firearms and we will become basically New Zealand. Then when the inevitable school stagings start, you will go all crazy like the UK and Germany and start banning knives.
So if you are not willing to give a number, we can only assume that any number greater than zero will be used as an excuse to further disarm law abiding citizens.
Please tell me if my logic is flawed in any way.

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