Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change


The 14-year-old student suspected of killing two students and two teachers at the Apalachee High School was questioned by law enforcement last year regarding “several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time,” according to a joint statement from FBI Atlanta and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office.

The online threats included photographs of guns, according to the statement.

The suspect and his father were then interviewed by the county sheriff’s office.

“The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them,” the statement read. “The subject denied making the threats online. Jackson County alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject.
“At that time, there was no probable cause for arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state, or federal levels,” the statement said.
If threats were made online there should be receipts and a trail. The fact law enforcement didn't do enough to determine who made the threats and hold them accountable is concerning. It sounds like they said..... "Well if he said he didn't do it" and left it at that.

Maybe the vast majority of the time it isn't worth it to dig through for the truth. But in cases like this it could have been.

Luther do you know if there is a zero tolerance policy in that school system similar to those in Tennessee that require a student to move to alternative schools if threats like this are made?
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A large number of Dems, would choose trump being assasinated, if their choice was him being assasinated or being POTUS again.

Which is gross and stupid
Oh that's been made clear.

These threads make me nuts, because they are always driven by idiots shaking their fists in the air and blaming the NRA and law-abiding citizens with the Constitutional right to bear arms. Some wack-a-doodle, likely with mental issues (arguably influenced by the factors I outlined previously) breaks the law, accesses guns that should be secured, was already known to authorities that failed at their job, and we have a tragedy.

So, the solution is to (engage the liberal ulterior motive) remove certain guns (which won't change a damn thing) from the possession of law-abiding citizens while not addressing the root causes of these horrific events.

It's as predictable as the sunrise in the morning.
This was northeast of Atlanta iirc, I know some of those areas around Buckhead can be hit or miss kind of rough.

Is that school considered a nice community, the grounds looked nice.
It would be the equivalent of maybe Dixon TN. Mostly blue collar.
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And those things don't seem to be working, do they?

So just keep wasting time and lives, doing the same ineffective things we've been doing for decades
You mean like communism/marxism, and all the failed 20th century failed states and economies?

Your SOOOO close to getting it. Come on you can do it....push that logic through.
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If threats were made online there should be receipts and a trail. The fact law enforcement didn't do enough to determine who made the threats and hold them accountable is concerning. It sounds like they said..... "Well if he said he didn't do it" and left it at that.

Maybe the vast majority of the time it isn't worth it to dig through for the truth. But in cases like this it could have been.

Luther do you know if there is a zero tolerance policy in that school system similar to those in Tennessee that require a student to move to alternative schools if threats like this are made?
Yeah there is, but the problem is in determining what is a "legitimate" and serious threat.
Yeah there is, but the problem is in determining what is a "legitimate" and serious threat.
Which would require more sense then listening to a child say "they didn't do it"... majority of kids lie when confronted with serious wrongdoing.
What this tells us is that the parents knew and kept guns in the house. Assuming it was one of those guns then the parents should be imprisoned for a loooooonnngggggg time. Parents in this situation need to know in the future thay THEY will be held accountable if their guns end up being used by their troubled kids.

I don’t have a problem with this. The same should happen to parents who drug their kids instead of disciplining them and they go on to commit an act like this.
Which would require more sense then listening to a child say "they didn't do it"... majority of kids lie when confronted with serious wrongdoing.
I'm confident it went deeper than that.
It's not a simple black or white issue. 90% lies in gray areas.
99.9% of threats are never carried out.
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I'm confident it went deeper than that.
It's not a simple black or white issue. 90% lies in gray areas.
99.9% of threats are never carried out.
So now words are not violence/actions...that's a 180 shift from previous positions laid out by many DnC voters you think according to what has been reported about the interview, that the process was fully investigated properly?
Once I learned it would be illegal I stopped looking really. Never bought one. So tell me again how big of a hypocrite I am. I own a 22 LR given to me by my dead grandfather that I shoot maybe 3 times in 5 years. And I don't even shoot at anything just fire off into the woods behind my house. Yes yes, such a hypocrite.
"Just fire off into the woods behind my house". I hope you aren't handing out gun safety advice.
Doesn't matter, it should be locked away somewhere he doesn't have access to it as he cannot be trusted.

Exactly. And if you are warned your kid reportedly made these threats, you had better make damn sure THERE IS NO WAY that kid can access your guns. If he does, thats prison time for you.
Exactly. And if you are warned your kid reportedly made these threats, you had better make damn sure THERE IS NO WAY that kid can access your guns. If he does, thats prison time for you.

What if the kid uses another tool? Same consequences for the parents?
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What if the kid uses another tool? Same consequences for the parents?

No. Guns are a different class of quick and deadly. Plus, guns are the tool these kids repeatedly are using and its clear to all that guns are the weapon by far mostly used for these.
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So now words are not violence/actions...that's a 180 shift from previous positions laid out by many DnC voters you think according to what has been reported about the interview, that the process was fully investigated properly?
I think it was. There are thousands of threats made yearly. Every middle/high school continually deals with "threats":
A drawing in a notebook.
A LA paper about violence.
A list of names.
A post in social media.
A comment to a friend.
Viewing guns on your computer while at school.
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No. Guns are a different class of quick and deadly. Plus, guns are the tool these kids repeatedly are using and its clear to all that guns are the weapon by far mostly used for these.

So if a parent is warned that their kid is a nut job, threatening to commit mass murder and they do nothing the parents are off Scot free as long as the kid doesn’t use one of their guns? Am I understanding you correctly?
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