Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

I thought about this earlier. If the FBI is aware they most likely made contact. Part of that contract should have been communicating the consequences of being irresponsible given the fact their kid has made threats to harm.

Yes but if so it's time to truly start holding parents responsible. I'm not talking a few years in jail, I'm talking a few decades
This is so utterly ridiculously stupid.
I really don't think it is. If your kid has threatened to harm others you've been put on notice. You as a parent are at least partly responsible if you allow them access to your weapon
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That would apply to any rifle that isn't bolt action then. It's a dangerous proposition considering the reason our founding fathers afforded us the right to arms. Further complicated by or governments slow and steady encroachment upon our rights.
Yes, I know. You have it so hard because you can’t buy a machine gun. Hopefully you can get through it, we are all pulling for you.
What it tells me is the government isn't able to adequately enforce the laws on the books, this is well established. Why would the answer be more laws of laws aren't even being properly enforced now?

Gun violence to me is usually pumped into three groups.

1) a person at the end of their rope and desperate, one who isn't thinking rationally and possibly mentally disturbed with underlying psychiatric issues.

2) a person who lives in the fringe of society, think outlaws, gangsters, drug dealers and ultra right wackos.

3) mentally ill, misfit, has trouble connecting with people and holding meaningful relationships, a ticking timebomb..... Usually has a lot on common with number 1

The laws in place in theory should catch and prevent a lot of these. What new laws short of complete ban would prevent gun violence from the groups above?
Exactly None.
I really don't think it is. If your kid has threatened to harm others you've been put on notice. You as a parent are at least partly responsible if you allow them access to your weapon
That might actually pass constitutional muster. But you know as well as I do that any person who wants a gun badly enough will manage to get one. And if not; they will use a butcher knife or a baseball bat.
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I really don't think it is. If your kid has threatened to harm others you've been put on notice. You as a parent are at least partly responsible if you allow them access to your weapon

I’m sure they handed it right to him.
Yes, I know. You have it so hard because you can’t buy a machine gun. Hopefully you can get through it, we are all pulling for you.
Most liberals can’t explain the difference between a machine gun and a semiautomatic anyway. I don’t know how many dimocrat idiots in Congress I have heard talking about an AR-15 “spraying bullets”. And then you have THIS absolute idiot on the Supreme Court (who would be in charge of judging any laws further restricting gun ownership) who actually believes a bump stocks let’s you fire 800 rounds PER SECOND
"The function of this trigger is to cause this kind of damage, 800 rounds a second or whatever," Justice Jackson incorrectly claimed during the Wednesday oral arguments.”
Ah, one of our intellectual “betters” who arrogantly thinks they know better than the rest of us how the world should work.
So forgive me if I don’t trust people who know absolutely nothing about the subject trying to regulate things 🙄
They did that.
If that’s the case and the parents didn’t secure those weapons, then I can agree they should be held legally responsible. My kids could never have gotten into my gun safe if they wanted to. There is a level of responsibility that should reasonably be expected if kids are in the house.
Doesn't matter, it should be locked away somewhere he doesn't have access to it as he cannot be trusted.

What is deemed “access”? I mean they live in the same house so unless they just left it laying out for him to grab I find it difficult to just start throwing out blame to anyone and everyone.
What is deemed “access”? I mean they live in the same house so unless they just left it laying out for him to grab I find it difficult to just start throwing out blame to anyone and everyone.
If the FBI talked to the parents as Luther said, they should be held just as accountable as the kid. Unless he was emancipated he is their responsibility.
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