Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Seems like you just admitted gun control measures don't work. That's a good first step.

We seem to have a lot of mental illness in this country among the young. But there seems to be a corresponding lack of willingness to openly question and discuss a lot of things. Take one example, the question of pharmaceutical companies incessantly pumping of vaccines into young children is having an effect in terms of autism and other possible mental problems? If anyone who questions that, they get yelled at and ridiculed as "anti-vax" without any real discussion.

And propose putting armed guards in schools or arming teachers willing to go armed and the left has an absolute meltdown. I'm of the opinion we're dealing with mad dogs and the best way to deal with a mad dog is a bullet to the brain before it bites anyone. Seems like a common sense approach to dealing with a-holes who intend to harm innocent people.

The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.
Once again, a closed door could have prevented this.

One student, Lyela Sayarath, said the suspected shooter left the classroom at the beginning of their Algebra 1 class. When the suspect returned near the end of the class, he knocked to get back in. Another student went to open the door, but Lyela said they noticed the gun and didn’t open the door. She said the shooter went to the classroom next door and opened fire.
No one who supports the open borders and the "Immigration" policies of the Obamas, Harris, and Biden have a finger to point nor anything to say in this thread.
Borders aren't "open". They're not much different than 40 years ago. Drugs came in astronomical amounts. Nancy said "just say no" while cocaine was being dumped on our country. 😂😂😂😂
He thinks laws against drugs stops people from growing, manufacturing, possessing, selling, and using drugs.
You don't have the first damn clue as to what I think. Nevermind the difference about what we actually know. That's a full team of oxen difference
Which circles me back to my first point. Fighting guns with more guns is an absurd solution. We wouldn’t need them in the first place if they weren’t so easily attainable. No need to save the children from something that isn’t there. Politicians and the NRA have you all brainwashed. The propaganda machine is doing its job and filling their pockets with billions while our children die. But hey enjoy your guns!

Lol. I will enjoy my guns as it is my right. Here’s a secret for you, the only ones falling for the propaganda machine is you and people like you. Who gives a s*** about the NRA and politicians have nothing to do with it. Until they decide to (attempt to) change the constitution you need to think of something other than bans or mass confiscation because it ain’t happening.
The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.

Pay attention fellas. This is the exact argument used by people that would like to eventually see mass gun confiscation and a reversal of the 2nd amendment.

“The current measures aren’t strong enough. We must go further” is the continual rallying cry. Just keep saying it over and over until only the government has guns. This is how leftist ultimately achieve their agenda. It’s the playbook.

I don’t believe LG is advocating for such a staunch stance. He’s just a useful idiot that will help get the Commies to their goal.

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