Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change


Pay attention fellas. This is the exact argument used by people that would like to eventually see mass gun confiscation and a reversal of the 2nd amendment.

“The current measures aren’t strong enough. We must go further” is the continual rallying cry. Just keep saying it over and over until only the government has guns. This is how leftist ultimately achieve their agenda. It’s the playbook.

I don’t believe LG is advocating for such a staunch stance. He’s just a useful idiot that will help get the Commies to their goal.

Don’t sell him short. If someone steals your gun and commits a crime LG wants you to be held responsible. Better get that insurance he would also advocates for as well because you know the criminals will.
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Ok, but irrelevant of the point, which you diverted from to attack him

Not irrelevant. Someone crying about guns but was soliciting info on how to obtain one which would be illegal for him. Hypocrites have no business having an opinion. Then if a white person commits a shooting they’re just another white domestic terrorist but a black person is maybe just a mentally ill victim of society.
The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.

Stop giving these school shooters attention would be the first step in the right direction.
Which circles me back to my first point. Fighting guns with more guns is an absurd solution. We wouldn’t need them in the first place if they weren’t so easily attainable. No need to save the children from something that isn’t there. Politicians and the NRA have you all brainwashed. The propaganda machine is doing its job and filling their pockets with billions while our children die. But hey enjoy your guns!
Totally agree. There were absolutely no murders in all of human history before the invention of the firearm. We need to return to those halcyon days when there was no need to save children from them.
Not irrelevant. Someone crying about guns but was soliciting info on how to obtain one which would be illegal for him. Hypocrites have no business having an opinion. Then if a white person commits a shooting they’re just another white domestic terrorist but a black person is maybe just a mentally ill victim of society.
I hope you get your tickets to the Masters
The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.
When you keep trying and every thing you do fails, maybe focus on another solution. More gun laws haven't helped. Maybe look at the causes. Many have been suggested here.
Don’t sell him short. If someone steals your good and commits a crime LG wants you to be held responsible. Better get that insurance he would also advocates for as well because you know the criminals will.
It’s just a simple minded argument. “We just need to keep going further”.

Ignorant college kids make the same argument about socialism. “Oh. That wasn’t real socialism. We just need to take it further and then it will work”.
The fact that previous lame attempts at dealing with gun violence have not worked is no reason to stop the effort. It's simply telling us that what we've done is too weak.

When you and yours finally recognize that we have a violence problem and the tool is irrelevant we can have a productive discussion. Until then it’s a waste of time.
It’s just a simple minded argument. “We just need to keep going further”.

Ignorant college kids make the same argument about socialism. “Oh. That wasn’t real socialism. We just need to take it further and then it will work”.

Until they start fully enforcing the laws on the books his feigned outrage doesn’t mean a thing. Apparently they were warned ahead of time and did nothing. How many times do they arrest someone who is illegally possessing a gun and they get a slap on the wrist? How many times do they have someone on their radar but do nothing until it’s too late? Then there’s the mental illness part where it needs to be addressed but they don’t want to offend anyone.
There needs to be some sort of reforms to keep this from happening, I just don't know what they are. I do know that banning all guns and thoughts and prayers won't work.

A good guy with a gun that is competent stationed at every school seems like a reasonable start.
It was already there

4 dead, 9 wounded. What's this, the second full week of school ? Off to a strong start with the NRA body count total for the year.

Shooter reporter 14 years old. A 14 year old able to obtain a gun. Sheesz.

At least this one will result in some sensible reforms. Except it won't.

What reforms? Its already against the law to murder people.... so keep those bodies cold down in your basement.
I have an idea: let's ban religion from schools, celebrate and popularize gender confusion for minors, put kids through a senseless lockdown and isolation for a respiratory virus that isn't a threat to them, and make hallucinogenic drugs legal and much more available to children. I bet that will help with mental illness and, in turn, school shootings.
Also. Let's completely destroy families so nobody is home to hold these kids accountable. Let's take parent ability to parent away from kids. Instead of teaching kids the truth that there are different levels and playing fields, we will just hold the smart ones back to make the others feels better about themselves.
It's intresting to me how those who scream about guns never want to attack the real issues.
Not irrelevant. Someone crying about guns but was soliciting info on how to obtain one which would be illegal for him.
Once I learned it would be illegal I stopped looking really. Never bought one. So tell me again how big of a hypocrite I am. I own a 22 LR given to me by my dead grandfather that I shoot maybe 3 times in 5 years. And I don't even shoot at anything just fire off into the woods behind my house. Yes yes, such a hypocrite.
Here is a simple straight line for you ... go forth in an effort to amend the Constitution with your liberal buddies.
I don’t need my liberal buddies. I can just “suspend the Constitution” like Trump said we should do during one of his twitter meltdowns about the 2020 election. Thanks for the reminder bow tie.. .

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