Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Probably their parents weapon. They should be charged too. Proposing a solution is meaningless, the corrupt politicians that are paid off by big corporations will be sure nothing changes. These same people get people like yall on their side with propaganda. And I hate it bc you’re all great people.

I see only 2 people in this thread brainwashed by propaganda.
Probably their parents weapon. They should be charged too. Proposing a solution is meaningless, the corrupt politicians that are paid off by big corporations will be sure nothing changes. These same people get people like yall on their side with propaganda. And I hate it bc you’re all great people.
What propaganda do you suggest is being used to "get people like us on their side, " believing that we have a Constitutional right to bear arms for protection against evil people and/or a tyrannical government?
I’m not truthfully sure what can be done but what we are doing isn’t working. But all of your guns are safe, the NRA won’t stop filling the pockets of politicians so they’ll make sure nothing changes
The idea that a 2nd amendment advocate, or even the NRA, is somehow cognitively placing a higher priority on gun ownership over kids lives is past absurd.

There is cognitive dissonance with what you are saying, actually. "I don't know what laws not already in place could have prevented this, but it is the NRA's and gun lover's fault that those laws haven't been passed".

You are not making any sense, just attacking people who are trying to discuss solutions.
Once again, protecting your family with guns from people with guns. It is a contradiction.
You realize all threats are not entirely from "other guns". I'm going to assume you are unaware that, according to the FBI's UCR in most any given year you are more likely to die by blunt object, (hammers, etc) while even more likely to die with no weapon of any kind (punched/kicked, etc) and FAR more likely to be killed by "knives or cutting instruments" than all rifle types combined.
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What propaganda do you suggest is being used to "get people like us on their side, " believing that we have a Constitutional right to bear arms for protection against evil people and/or a tyrannical government?
Communists do believe that's propaganda....
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I have an idea: let's ban religion from schools, celebrate and popularize gender confusion for minors, put kids through a senseless lockdown and isolation for a respiratory virus that isn't a threat to them, and make hallucinogenic drugs legal and much more available to children. I bet that will help with mental illness and, in turn, school shootings.
Why is that a contradiction? Do you know the meaning of that word?

Do police need guns to protect themselves and others from people with guns? Does our military need planes to protect against other countries with planes? Are those contradictions?

Do you think our forefathers thought it was a contradiction when they wrote the Constitution?
"Guns aren't a problem but also I need a gun to protect my family from guns"
Which circles me back to my first point. Fighting guns with more guns is an absurd solution. We wouldn’t need them in the first place if they weren’t so easily attainable. No need to save the children from something that isn’t there. Politicians and the NRA have you all brainwashed. The propaganda machine is doing its job and filling their pockets with billions while our children die. But hey enjoy your guns!
This ranks right up there with "violence never solves anything" in terms of completely inane pablum.

Yes, when presented with a monster armed with a gun or knife/club/car/whatever, a gun is likely an excellent solution to the immediate problem.
Which circles me back to my first point. Fighting guns with more guns is an absurd solution. We wouldn’t need them in the first place if they weren’t so easily attainable. No need to save the children from something that isn’t there. Politicians and the NRA have you all brainwashed. The propaganda machine is doing its job and filling their pockets with billions while our children die. But hey enjoy your guns!
Republicans love to ban books in schools, I’m 100% certain books did not kill anyone at that school today.
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I have an idea: let's ban religion from schools, celebrate and popularize gender confusion for minors, put kids through a senseless lockdown and isolation for a respiratory virus that isn't a threat to them, and make hallucinogenic drugs legal and much more available to children. I bet that will help with mental illness and, in turn, school shootings.
So we are big on the second amendment, but not so much on the first? (I'm with you on the rest)
Republicans love to ban books in schools, I’m 100% certain books did not kill anyone at that school today.
The Communist Manifesto has inspired the killings of more people than guns. Even to this day. Ideologies have killed more than guns ever have or will.
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I have an idea: let's ban religion from schools, celebrate and popularize gender confusion for minors, put kids through a senseless lockdown and isolation for a respiratory virus that isn't a threat to them, and make hallucinogenic drugs legal and much more available to children. I bet that will help with mental illness and, in turn, school shootings.
Preach brother.

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