Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

Gotcha. So, to be clear, you've ran with an opinion drawn from an unknown source for, what, multiple decades?
So to be clear as usual your assuming something. That wasn't an opinion. It was an understanding. But you keep freaking out over nothing.
So to be clear as usual your assuming something. That wasn't an opinion. It was an understanding. But you keep freaking out over nothing.
I'm freaking out? News to me.

You just seem panty bunched over having your reasoning (lack thereof) being emboldened.

At least I respect you enough to not *want* you to be an idiot.
I'm freaking out? News to me.

You just seem panty bunched over having your reasoning (lack thereof) being emboldened.

At least I respect you enough to not *want* you to be an idiot.

KiddieDoc had explained it to him several pages back. And it sounded like in the past pharmaceutical companies used to be able to "reward" Drs who prescribed their stuff.
KiddieDoc had explained it to him several pages back. And it sounded like in the past pharmaceutical companies used to be able to "reward" Drs who prescribed their stuff.

Yep. I read it.

Just blows my mind that lines of logic can collect dust for that long when preceding a pretty scathing understanding.
I'm freaking out? News to me.

You just seem panty bunched over having your reasoning (lack thereof) being emboldened.

At least I respect you enough to not *want* you to be an idiot.
You seem to be the one freaking out. Doc eluded to that used to be a thing. He didn't say hiw long ago. I would say my point is still valid that kids are over prescribed adhd drugs. I mean these mass shootings by 20 somethings could fall in the time frame of docs getting benefits for prescribing them, no?
You seem to be the one freaking out. Doc eluded to that used to be a thing. He didn't say hiw long ago. I would say my point is still valid that kids are over prescribed adhd drugs. I mean these mass shootings by 20 somethings could fall in the time frame of docs getting benefits for prescribing them, no?

To answer your question, no.

Circa Columbine? Sure.

I'm sorry if you feel attacked. I'm just trying to render your reasoning. Don't worry. I'm not freaking out. I'm drinking tequila at 3 in the afternoon before vacationing for a week. Lol.
Good assessment. I do not believe for a second Luth does or would lie to antagonize. As crazy as he may seem, his commtiment to his derangement is honest. I respect that even though he is contradictory and has not nor never will admit that he is wrong on something.

Fact of the matter is that a person with a knife can absolutely inflict as much or more damage than a person with a gun. They can get more deaths in before people realize what's happening. And even though bullets may be flying, and collateral injuries will happen, most deaths in gun mass shootings happen early on, and everyone knows what that sound means and scatters. Guns provide a personal separation from having to get your hands dirty and are a more natural choice in the matter. Just like standard homicides, knives are personal. Guns are for detached execution.
I watched Predator, knives and phasor blasts much more lethal.
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that is 100% total BS - rightwing propaganda.

Feel free to prove me wrong - someone find the CNN link.
Yet to be determined unless you choose to infer from comments in a CNN article what "being picked on relentlessly day after day after day" at school means.

The only info released on the kid thus far is the s**t life he allegedly endured from his two parents. But, that doesn't equate to a school shooting per se. Clarification on what he went through at school and why would have to come about.
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