Appropriate punishment or not?

Someone posted sentences of others who killed with a punch. Dunkin-Man's sentence isn't equivalent.
I wonder how many situations where intentional punches but unintentional deaths are punished similarly to Dunkin-Man?
I would guess not many. I would think most cases where the outcome is death would result in some prison time.

But there is a problem in this country of disproportionate prison sentences for the same crimes. It's normally argued in the reverse order, where it is minorities receiving harsher sentences. The correction should be race not playing a role in sentencing, but sadly, many would support the idea of just reversing the racial roles where minorities get the lesser sentences. That's not equality, just more racism/bigotry. The color of one's skin should not be a factor when it comes to the law. Unfortunately, we have made it one in this country.
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Im thinking along those lines, too. But even in the legal system, we see how some lives are given high value and others low value.
I choose to believe the life of the homeless guy on the corner is just as valuable as the President of the United States. I expect many to disagree, but I just don't care. Life is valuable.
I would guess not many. I would think most cases where the outcome is death would result in some prison time.

But there is a problem in this country of disproportionate prison sentences for the same crimes. It's normally argued in the reverse order, where it is minorities receiving harsher sentences. The correction should be race not playing a role in sentencing, but sadly, many would support the idea of just reversing the racial roles where minorities get the lesser sentences. That's not equality, just more racism/bigotry. The color of one's skin should not be a factor when it comes to the law. Unfortunately, we have made it one in this country.
Lady Justice isn't blindfolded, for sure.

Back to same crimes disparate sentences, aren't there famous people (actors, musicians, etc) who have killed others recklessly driving or driving while intoxicated who get a slap on the wrist?
Bruce Jenner?
Leif Garret?
Lady Justice isn't blindfolded, for sure.

Back to same crimes disparate sentences, aren't there famous people (actors, musicians, etc) who have killed others recklessly driving or driving while intoxicated who get a slap on the wrist?
Bruce Jenner?
Leif Garret?
Yes, Former Vol Leonard Little is on that list.
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I choose to believe the life of the homeless guy on the corner is just as valuable as the President of the United States. I expect many to disagree, but I just don't care. Life is valuable.
How about the life of a terminal cancer patient in their 70s and the life of a brilliant surgeon who just finished residency?
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How about the life of a terminal cancer patient in their 70s and the life of a brilliant surgeon who just finished residency?
Still of equal value IMO. Are you asking me to choose if one lives and one dies or something? Not my judgement to make.

I guess my one caveat is I do believe in the death penalty, so there are certain crimes I think should result in the forfeiture of one's life. And of course, I'm fine with actual self-defense.
Do you find those situations similar to the situation between Dunkin-Man and old racist?
I've always said LL got off far too light, especially since he was busted for DUI again after the incident where he killed someone.

I've not really put enough thought into the overall question though.
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Still of equal value IMO. Are you asking me to choose if one lives and one dies or something? Not my judgement to make.

I guess my one caveat is I do believe in the death penalty, so there are certain crimes I think should result in the forfeiture of one's life. And of course, I'm fine with actual self-defense.
No. Not asking you to choose. Just trying to understand you better.

If I, hypothetically, mercy killed my father when he was suffering with Pancreatic cancer, I would be taking his life. His life has value. Should I be punished? Did I do wrong?
How about the life of a terminal cancer patient in their 70s and the life of a brilliant surgeon who just finished residency?
Thinking more about the intrinsic value of life, I have to admit, I'd probably put more value to women than men. But we're going down a philosophical rabbit hole. I think under the law, all human life should have equal value.
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No. Not asking you to choose. Just trying to understand you better.

If I, hypothetically, mercy killed my father when he was suffering with Pancreatic cancer, I would be taking his life. His life has value. Should I be punished? Did I do wrong?
Not if it was his choice, IMO. If he was begging you not do, and you did so anyway, then yes.
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Lol at comparing “cracker” to the N word like the most clueless of white people. Killing someone for punching you in the face once in a situation you created isn’t “self-defense” anyway, so no, no one black or white should be shooting someone over this. Wtf kind of trigger-happy country are we in
Actually getting violent and killing someone because they called you a name is the most low IQ move ever. Typical though of those raised a certain way with an overly emotional mother and no father figure
How about let’s not march into a store and start calling people the n-word over sh*tty coffee and donuts? Play stupid games you’ll win stupid prizes.

I try to put myself in the shoes of each person and assess relatability. With the worker, I think 99.9% of the time I could brush the old man off and handle him through the correct channels… but if he caught me on that one wrong day, I can relate to hauling off and punching him. On the flip side, I can 100% say I don’t relate to marching into a dunk’n a berating a worker, calling him the n-word. Even on my worst day I’m confident in saying I would never do that.

What does that mean in relation to liability? Probably nothing, but it informs my opinion that most of the responsibility for the incident rests with the instigator. The manager deserves punishment for retaliating and escalating, but he didn’t start the whole thing.
You’re an idiot then if you assault someone over being called a name. Lol.
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Hence why I said 99.9% of the time I, personally, would handle it differently. I understand this concept. But maybe the day you decide to go on a racist tirade is the day you catch someone who just finalized a divorce and lost custody of their kids or some other awful scenario… or maybe you went off on someone with bipolar. That’s the risk you run going on a racist tirade I guess.
Hahaha what BS
The guy was asking to get punched, he got punched.

The Dunkin employee is working, a ****** job, trying to make his way. He's not a criminal. He's not a cop entrusted to protect the community. The guy asked to get punched, he got punched. There's no point in sending him to prison. I'm sure he regrets killing him. He'll get counseling. Look, nature is still nature. Don't start fights and assume you'll just walk away.
He’s a criminal because he assaults old people over being called names.
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Trump talks about punching protestors - “hell yeah!”
Woman annoys and talks **** to a guy at football game and her boyfriend/husband gets knocked out as a result - “hell yeah!”
Guy gets punched after verbally assaulting someone and using a racial slur repeatedly - “poor guy, I can’t stand these savage black people who can’t even act like humans or adults - they’re all like three-year-olds”

If someone punches anyone over being called a name they are a moronic idiot. Period. Regardless of race Not surprised that you would defend it though
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My two cents...neither of those two incidents rise to the level of confrontation that happened in this case. The guy was just working his Dunkin shift when some ******* barges in and calls him the N word. That is asking for it....and it matters to me, in a world where nobody wants to work, that this guy was just trying to do his crappy job.

Edit: the one guy had a minimum of three years.
Still doesn’t justify assaulting someone over being called a name. Ever
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If the person getting punched had been talking **** to a military service member about his service, his friends that died in combat, etc. I’m pretty confident that many of these same people would be fully on board with punching someone over “just words”. The N word just isn’t seen as an important enough word here
No violence is justified over calling a name. It’s stupid to think otherwise and is why some are looked at as emotional whiny morons who can’t control themselves
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Lady Justice isn't blindfolded, for sure.

Back to same crimes disparate sentences, aren't there famous people (actors, musicians, etc) who have killed others recklessly driving or driving while intoxicated who get a slap on the wrist?
Bruce Jenner?
Leif Garret?

But isn't that misapplication of law, and sometimes even the Madoffs, Epsteins, Cosbys and O.J.s get what's coming? Like all things human, justice is perfect and equitable to the degree we establish that as its function and pursue it despite the blemishes.
How about let’s not march into a store and start calling people the n-word over sh*tty coffee and donuts? Play stupid games you’ll win stupid prizes.

I try to put myself in the shoes of each person and assess relatability. With the worker, I think 99.9% of the time I could brush the old man off and handle him through the correct channels… but if he caught me on that one wrong day, I can relate to hauling off and punching him. On the flip side, I can 100% say I don’t relate to marching into a dunk’n a berating a worker, calling him the n-word. Even on my worst day I’m confident in saying I would never do that.

What does that mean in relation to liability? Probably nothing, but it informs my opinion that most of the responsibility for the incident rests with the instigator. The manager deserves punishment for retaliating and escalating, but he didn’t start the whole thing.
Playing stupid games is hitting an elderly man regardless of what he said…. And killing him.

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