Appropriate punishment or not?

FYP, and people of all races punch people over words all the time.

Oh so he didn't kill him? My mistake. Well, no big deal then.

People of all races punch over words, but almost none of those instances are seen as justified. Yet when a black dude lacks the self control to not punch and kill an elderly man because of one tiny word, it is seen as "Well what did you expect! He's a black guy who heard the forbidden word!". Such low expectation you alt-left bigots have for black people. Are they human beings? If so, then they should be able to hear a word without flying off the handle. And if they do fly off the handle and kill someone, they should be punished as if they are adult human beings capable of contemplating actions and consequences. Not treated like a three year old who hit his sister because she took his toy car.
Oh so he didn't kill him? My mistake. Well, no big deal then.

People of all races punch over words, but almost none of those instances are seen as justified. Yet when a black dude lacks the self control to not punch and kill an elderly man because of one tiny word, it is seen as "Well what did you expect! He's a black guy who heard the forbidden word!". Such low expectation you alt-left bigots have for black people. Are they human beings? If so, then they should be able to hear a word without flying off the handle. And if they do fly off the handle and kill someone, they should be punished as if they are adult human beings capable of contemplating actions and consequences. Not treated like a three year old who hit his sister because she took his toy car.

Trump talks about punching protestors - “hell yeah!”
Woman annoys and talks **** to a guy at football game and her boyfriend/husband gets knocked out as a result - “hell yeah!”
Guy gets punched after verbally assaulting someone and using a racial slur repeatedly - “poor guy, I can’t stand these savage black people who can’t even act like humans or adults - they’re all like three-year-olds”

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Im curious if there's security video of the altercation in the drive thru. We're words exchanged or did the old man get pissed because the line was not moving before he got to the window and just storm inside?
Trump talks about punching protestors - “hell yeah!”
Woman annoys and talks **** to a guy at football game and her boyfriend/husband gets knocked out as a result - “hell yeah!”
Guy gets punched after verbally assaulting someone and using a racial slur repeatedly - “poor guy, I can’t stand these savage black people who can’t even act like humans or adults - they’re all like three-year-olds”


Your idiotic take on it is the problem.
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Sure, not the fact that this board advocates violence all the time and suddenly morphs into Mahatma Gandhi in defense of the guy using the N-word

I hope you're not black because I don't want to be accused of a hate crime when I tell you that you form arguments like a mentally handicapped person.
Self defense is not the same as hitting someone for saying a word.

If the person getting punched had been talking **** to a military service member about his service, his friends that died in combat, etc. I’m pretty confident that many of these same people would be fully on board with punching someone over “just words”. The N word just isn’t seen as an important enough word here
I hope you're not black because I don't want to be accused of a hate crime when I tell you that you form arguments like a mentally handicapped person.

From the guy saying with a straight face that Black people have it too easy in this country, I will take that as a compliment
He was found guilty. Nobody gave him a medal. Just don't disagree as strongly as others with the lack of prison time.

I'm posting because...old racists get upset going through the drivethru line, proceeds to take his tantrum inside, uses the most derogatory word in our language, and folks are all high and mighty that he got punched. That sounds like something a large number of us would do if we ignored the civil/legal repercussions. He happened to die, and that sucks. But 10 years in prison solves nothing.
Our legal system isn't built on the concept that all life is equally valuable. Nor is it built on the notion cause of death or intention of perpetrator is inconsequential to punishment.

I disagree; it is a BCE-dated principle that is the very foundation of democratic or republican law, classical liberal jurisprudence. It is synonymous with equal treatment before the law, else the principle has no basis at all. The only time a life is worth less before the law is if injured or taken in defense, and even that is examined.

Nor did I imply that cause (manner) of death or intent is inconsequential, but the opposite. In fact I removed from my post 'intent and manner of injury are used to append penalty' but removed it as unnecessary. The substantial, core penalty is because I whacked you; intent and how I whacked you are penalty modifiers. Your life is the core value being protected, not why and how it was removed.

Are we having a semantic difference?
Not appropriate. You dont get to accidentally kill someone for saying something bad. To completely avoid jail time doesnt seem correct at all for someone being dead.

I was curious about why would the attackers age matter as reasoning for not putting him in jail. He's 27. I understand, dont agree with it, their slanted reasoning on the racial stuff, and the lack of previous criminal charges was obviously a thing in his favor. But I dont get age being one of the reasons he avoided jail.

It's not like he is a minor. Or even borderline. Or an old guy himself where jail might kill him.
He was found guilty. Nobody gave him a medal. Just don't disagree as strongly as others with the lack of prison time.

I'm posting because...old racists get upset going through the drivethru line, proceeds to take his tantrum inside, uses the most derogatory word in our language, and folks are all high and mighty that he got punched. That sounds like something a large number of us would do if we ignored the civil/legal repercussions. He happened to die, and that sucks. But 10 years in prison solves nothing.
We arent high and mighty that he got punched. It's high and mighty that he is dead.
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I disagree; it is a BCE-dated principle that is the very foundation of democratic or republican law, classical liberal jurisprudence. It is synonymous with equal treatment before the law, else the principle has no basis at all. The only time a life is worth less before the law is if injured or taken in defense, and even that is examined.

Nor did I imply that cause (manner) of death or intent is inconsequential, but the opposite. In fact I removed from my post 'intent and manner of injury are used to append penalty' but removed it as unnecessary. The substantial, core penalty is because I whacked you; intent and how I whacked you are penalty modifiers. Your life is the core value being protected, not why and how it was removed.

Are we having a semantic difference?
I don't think we are having a semantic difference.

Life isn't equal under our laws. It may be equal in the theoretical ideals behind the legal decisions but it isn't in application.
Method of death is also considered during punishment. Dunkin man assaulted intentionally. But killed accidentally. There was no opportunity to reconsider the situation once the punch landed. Chauvin / Floyd could be considered accidental too but there were hundreds of seconds where Chauvin could have reconsider his actions.

Different situations = different sentences.
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My two cents...neither of those two incidents rise to the level of confrontation that happened in this case. The guy was just working his Dunkin shift when some ******* barges in and calls him the N word. That is asking for it....and it matters to me, in a world where nobody wants to work, that this guy was just trying to do his crappy job.

Edit: the one guy had a minimum of three years.
If the person getting punched had been talking **** to a military service member about his service, his friends that died in combat, etc. I’m pretty confident that many of these same people would be fully on board with punching someone over “just words”. The N word just isn’t seen as an important enough word here

Are you proclaiming the use of the N-word justifies violence?

Given this and the Kyle Rittenhouse situation would you say both were justified in their use of violence, neither were justified, or 1 of them specifically was justified?

It's seen as so important that the vast majority of people won't even type it.
Are you proclaiming the use of the N-word justifies violence?

Given this and the Kyle Rittenhouse situation would you say both were justified in their use of violence, neither were justified, or 1 of them specifically was justified?

It's seen as so important that the vast majority of people won't even type it.
The N word was also used on Rittenhouse.....

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