Are Asian Americans “White Adjacent”?

Yeah that's nice, but it's never going to happen so I'm trying to make sure we don't talk past each other and that we get the most out of the conversations.

A good portion of the country has been pretending IR doesn't exist and that hasn't helped anything, and I think it's made things worse. Imagine if we ended the war on drugs 25 years ago because we actually talked **** out and found some common ground? Honestly, our differences in America are why the WoD existed and ramped up but if we focused on anything other than our differences, we would've figured out what a detriment it has been.
Yet the left does nothing but focus on our differences. We all have a lot in common but it is the left who is constantly trying to pit one people against another. It’s the left who can’t get past the color of one’s skin.
BTW, this thread started out on the wrong foot. You guys are roasting a concept that you don't seem to fully understand. Being "too white" or successful isn't what makes someone/some group white adjacent. It's benefiting from upholding the power structure that exists. So a black cop in Baltimore who is getting ahead in his career by violating minority rights would be considered white adjacent.

It's hard to find who is actually calling Asian Americans white adjacent as a group. I googled a few queries and came up with OP's article and little else, and that article is short on those details.
You keep trying to broaden the conversation. I am happy to discuss the larger implications of institutional racism elsewhere.

This is specific to Asian Americans and how they are viewed (or not viewed) in light of their overwhelming success in our system.
The only thing you have butchered is the English language.
Starting early today, I see. You just wait until I have my coffee and my brain wakes up and I get a handle on my work from the 3 day weekend and I knock out some chores and run some errands and have a bite to eat and take a look at a renovation project...then you will feel my verbal wrath.
Starting early today, I see. You just wait until I have my coffee and my brain wakes up and I get a handle on my work from the 3 day weekend and I knock out some chores and run some errands and have a bite to eat and take a look at a renovation project...then you will feel my verbal wrath.

Run on now. Your threats dont effect me.
Yet the left does nothing but focus on our differences. We all have a lot in common but it is the left who is constantly trying to pit one people against another. It’s the left who can’t get past the color of one’s skin.

Yeah, it's all on the left.
You keep trying to broaden the conversation. I am happy to discuss the larger implications of institutional racism elsewhere.

This is specific to Asian Americans and how they are viewed (or not viewed) in light of their overwhelming success in our system.

Haha, so I can't define the term you are applying to them, or get references for its usage? Wtf
I cannot recall off the top of my head. Apparently the author was motivated by a book titled. White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo.

He cites that book to use the definition I am using (not the "successful" or "too white" definition people ITT are using) but does not cite anything that indicates CRT posits AA are the most white adjacent. He just tells us that is so.
He cites that book to use the definition I am using (not the "successful" or "too white" definition people ITT are using) but does not cite anything that indicates CRT posits AA are the most white adjacent. He just tells us that is so.
I am not familiar with the book he cites. Are you? If so, do you have any thoughts on it?
I am not familiar with the book he cites. Are you? If so, do you have any thoughts on it?

No, I do not. I don't know all that much about CRT or passing* or any of this, but I am able to defend it OK because people attacking it don't know that much about it either.

Strangely, the only reference on Wikipedia to white adjacency was by somebody named Rhea Rahman who wrote about the adjacency of Muslims vs. radical black Muslims which actually makes a lot of sense to me as a concept, and creates a picture that is less confusing (it's not based on the success of the group or this concept of being "too white"). Nothing about Asian Americans and WA in all of wiki land.

*The term that is most commonly used relating to this idea of white adjacency.
Just go back to the post you quoted, lol. Explaining the definition is the entire point of the post. I wasn't trying to broaden the convo
You keep trying to intertwine institutional racism and the black experience in this country.

This is specifically about Asian Americans and their success and implications for Identity Politics. (Which is separate and different from institutional racism).
You keep trying to intertwine institutional racism and the black experience in this country.

This is specifically about Asian Americans and their success and implications for Identity Politics. (Which is separate and different from institutional racism).

You literally said that IR has to do with the point.

Of course Asian Americans face institutional racism. And they are thriving.

That’s kinda the point. Right?
You literally said that IR has to do with the point.
You asked if they faced IR. I said yes, they do.
And in spite of that - they are thriving.

But the article and thread is about Identity Politics and if Asian Americans are too successful to be considered “minority” - it is not a discussion on whether they face IR.

Do you believe Asian Americans are unfairly labeled/treated/viewed by other minorities due to their success? That is really the point of this.
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I had not heard this term - “White Adjacent”

Asian Americans have long thrown a wrench in Identity Politics. They completely upend the narrative. Is this the new method to discount them and separate them out from under the ubiquitous “POC” umbrella?

Critical race theory has no idea what to do with Asian Americans | Opinion

What say you?
Are Asian Americans “too white” to be considered a real minority, or are they just White-ish?

Asians value family and hard work, the Left values neither of those so they are written off as "minorities"
Asians value family and hard work, the Left values neither of those so they are written off as "minorities"
I don’t think that’s it.

Hispanics are stereotyped all the time for their “work ethic” and are still considered minority.

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