Arian Foster admits to taking money at UT...

i have always defended and supported Foster even when he was here. I have cheered his success in the NFL and was glad to say hey that guy is a Vol killing it in the league.. Not anymore I don't care about my fantasy points. I hope he goes negative yardage every single time he touches a football. He could care less about the University.
Lets hope you can laugh this off. Maybe I forgot, but didn't the NCAA recently vacate years of victories from Penn State? And while that situation is horrific, that didn't even have anything to do with the actual results on the field (IE, none of the payers would have been ineligible because of Sandusky). The NCAA could look here and say in the past 3 weeks, 3 players have been implicated or admitted to impermissible benefits. For a school that is already on probation, I really think the NCAA could throw the hammer at Tennessee.

The state of Pennsylvania is also suing the NCAA because they had to legal bounds to do what they did to a state institution. And (please don't take this wrong or make stupid comments about it) I don't think that Sandusky committed NCAA violations. As morally disgusting as it was, it wasn't an NCAA issue.

That's why the NCAA has no credibility anymore. The NCAA commissioner is a screw up himself. Give it a decade or so and his ish will hit the fan. That dude must know some high ups somewhere because his record is failure and destruction leading to promotions. Much like Kiffin.

This whole issue shouldn't cause UT any trouble. I honestly think Mike Slive and the SEC have more power than the NCAA. Jmo
This is a HUGE problem for UT. I don't see any reason the NCAA won't vacate every single win where Foster played. While his time on campus may not have been a great time for UT, it just sucks.

I see one major reason being that the ncaa can't do anything since it is outside the ncaa's 4 year statute of limitations.
I virtually never post, but this A Foster sh** pisses me off. I have called him "Fumbling Foster", like the rest of you, but I never had anything personal against him and I was always proud of him for doing well in the NFL.

He sucks big fat sticks for the sh** he pulled in that interview. Furious....

I see one major reason being that the ncaa can't do anything since it is outside the ncaa's 4 year statute of limitations.

But again, UT is currently on probation. Perhaps they cannot vacate wins from over 4 years ago, but can they extend our probation? Can they reduce scholly's? I don't know, I don't think anyone knows for sure.
Demarius Thomas took $60 of free clothes from his cousin and when he found out it may have been an NCAA violation, he gave the clothes back. I bet 70% of the country would have thought that was ridiculous just like this. However, that didn't prevent the NCAA from vacating Georgia Tech's 2009 ACC championship because of it.

Maybe we are seeing with Manziel that the NCAA has been neutered and nothing will come from this. But you cannot convince me these recent claims of players taking money is good for Tennessee in the long run.

Nothing much would have happened in the Thomas case if Thomas just told the truth. Unfortunately, some at GT gave him a heads up and "interfered" with the investigation.

"The staff members provided, before the NCAA could conduct their interview, information about what would be discussed in the interview," NCAA committee on infractions chairman Dennis Thomas said. "These actions impeded the enforcement staff investigations and hindered the committee in getting to the truth in this case. Otherwise, this case, as it pertains to the football program, would have been limited to impermissible benefits and preferential treatment violations."
Lets hope you can laugh this off....... The NCAA could look here and say in the past 3 weeks, 3 players have been implicated or admitted to impermissible benefits. For a school that is already on probation, I really think the NCAA could throw the hammer at Tennessee.

First as far as the Western Union Fiasco they would have to treat Alabama, Tennessee, and Mississippi State they have to be willing to hammer all three. Coach Jones IMMEDIATELY took Couch out of circulation and has been completely obliging to NCAA. Secondly, all we have is a general claim by Foster, we don't know who gave him money and when, and neither does the NCAA, unless they connect that in fact to someone and find a case it's just him shooting off his mouth.

Lastly......Given where we're at as a program, as long as we keep the 99 Nat Championship, I don't think many TN fans would care that much about many seasons since...the nice nice thing about reaching rock bottom now is there's not much space to fall. I'd be far more worried as a Alabama fan....

Willing to bet some of the money here like the Western Union scandel has to do with Agents....I think the NCAA realizes they have to be careful with this, hammer schools for what a non affiliated person located near a rival school does? We'd have people sending money to rivals schools left and right over night.
Someone help me with this. I have read here and other places that there is a 4 year statute of limitations. Is this new? If not, how was the NCAA able to vacate Penn State wins from 1998 to 2011 (only wins back to 2008 were within 4 years)? And not only that, but the current Penn State penalty is from an event that happened a decade prior? Not trying to compare taco's with what Sandusky did, but trying to look for recent NCAA penalties.
Someone help me with this. I have read here and other places that there is a 4 year statute of limitations. Is this new? If not, how was the NCAA able to vacate Penn State wins from 1998 to 2011 (only wins back to 2008 were within 4 years)? And not only that, but the current Penn State penalty is from an event that happened a decade prior? Not trying to compare taco's with what Sandusky did, but trying to look for recent NCAA penalties.

What the NCAA did in the Sandusky case is unprecedented. It has nothing at all to do with extra benefits.
But again, UT is currently on probation. Perhaps they cannot vacate wins from over 4 years ago, but can they extend our probation? Can they reduce scholly's? I don't know, I don't think anyone knows for sure.

It doesn't matter that we are on probation, since it happened more than 4 years ago the ncaa cannot do a thing to us
arian foster is a douchebag. i think it is pretty clear that he just partied and took his junior and senior year off based on his freshman and sophomore years and his career in the nfl. pretty clear he never cared about tennessee.
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arian foster is a douchebag. i think it is pretty clear that he just partied and took his junior and senior year off based on his freshman and sophomore years and his career in the nfl. pretty clear he never cared about tennessee.

He rushed for nearly 1200 yards his JUNIOR year, by far and away his best year.
Manziel denied taking money . . . that's an important detail not to lose in the conversation.

Yet met with the NCAA for 7 hours and reached a settlement for a suspension.

Get real. He made $$ and every one knows it. The NCAA's hands are tied. UT will be fine.
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He rushed for nearly 1200 yards his JUNIOR year, by far and away his best year.

he still got fat and slow. he looked like he picked up about 30 lbs between sophomore and junior year and it was not muscle. after his first two seasons i really thought hed be a top 3 rb in the country his jr and sr year
I was a full scholarship athlete in college. I chose to move off campus after 2 years in the dorms. I received the money for the cost a dorm at the beginning of the semester. I also chose to get a smaller meal plan since I was off campus, and got the leftover money from that as well. I also got money (over a thousand) each semester from financial aid (pell grant) as I was a full qualifier. (In-state full scholarship athletes also get to keep any lottery scholarship money they qualify for these days) That equaled several thousand dollars each semester. I also got a few hundred dollars each year for clothes and school supplies through some grant. I budgeted it accordingly and always had plenty of money for rent, clothes, bills, food, gas, beer, etc. Several teammates would blow the money and then they were screwed. Hence, coaches don't like players moving off campus. Foster just wasn't very smart with his extra money if he was really that broke.
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Someone help me with this. I have read here and other places that there is a 4 year statute of limitations. Is this new? If not, how was the NCAA able to vacate Penn State wins from 1998 to 2011 (only wins back to 2008 were within 4 years)? And not only that, but the current Penn State penalty is from an event that happened a decade prior? Not trying to compare taco's with what Sandusky did, but trying to look for recent NCAA penalties.

Violations of the ethics and integrity clause allow you to circumvent the 4 years statute of limitations. So unless you think this case falls under the following definition the ncaa can't do anything

A failure of institutional integrity leading to a culture in which a football program was held in higher esteem than the values of the institution, the values of the ncaa, the values of higher education, and the values of human decency
he still got fat and slow. he looked like he picked up about 30 lbs between sophomore and junior year and it was not muscle. after his first two seasons i really thought hed be a top 3 rb in the country his jr and sr year

We now know. TACOS
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and also i was in classes with a lot of athletes and they told me they got between 1000 and 1200 a month to live on. housing in knoxville is cheap. if they cant afford to live it is because they party too much.
Wasn't he at the spring game? If he wants to support the program that help him get to the NFL by showing up in times of need(like now)that's great.But why bring extra attention to the same program after the loss we just had? What's in it for him to do that?
Wasn't he at the spring game? If he wants to support the program that help him get to the NFL by showing up in times of need(like now)that's great.But why bring extra attention to the same program after the loss we just had? What's in it for him to do that?

The interview was before Butch even reached out to him about the spring game. It was for a documentary, and is just now being made public.

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