I've lived on/near Army bases my entire life and it is a fact that everyone ducks or avoids retreat occasionally. Sometimes they are tired, stressed, apathetic or absent-minded. They are human. This soldier was stupid in posting the pic and needs a bit of corrective counseling, that is all. But, for those of you who want her discharged for ths, take a look around the next time you see a flag go by during a parade, or the next time the national anthem is played. Check out how many citizens don't bother to stand or put their hand over their heart. Heck, many won't bother to stop talking or show the least amount of respect. Respect for the flag is only a minor civic duty, we can't get more than 40% of citizens to vote. This soldier took an oath and for all we know she is upholding her duty. Not sure we can say the rest of the citizenry is upholding theirs.