Ashley Biden's diaries

Yeah ... because it is totally implausible that Project Veritas would tamper with evidence! LOL!

I guess the irony escapes you that you are calling other people conspiracy theorist while pushing a…conspiracy theory.

You’re also avoided the questions I asked you.

Do you know if it was a cheap diary?

And since you’ve confidently told me that this conspiracy you are asserting is not challenging, can you show me how easy this is?
I guess the irony escapes you that you are calling other people conspiracy theorist while pushing a…conspiracy theory.

You’re also avoided the questions I asked you.

Do you know if it was a cheap diary?

And since you’ve confidently told me that this conspiracy you are asserting is not challenging, can you show me how easy this is?
Let me know when a legitimate source of news does anything with this story, which is now almost 3 years old. Even if it's Fox News or Newsmax. I will gladly admit I'm wrong ...

You are chasing rainbows.
Let me know when a legitimate source of news does anything with this story, which is now almost 3 years old. Even if it's Fox News or Newsmax. I will gladly admit I'm wrong ...

You are chasing rainbows.
you are the only one changing the story with nothing to back it up other than your ideological mind
weird as ****
Let me know when a legitimate source of news does anything with this story, which is now almost 3 years old. Even if it's Fox News or Newsmax. I will gladly admit I'm wrong ...

You are chasing rainbows.

I’m not chasing anything. As I’ve said all along, Occam’s razor points to this being legitimate for reasons I’ve already gone through. I’m not invested in it one way or the other.

Joe Biden is a creep. He sniffs, nibbles, and gropes young girls. There are mounds of video evidence of this. Ashley Biden’s alleged entry doesn’t change this one way or another.
BB is pushing a wild conspiracy theory.
I just checked back in..hours ago “I am done”
this is amazing trying to validate something not only unproven, but don’t even think the wackos of the DP have even pushed
all from someone who asks that valid sourcing always be used
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Occam’s razor points to this being legitimate for reasons I’ve already gone through.
That is absolutely ridiculous. Common sense suggests that the salacious passages were forged, based on the circumstances surrounding the people who sold it and who it was sold to. Their motives were clear. They wanted money and they wanted to smear Joe Biden. It's not like Fox News wouldn't love to cover this story .... They can't, because they can't verify the authenticity of those passages.

I’m not invested in it one way or the other.
Bull $hit.

Joe Biden is a creep. He sniffs, nibbles, and gropes young girls.
He is not the one who was recently found liable for sexual battery in a civil judgment ... nor did he pay hush money to a porn star/stripper.
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I just checked back in..hours ago “I am done”
this is amazing trying to validate something not only unproven, but don’t even think the wackos of the DP have even pushed
all from someone who asks that valid sourcing always be used
Nobody on the Democratic side has to push a damn thing. They don't even have to mention it. It's been close to 3 years now, and this story has never gotten off the ground.

As for unproven ... I couldn't agree more. It has not been proven that Ashley Biden wrote those passages, and that is why right-wing outlets such as Fox News won't touch this story with a 10 foot pole. The involvement of Project Veritas has tainted this story from the beginning ... and the fact that the people who found the diary were chasing a pay day from the get go.
That is absolutely ridiculous. Common sense suggest that the salacious passages were forged, based on the circumstances surrounding the people who sold it and who it was sold to. Their motives were clear. They wanted money and they wanted to smear Joe Biden. It's not like Fox News wouldn't love to cover this story .... They can't, because they can't verify the authenticity of those passages.

Bull $hit.

He is not the one who was recently found liable for sexual battery in a civil judgment ... nor did he pay hush money to a porn star/stripper.

It’s not at all ridiculous. Your theory relies on several implausible things:

1 - someone to insert pages into this bound diary

2 - forge Ashley Biden’s handwriting to perfection

3 - The FBI ñor Ashley Biden to deny the entry was hers and allege the acts above

Mine simply relies on the diary being the diary. That’s Occam’s razor. I don’t need a conspiracy to make my theory for together.

I’m not invested in it being true or not at all. If it is true, I would just feel more sorry for Ashley Biden. Her dad is already a creep. Let me know if you need me to source some video of that!

Finally, i guess since you’ve already played the Q Anon and Pizzagate card, all you’ve got left is the Muh Trump card.
Nobody on the Democratic side has to push a damn thing. They don't even have to mention it. It's been close to 3 years now, and this story has never gotten off the ground.

As for unproven ... I couldn't agree more. It has not been proven that Ashley Biden wrote those passages, and that is why right-wing outlets such as Fox News won't touch this story with a 10 foot pole. The involvement of Project Veritas has tainted this story from the beginning ... and the fact that the people who found the diary were chasing a pay day from the get go.

Flawed logic.
it is in your purvey to prove your allegation, not ours.
regardless I am done
Lets see if you can walk without another comment
1 - someone to insert pages into this bound diary
Once again, we are talking about a diary ... of the few diaries I have ever seen, this would not be difficult, It is absurd how hard you are leaning on that.

2 - forge Ashley Biden’s handwriting to perfection
Who says that it was done to perfection? We haven't seen the actual physical diary itself. We don't know how well it was done.

The FBI ñor Ashley Biden to deny the entry was hers and allege the acts above
It wouldn't be the FBI's place to do that since neither Ashley Biden or her father were ever the subject of an FBI investigation ... and for about the 100th time now, it wouldn't make a difference to the right-wing if she did make a public denial. Right-wingers would just call her a liar. It wouldn't change anything.

Mine simply relies on the diary being the diary. That’s Occam’s razor. I don’t need a conspiracy to make my theory for together.
Ultimately, your beliefs rest on trusting that neither the gold digging couple or Project Veritas tampered with evidence when they both had every reason to do so ... and now, the couple is in jail and Project Veritas has been proven to have bribed witnesses and deceptively edited video in order to meet their political agenda.
Flawed logic.
it is in your purvey to prove your allegation, not ours.
regardless I am done
Lets see if you can walk without another comment

The initial allegation is that Biden sexually abused his daughter. The burden of proof rests with the party who is making that allegation ... and the only "proof" of that is a diary which was handled by a couple looking to get rich from selling it and Project Veritas ... who wanted to smear Joe Biden. They both had motives to tamper with the diary, and they both handled the diary in-between the time Ashley Biden last had it, and when it was turned over to the FBI.
I don’t “trust” Veritas.

I’m simply pointing out what they had to pull off to get their forgery past the FBI.

How did Veritas match the glue? How did they match the ink and handwriting? I’m genuinely curious at this point.
They used some kind of chicken voodoo and black magic sorcery
Once again, we are talking about a diary ... of the few diaries I have ever seen, this would not be difficult, It is absurd how hard you are leaning on that.

Who says that it was done to perfection? We haven't seen the actual physical diary itself. We don't know how well it was done.

It wouldn't be the FBI's place to do that since neither Ashley Biden or her father were ever the subject of an FBI investigation ... and for about the 100th time now, it wouldn't make a difference to the right-wing if she did make a public denial. Right-wingers would just call her a liar. It wouldn't change anything.

Ultimately, your beliefs rest on trusting that neither the gold digging couple or Project Veritas tampered with evidence when they both had every reason to do so ... and now, the couple is in jail and Project Veritas has been proven to have bribed witnesses and deceptively edited video in order to meet their political agenda.
They used some kind of chicken voodoo and black magic sorcery
They went to a bookstore and found the same brand of diary. They took blank pages from their diary, forged passages with a woman's hand writing and imbedded the pages into Ashley Biden's diary. They were in possession of the diary for an extended period of time. This is a diary we are talking about, not a hardback novel ... it is crazy that you people even think this would be hard to do. You desperately want to believe this story is true ... that says a lot about yourselves as well.

Once again ... let me know when a legitimate source - even from the right - ever carries this story. It has been close to 3 years now ... and it has never been anywhere but on the lunatic fringe of the right-wing.

The initial allegation is that Biden sexually abused his daughter. The burden of proof rests with the party who is making that allegation ... and the only "proof" of that is a diary which was handled by a couple looking to get rich from selling it and Project Veritas ... who wanted to smear Joe Biden. They both had motives to tamper with the diary, and they both handled the diary in-between the time Ashley Biden last had it, and when it was turned over to the FBI.

i am talking are wrong and look like a fool
wrong in every way
i am talking are wrong and look like a fool
wrong in every way
I can talk forgery too.

It matters that :

1) A gold digging couple, who is currently in jail, and Project Veritas handled the diary in between the last time that Ashley Biden had it, and when it was turned over to the police. They had the time to tamper with the diary and they both had a motive to tamper with it. Their agendas complimented each other. The couple wanted to make as much money as possible and Project Veritas wanted to smear Biden. Neither cared about following the law.

2) It simply isn't as hard to tamper with a diary as you want to think, and we still haven't seen the physical diary itself.

3) Fox News would love to cover this story, especially now with all of the Trump indictments coming down, but they aren't and it's been close to 3 years now. Why aren't they covering it? Because they have doubts about it's veracity. They don't trust Project Veritas. This was a network that trusted Sidney Powell - but they don't trust PV. That says a lot right there.
I can talk forgery too.

It matters that :

1) A gold digging couple, who is currently in jail, and Project Veritas handled the diary in between the last time that Ashley Biden had it, and when it was turned over to the police. They had the time to tamper with the diary and they both had a motive to tamper with it. Their agendas complimented each other. The couple wanted to make as much money as possible and Project Veritas wanted to smear Biden. Neither cared about following the law.

2) It simply isn't as hard to tamper with a diary as you want to think, and we still haven't seen the physical diary itself.

3) Fox News would love to cover this story, especially now with all of the Trump indictments coming down, but they aren't and it's been close to 3 years now. Why aren't they covering it? Because they have doubts about it's veracity. They don't trust Project Veritas. This was a network that trusted Sidney Powell - but they don't trust PV. That says a lot right there.

Lol. What a conspiracy theorist nutjob.
It was evidence in a criminal proceeding that sent people to prison. They were in possession of it.

Is it your assertion that they left in a drawer all that time?

This is a great point. When has a lost diary ever sent anyone to prison unless the contents are damaging and there is an abuse of the law? We are living in a banana republic and you would think the citizenry would overwhelming vote these people out. Yet we have proud lemmings like @BowlBrother85.
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They employ people who have no qualms with bribing witnesses and tampering with evidence. It is silly to think that they would be above forging a diary. They are not above anything.

... and why do you clowns keep replying to me? I've made my thoughts know, I'm not changing your minds and you aren't changing mine. We will just have to agree to disagree.

They employ former FBI agents?

VN Store
