Ashley Biden's diaries

i think the FBI actually removed the most salacious entries. It’s true
Nah. BB’s conspiracy was slicker than that.

FBI confirmed that the diary was authentic. It was indeed Ashley’s.
FBI did not confirm the contents. Probably for good reason.

BB can’t call the entire diary a forgery. And he doesn’t. He admits it’s hers.

His theory is that the 2 goons found the diary in its authentic form. Veritas then forged the shower entries and inserted them into the authentic pages.

The FBI had the diary and authenticated it as Ashley’s.

But the FBI made no mention of the inconsistency in the pages, paper, ink, and handwriting that were present with the forged entries. Weird.

He told me inserting new pages into the bound book was the easiest part of this setup. All to show that the guy who cannot keep himself from sniffing, nibbling, and groping young children might be a creeper.
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For somebody that’s finished talking about this they sure are talking about it a lot.
I thought it might get people to stop replying to me ... but it didn't. I am over this topic. We have been through all of this many times in the past ... and with the same group of posters. It is pointless.
He told me inserting new pages into the bound book was the easiest part of this setup. All to show that the guy who cannot keep himself from sniffing, nibbling, and groping young children might be a creeper.
In a cheap little diary? It would not be a challenge to imbed pages.
I’m not gonna rehash this. Not gonna do it.
- BB

This isn't anything new. Ashley Biden confirmed a long time ago that the diary was hers. At issue, is whether or not the salacious passages in question were written by her, or were they forged by the couple who found the diary or by Project Veritas. This "new" information does not address that.

It is clear that from the moment the couple found the diary, they viewed it as an opportunity to make money. In order to sell the diary for the kind of money that they wanted to make, the diary couldn't just include passages concerning what Ashley Biden had for lunch and what she was currently streaming. I still contend that if the diary didn't contain juicy passages damaging to Joe Biden at the time the diary was found .... it damn sure would by the time the diary was sold.

This couple in question, and Project Veritas have zero integrity. The couple is in jail, and Project Veritas has been caught bribing witnesses to lie in the past. They both had powerful motives for forging those passages, and I believe that is what happened. Now, I understand that is not what the Republican Party echo chamber on this forum wants to believe, and that's fine. We can agree to disagree.

We've been over this ad nauseum in the past, so that's all I'm going to say about it ... so you can go back to your circle jerk now.
I don't need proof. Everything I said is true. That couple was sentenced to jail, and Project Veritas has been caught manipulating evidence in the past. They have zero credibility, and powerful incentives to forge those passages.

... but like I said ...We can agree to disagree. I'm not interested in rehashing this for the umpteenth time.
We've been over this a million times ... if she denied that she wrote those passages, people such as yourself would just call her a liar anyway. So what is the point? Denying that she wrote those passages would only serve to draw attention to the story. You wouldn't believe her. You are going to believe what best suits your political perspective.

And I'm not arguing this anymore. It's gotten so old. I think it's pathetic, but the party of crackpots, conspiracy theory kooks and Donald Trump can believe what it wants.
The contents have never been verified by anyone. Like I said, that couple was going to find a way to make money from it. If it didn't contain salacious material at the time it was found ... it would by the time it was sold. They had every motive imaginable to forge those passages.
^^^^ This is where we usually end up. Believe what you want. I don't care.
You would have to be taking the word of Project Veritas on that ... Law enforcement agencies have not commented on that .... at least not publicly. As a matter of fact, the public has never been shown the actual physical diary.

The FBI hasn't hasn't discussed the contents. Those 2 goons had every incentive to lie and forge those passages, and they are now in prison. Project Veritas has bribed witnesses to lie in the past. They are not above anything.
YOU are making accusations that are unproven based on the assertions of individuals with no credibility.

You are gullible and stupid ... in my opinion.
We can agree to disagree. I'm not wasting any more time with this. Get a life.
You look gullible ... but then again, you also think that the 2020 election was rigged against Trump. So that was already established.
I've made my thoughts known. I'm not changing your mind, and you are for damn sure not changing mine. This is a waste of time. Believe what you like.
This really doesn't involve the credibility of Joe Biden. As far as I know, he hasn't discussed it.

Believe what you want. I'm not going round and round with this anymore.
They employ people who have no qualms with bribing witnesses and tampering with evidence. It is silly to think that they would be above forging a diary. They are not above anything.

... and why do you clowns keep replying to me? I've made my thoughts know, I'm not changing your minds and you aren't changing mine. We will just have to agree to disagree.
... and that has been addressed many times in the past. You once admitted that you would not believe a denial by Ashley Biden if she made one. So there is no point in making one. People will believe what they want. The 2020 election has proven that.

^^^^ This video involves a witness who says that he was bribed to lie by Project Veritas. This is who you are wanting to trust.


If Ashley Biden said that her dad had molested her, I would believe her and not vote for him again. If you guys can't see why there is an enormous amount of room for doubt here ... then you are not very smart. That couple and Project Veritas have zero credibility. The couple was out to make a buck, and Project Veritas wanted to influence the outcome of the election in Trump's favor. Their agendas were clear and in sync with each other.
There is nothing to vindicate him of. The only people who trust Project Veritas at face value are crackpots such as yourself.
They were busted for much more than editing. They bribed witnesses to lie for them.

... and we don't know that the FBI ever examined the content of the diary for forgery. You are assuming that they did.
There is a reason that right wing outlets such as Fox News and The Washington Times have not run with this story and it's not because they wouldn't love to. I suspect that they have tried to verify the content of the diary and were unable to do so ... and the word of the imprisoned couple and Project Veritas is not enough.
They didn't necessarily have to get anything past the FBI. We don't know that the content of the diary was ever examined.

... and we have never seen the physical diary itself - just what was allegedly written.
She admitted it was hers. They didn't have to authenticate anything on their own.
I thought it might get people to stop replying to me ... but it didn't. I am over this topic. We have been through all of this many times in the past ... and with the same group of posters. It is pointless.
In a cheap little diary? It would not be a challenge to imbed pages.
Not the contents. For the 10th time. Jeez Louise.

The physical properties of the diary.
There is nothing to indicate that was done either. Ashley Biden freely acknowledged the diary was hers from the start. Why would the FBI need to examine the "physical properties" of the diary?
There is nothing to indicate that was done either. Ashley Biden freely acknowledged the diary was hers from the start. Why would the FBI need to examine the "physical properties" of the diary?
It was evidence in a criminal proceeding that sent people to prison. They were in possession of it.

Is it your assertion that they left in a drawer all that time?

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