Ashley Biden's diaries

Basically, my point is that the word of the couple and Project Veritas can not be trusted at face value. They both had way too much incentive to lie, and Project Veritas has lied in the past, when it benefitted their political agenda. This story has never gained traction with legitimate media - even on the right.

I've made my feelings clear. Believe whatever makes you happy. I really am done this time. There was nothing posted in here that I haven't already discussed in the past. This was ridiculous.
Basically, my point is that the word of the couple and Project Veritas can not be trusted at face value. They both had way too much incentive to lie, and Project Veritas has lied in the past, when it benefitted their political agenda. This story has never gained traction with legitimate media - even on the right.

I've made my feelings clear. Believe whatever makes you happy. I really am done this time. There was nothing posted in here that I haven't already discussed in the past. This was ridiculous.

Before you go, I’d just like to again point out your huge double standard on evidence. You believed anonymous sources over and over again, even after proven to be incorrect in the TrumPutin thing. Maddow kept the slop coming And you were always first in line at the trough.

Here, you are very wary of the evidence. I know you’re going to need to see a time stamped video of her writing the sentences before you’ll believe.

Ok, I’m REALLY done this time. No more from me.
If it is hers, what she said may still not be a big deal.

She would need to elaborate further before anything can be made of it.
If it is hers, what she said may still not be a big deal.

She would need to elaborate further before anything can be made of it.
You had a much more plausible explanation last time around. Something to do with age.

The forged and inserted pages that fooled the FBI, while technically possible, is quite silly.
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You had a much more plausible explanation last time around. Something to do with age.

The forged and inserted pages that fooled the FBI, while technically possible, is quite silly.
That you are assuming that the FBI examined the "physical properties" of the diary is presumptuous and silly. You don't know what the FBI did with the diary. Stop pretending otherwise.

From the time that couple found the diary, their agenda was to make as much money as possible from selling it. That could only be done if it included passages alleging sexual assault from her father. If that diary didn't include a passage on sexual abuse at the time it was found ... it was definitely going to at the time it was sold. The fact that they enlisted the services of Project Veritas is also very telling. Nobody should be as gullible as you let on.

Had to be tricky getting the college ruled/legal ruled paper right.
Have you inspected the actual physical diary? I didn't think so. You are ignorantly surmising a lot ... from an empty baseline knowledge. You people are gullible as all living hell. The party of Q Anon lives on.
That you are assuming that the FBI examined the "physical properties" of the diary is presumptuous and silly. You don't know what the FBI did with the diary. Stop pretending otherwise.

From the time that couple found the diary, their agenda was to make as much money as possible. That could only be done if it included passages alleging sexual assault from her father. If that diary didn't include a passage on sexual abuse at the time it was found ... it was definitely going to at the time it was sold. Nobody should be as gullible as you let on.
I’m assuming that the FBI examined a piece of evidence in a criminal proceeding that was in their possession.
I realize that sounds like moon landing type stuff to you.

You are assuming -
“That could only be done if it included passages alleging sexual assault from her father.”
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I’m assuming that the FBI examined a piece of evidence in a criminal proceeding that was in their possession.
I realize that sounds like moon landing type stuff to you.

You are assuming -
“That could only be done if it included passages alleging sexual assault from her father.”
Neither Ashley Biden or her father were the subject of the criminal investigation. There would not have been a reason for the FBI to authenticate the diary after Ashley Biden acknowledged that it was hers. You are just dead wrong.

The "moon landing type stuff" is trusting the word of people who have been proven to have tampered with evidence and lied in the past. That couple and Project Veritas had the diary in their possession in between the time Ashley Biden had it and the FBI had it. They had the motive and the opportunity to make the diary say what they needed it to say to meet their agendas.
This thread proves as much as any that today's Republican Party is the party of kooks, conspiracy theory crackpots, Trump cultists and bootlickers ... and people who aren't as smart as they like to believe. You are the party of the uneducated and gullible. You are the party of PizzaGate and Q Anon. You are the party of idiots.
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Neither Ashley Biden or her father were the subject of the criminal investigation. There would not have been a reason for the FBI to authenticate the diary after Ashley Biden acknowledged that it was hers. You are just dead wrong.

The "moon landing type stuff" is trusting the word of people who have been proven to have tampered with evidence and lied in the past. That couple and Project Veritas had the diary in their possession in between the time Ashley Biden had it and the FBI had it. They had the motive and the opportunity to make the diary say what they needed it to say to meet their agendas.
So the FBI just takes people’s word for it when handling evidence for a criminal proceeding. Got it.

Again, for the 3rd time, it’s not about “trusting” anyone. It’s not about trusting Veritas. It’s about what it would take to pull off this forgery.

The FBI launched a months long investigation.
The FBI had the diary.
The FBI raided offices and homes.
People went to prison.

But sure, I guess the FBI never examined the criminal evidence that was in their possession for an extended period of time. That would be crazy.
This thread proves as much as any that today's Republican Party is the party of kooks, conspiracy theory crackpots, Trump cultists and bootlickers ... and people who aren't as smart as they like to believe. You are the party of the uneducated and gullible. You are the party of PizzaGate and Q Anon. You are the party of idiots.

So there is a diary with some pictures of some words attributed to the diary’s owner that are unflattering to the Biden family. What is the conspiracy here?

The only conspiracy theory I’m seeing is you thinking up things like someone inserted pages into the diary.
This thread proves as much as any that today's Republican Party is the party of kooks, conspiracy theory crackpots, Trump cultists and bootlickers ... and people who aren't as smart as they like to believe. You are the party of the uneducated and gullible. You are the party of PizzaGate and Q Anon. You are the party of idiots.
When ya got nothing else. Qanon! Pizzagate!
This isn't anything new. Ashley Biden confirmed a long time ago that the diary was hers. At issue, is whether or not the salacious passages in question were written by her, or were they forged by the couple who found the diary or by Project Veritas. This "new" information does not address that.

It is clear that from the moment the couple found the diary, they viewed it as an opportunity to make money. In order to sell the diary for the kind of money that they wanted to make, the diary couldn't just include passages concerning what Ashley Biden had for lunch and what she was currently streaming. I still contend that if the diary didn't contain juicy passages damaging to Joe Biden at the time the diary was found .... it damn sure would by the time the diary was sold.

This couple in question, and Project Veritas have zero integrity. The couple is in jail, and Project Veritas has been caught bribing witnesses to lie in the past. They both had powerful motives for forging those passages, and I believe that is what happened. Now, I understand that is not what the Republican Party echo chamber on this forum wants to believe, and that's fine. We can agree to disagree.

We've been over this ad nauseum in the past, so that's all I'm going to say about it ... so you can go back to your circle jerk now.
You mean it’s a forgery? 😆
So the FBI just takes people’s word for it when handling evidence for a criminal proceeding. Got it.
The diary had her name in it and was discovered in a property where she had recently resided. So, in this case? There wasn't a leap of faith to make.

Again, for the 3rd time, it’s not about “trusting” anyone. It’s not about trusting Veritas. It’s about what it would take to pull off this forgery.
It has everything to do with Project Veritas and the couple who found the diary. They were in possession of it in-between the time Ashley Biden last had it and when it was turned over to the FBI.

The FBI launched a months long investigation.
The FBI had the diary.
The FBI raided offices and homes.
People went to prison.
Yes, but since Ashley Biden had already acknowledged that the diary was hers (and based on where it was found, it obviously was) and the fact neither she or her father were ever the subjects of the investigation, there was no reason to authenticate the diary or examine "the physical properties" of it.

But sure, I guess the FBI never examined the criminal evidence that was in their possession for an extended period of time. That would be crazy.
There was no reason to. Neither Ashley Biden or her father were ever under an investigation. The investigation involved whether or not the couple had crossed state lines with stolen property for the purpose of selling it. Get a clue. It is pathetic how desperately you want to believe a story that only radical right-wing sites are covering.
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So there is a diary with some pictures of some words attributed to the diary’s owner that are unflattering to the Biden family. What is the conspiracy here?

The only conspiracy theory I’m seeing is you thinking up things like someone inserted pages into the diary.
This is a damn diary we are talking about. Not the latest novel by James Patterson. It would be very easy to imbed pages into a cheap little old diary ... and Project Veritas and this couple had every reason in the world to do so, and neither one of them would be above doing so either. The couple wanted to make as much money as possible by selling it, and Project Veritas wanted to smear Jo Biden. They had the time, the means and the motives to make that diary say what they needed it to say.
I’ll have to pick this back up tomorrow. See if BB’s still done with it.
This is a damn diary we are talking about. Not the latest novel by James Patterson. It would be very easy to imbed pages into a cheap little old diary ... and Project Veritas and this couple had every reason in the world to do so, and neither one of them would be above doing so either. The couple wanted to make as much money as possible by selling it, and Project Veritas wanted to smear Jo Biden. They had the time, the means and the motives to make that diary say what they needed it to say.

Sounds like we have a conspiracy theorist here!

Do you know if it’s a cheap diary?

Assuming it’s true we are dealing with a cheap diary, show me how easy it is to insert some sheets into this diary. And forge her handwriting.
Sounds like we have a conspiracy theorist here!

Do you know if it’s a cheap diary?

Assuming it’s true we are dealing with a cheap diary, show me how easy it is to insert some sheets into this diary. And forge her handwriting.
Yeah ... because it is totally implausible that Project Veritas would tamper with evidence! LOL!

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