Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

How long does an officer have to hold fire when a mob is breaking down the doors and windows and barriers to gain entry to an area you have been ordered to protect and have been issued a weapon in order to protect it with lethal force?
Oh I’d at least say until whoever he decided to execute had committed a threatening act towards them. But that’s just me
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Is this still being debated? She's an idiot and did something that we should all agree might get you shot dead. The cop should have been brought before a grand jury to see if he acted appropriately. This isn't hard
Ding ding ding! That’s all I’m saying dude. Had she not chosen VERY poorly this whole discussion is moot.
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I can also tell you that LEO had been filled with the belief that right wing qanon extremists were coming to commit violent acts. Now if that were the case, then why wouldn't the congressional leaders accept backup prior to the "insurrection"? This incompetent LEO had been spooked.
I honestly don’t care about his politics. We all have our personal biases. But if he’s a professional he should be able to put them aside and do his job.
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Break in? Did you watch the videos, Goober?
The POLICE opened the doors for them and let them file in. In one video, a black officer is seen waving them in. Scarecrow Pelosi TURNED DOWN an offer from Trump for THOUSANDS of National Guard troops days before Jan 6th. This was all planned. The FBI had spies and instigators in the crowd to help whip them into a frenzy. Pull your head out of your Biden.
Show me where the Speaker of the House has the authority to direct any military personnel to do anything.
There are a couple of ways of looking at the locked doors. One is that congress has a place to conduct business without interference. The other is that congress is supposedly in session in a public building paid for and maintained by the taxpayer, and congress is supposedly there representing us and is supposedly answerable to us. I'd maintain that if they were doing the second part people wouldn't have been barging in to remind them why they are there in the first place. The Capitol isn't a palace, congress isn't royalty living there, and we aren't their subjects.
Have you watched the video since this isn't even close to correct. It's fantasy. These were barricaded doors that the mob was actively trying to breach. They were in the process of breaking out windows when she decided to climb thru one to advance on lawmakers. You think she was just interested in a friendly, rational chat? She was a nut who had been fed the idea an election was stolen and she was on a crusade to stop it.

They were certifying an election which is their duty. What exactly did they need to be reminded of that day?
Those that think killing AB was justified I'm sure are ok with LE mowing down scores of rioters with a mini gun next time BLM has a street party.
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She was breaking the window.

The fact that you still defend these dimwits is laughable.

I see, so she warrents getting shot? You must have a different standards for your antifa and blm boys. I'll defend them because the vast majority did very little, if anything wrong. You're just the type of person the Jan 6 committee needs. Sheep on.
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Again, I ask, when they initially breached the building, how did they get in?

Multiple videos showing guards let them in at many places. Even so, breaking a window to get in building is not worth getting killed over. (As much as you leftist love seeing real Americans get killed, it still wrong)
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Can you please show the video where she is attacking police?

I don't need to do your homework. She was shot forcing her way through a barricaded entrance. She wasn't standing around outside the Capitol where she was hit by a random round. Do you deny that she illegally entered the Capitol and was shot forcing her way through the barricades? If you do, then you're just lying and you know it.

Again I point out how the right wing normally supports the police whenever they discharge their weapons. Guess for many of you it depends on who the target was. White: Don't shoot. Black: shoot.
Multiple videos showing guards let them in at many places. Even so, breaking a window to get in building is not worth getting killed over. (As much as you leftist love seeing real Americans get killed, it still wrong)
It is when you are in a violent mob with intentions to kill members of Congress.
Break in? Did you watch the videos, Goober?
The POLICE opened the doors for them and let them file in. In one video, a black officer is seen waving them in. Scarecrow Pelosi TURNED DOWN an offer from Trump for THOUSANDS of National Guard troops days before Jan 6th. This was all planned. The FBI had spies and instigators in the crowd to help whip them into a frenzy. Pull your head out of your Biden.

Good grief. You need to loosen the tin foil hat you're wearing it's cutting off blood flow to your head. You are truly out to lunch. Your family should considered having you declared incompetent.

Pull your head out of your Trump (try not to get pissed on when you do it, you can never be sure when one of Putin's prostitutes might be giving him a tune up).
I don't need to do your homework. She was shot forcing her way through a barricaded entrance. She wasn't standing around outside the Capitol where she was hit by a random round. Do you deny that she illegally entered the Capitol and was shot forcing her way through the barricades? If you do, then you're just lying and you know it.

Again I point out how the right wing normally supports the police whenever they discharge their weapons. Guess for many of you it depends on who the target was. White: Don't shoot. Black: shoot.
So much ******** in this post. Only one LEO fired one round that day. The guy that executed an unarmed Ashli Babbit. That’s it. And yes the right does support the police unlike your idiotic “defund the police” team unless it’s excessive force. Just as it was in this case (a white woman) and just as it was in Floyd and Taylor ( a black man and woman).
I don't need to do your homework. She was shot forcing her way through a barricaded entrance. She wasn't standing around outside the Capitol where she was hit by a random round. Do you deny that she illegally entered the Capitol and was shot forcing her way through the barricades? If you do, then you're just lying and you know it.

Again I point out how the right wing normally supports the police whenever they discharge their weapons. Guess for many of you it depends on who the target was. White: Don't shoot. Black: shoot.

You said she was attacking the police.

Can you please show the video of her doing so?

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