Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

CP protected our lawmakers…Rs and Ds alike…from an angry mob.

It’s a minor miracle only one person took a bullet from CP that day.
If you’re so confident then the LEO shouldn’t have a problem getting a no bill from a grand jury. That moron was literally the only person who decided to shoot that entire day.
Yeah because they had taken down dozens of other LEOs and he had gotten word several we're beaten.

You forgot the cops who after being beaten were to be hauled off to right wing concentration camps for reeducation. We do know they were right wing because they didn't loot, burn, and vandalize stuff inside the Capitol. Yeah, there was that big "damage bill" that most likely included years of wear and tear and some previously unfunded projects.
If you’re so confident then the LEO shouldn’t have a problem getting a no bill from a grand jury. That moron was literally the only person who decided to shoot that entire day.

Yes, because AB was an even bigger moron… 😂

As I stated earlier, it’s a minor miracle CP didn’t shoot more people. AB just happened to win the Darwin Award lottery…lucky her…
Yes, because AB was an even bigger moron… 😂

As I stated earlier, it’s a minor miracle CP didn’t shoot more people. AB just happened to win the Darwin Award lottery…lucky her…
Oh I’ve made it clear I’m not defending her actions. But she’s the only one to face consequences for their stupidity in this incident. And I reiterate that moron was the only person who chose lethal force the entire day. That’s a positive reflection on the Capitol police as a whole and an indictment against this trigger happy moron.
You forgot the cops who after being beaten were to be hauled off to right wing concentration camps for reeducation. We do know they were right wing because they didn't loot, burn, and vandalize stuff inside the Capitol. Yeah, there was that big "damage bill" that most likely included years of wear and tear and some previously unfunded projects.

No fires were started during the offensive advance of this insurrection. They should've brought in the leftists.
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Oh I’ve made it clear I’m not defending her actions. But she’s the only one to face consequences for their stupidity in this incident. And I reiterate that moron was the only person who chose lethal force the entire day. That’s a positive reflection on the Capitol police as a whole and an indictment against this trigger happy moron.

And I reiterate it’s a minor miracle AB was the only casualty.

I’m sure there were several other CP officers who would have used deadly force if they could have reached their weapon, while being beaten and attacked.
And I reiterate it’s a minor miracle AB was the only casualty.

I’m sure there were several other CP officers who would have used deadly force if they could have reached their weapon, while being beaten and attacked.
Oh really? Yet they didn’t. But hey at least they would have had a valid case if they were being physically threatened or harmed 🤡
Show me where the Speaker of the House has the authority to direct any military personnel to do anything.

We have to assume that neither did Trump. Pelosi and crew made it know they didn't approve of misallocation of funds ... surely if you can't spend unallocated money at the border to keep foreigners out, then you couldn't spend unallocated money on troops to keep citizens off congressional turf. Besides there's that little thing called Posse Comitatus; seems like the usual way around that is to use National Guard troops, but then again congress told Trump they control funds, and Trump wasn't a governor with NG at his disposal. Guess the great and omnipotent Pelosi should have managed better.
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Have you watched the video since this isn't even close to correct. It's fantasy. These were barricaded doors that the mob was actively trying to breach. They were in the process of breaking out windows when she decided to climb thru one to advance on lawmakers. You think she was just interested in a friendly, rational chat? She was a nut who had been fed the idea an election was stolen and she was on a crusade to stop it.

They were certifying an election which is their duty. What exactly did they need to be reminded of that day?

Sure they did and the mob outside knocked over and pushed back barricades (like rowdy concert goers do sometimes). Have you ever noticed how different the videos inside the Capitol look from those outside? Apparently those mouth breathing insurrectionists were transformed by the shock and awe of being inside a sacred building. Why do you suppose Pelosi or other congress critters didn't attempt to address the crowd? Maybe because they didn't try to actually address election issues the previous year either? 81M my azz.
Sure they did and the mob outside knocked over and pushed back barricades (like rowdy concert goers do sometimes). Have you ever noticed how different the videos inside the Capitol look from those outside? Apparently those mouth breathing insurrectionists were transformed by the shock and awe of being inside a sacred building. Why do you suppose Pelosi or other congress critters didn't attempt to address the crowd? Maybe because they didn't try to actually address election issues the previous year either? 81M my azz.

Yes, because on that day, Nancy Pelosi would have been the voice of reason required to bring peace and healing amongst the protesters. 😂
Sure they did and the mob outside knocked over and pushed back barricades (like rowdy concert goers do sometimes). Have you ever noticed how different the videos inside the Capitol look from those outside? Apparently those mouth breathing insurrectionists were transformed by the shock and awe of being inside a sacred building. Why do you suppose Pelosi or other congress critters didn't attempt to address the crowd? Maybe because they didn't try to actually address election issues the previous year either? 81M my azz.

It's because there was a funeral going on.

Didn't you hear AOC died?
Yes, because on that day, Nancy Pelosi would have been the voice of reason required to bring peace and healing amongst the protesters. 😂

Of course, Pelosi by herself or with her impeachment posse would have been looking for trouble if speaking to the crowd. Maybe if congress worked for the people, the people might actually respect congress. Congress had something like a year to address voting issues; and, yes, the states get to run elections, but everybody knew why the changes were made and what would happen. The feds meddle in everything else; this would have been the time to tell the states to use some damn common sense instead of political bias ... except the dems in congress saw it as an opportunity to inflate their numbers. Congress has been playing with fire for decades and would likely have been scorched by now if we hadn't turned into a nation of wimps.
I’m listening…

I’m also guessing that one CPO getting stomped and beaten with a flagpole had trouble getting his bearings to fire off a warning shot.

I'm not disagreeing with you that it is surprising, even close to a miracle that the police didn't shoot more people that day. I just find your statement that a reason they didn't was because they were being beaten and couldn't get to their sidearms. That is utterly ridiculous.
I'm not disagreeing with you that it is surprising, even close to a miracle that the police didn't shoot more people that day. I just find your statement that a reason they didn't was because they were being beaten and couldn't get to their sidearms. That is utterly ridiculous.

In my opinion that’s one reason and I stand by it.

You’re free to disagree.
The capitol police protecting congress thought she deserved it…actions have consequences.

I would expect a similar outcome if I personally tried entering a secure area of congress, after being instructed not to do so repeatedly, while a presidential election is being certified.

AB is on the Mount Rushmore of Darwin Award winners, and she earned it.
It's a simple question, yes or no, did she deserve to die? Or are you too liberal to be truthful.

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