Ashli Babbitt’s Killer is a blm Militant

Does castle law apply to a LEO on duty not defending their home anyway? I get your point but CWV’s reply was really stupid on multiple points.

Sorry, when she's breaking through with crowd like that? I think the cop acted prematurely but I can't say he was unreasonable. The problem is that you guys go defend these vandals and looters but don't give the same leeway to vandals and looters from BLM. There ain't a damn bit of difference and they both should face consequences for their actions. Not death, but consequences. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
It's a simple question, yes or no, did she deserve to die? Or are you too liberal to be truthful.

Didn't deserve to die because vandalizing a building ain't a capital offense, but there are lots of folks that don't deserve to die who do at the hands of cops every year.
Didn't deserve to die because vandalizing a building ain't a capital offense, but there are lots of folks that don't deserve to die who do at the hands of cops every year.

On a day where the peaceful transition of power was disrupted by mob violence, where some protesters were carrying zip ties and openly calling for the VP to be killed, the use of deadly force to keep secure areas of congress secure is hardly a stretch.
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Sorry, when she's breaking through with crowd like that? I think the cop acted prematurely but I can't say he was unreasonable. The problem is that you guys go defend these vandals and looters but don't give the same leeway to vandals and looters from BLM. There ain't a damn bit of difference and they both should face consequences for their actions. Not death, but consequences. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

No warning, no direct threat (Tueller doesn't apply here climbing through a window) and she had no weapons...

Yes, it was unreasonable because the presumption of intent, capability and opportunity isn't being met.

Intent may have been there.

Opportunity was not present.

Capability must be reasonable and she showed no capability to inflict harm on him or anyone else.

It was state sanctioned, state endorsed and state approved murder.
On a day where the peaceful transition of power was disrupted by mob violence, where some protesters were carrying zip ties and openly calling for the VP to be killed, the use of deadly force to keep secure areas of congress secure is hardly a stretch.
Oh boy, back to the weapons of mass destruction, zip ties. Did the cops know before hand these people were armed with plastic zip ties you can get at any hardware store? Bush had aluminum tubes, I guess zip ties are the next progression.

Either it was a good kill that only this one cop exercised his power on this one time, and every other cop was in the wrong for letting visitors take selfies in Pelosi's office, or 99% of the cops got it right, and this one cop is in the criminal wrong for not following SOP.

This was a red pilled CHOP. Amazing how the reactions are different.
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Oh boy, back to the weapons of mass destruction, zip ties. Did the cops know before hand these people were armed with plastic zip ties you can get at any hardware store? Bush had aluminum tubes, I guess zip ties are the next progression.

Either it was a good kill that only this one cop exercised his power on this one time, and every other cop was in the wrong for letting visitors take selfies in Pelosi's office, or 99% of the cops got it right, and this one cop is in the criminal wrong for not following SOP.

This was a red pilled CHOP. Amazing how the reactions are different.

It truly is amazing.
CP protected our lawmakers…Rs and Ds alike…from an angry mob.

It’s a minor miracle only one person took a bullet from CP that day.
What is the dead person was your wife, your sister, your friend, etc? The cop who murdered her is chickenschiiittt in my book. I damn guarantee if a White officer murdered a BLACK protester, there would have been hell to pay. Funny how RACE changes everything these days, isn't it?
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Sorry, when she's breaking through with crowd like that? I think the cop acted prematurely but I can't say he was unreasonable. The problem is that you guys go defend these vandals and looters but don't give the same leeway to vandals and looters from BLM. There ain't a damn bit of difference and they both should face consequences for their actions. Not death, but consequences. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Thanh you. Witness dismissed 😬

The bolded is all I am saying dude. They were both idiots. One paid with their life. The other didn’t even have to pass review of a grand jury. And I think that was a major stupid play by the DOJ because it will always look like they just swept it under the rug.
What is the dead person was your wife, your sister, your friend, etc? The cop who murdered her is chickenschiiittt in my book. I damn guarantee if a White officer murdered a BLACK protester, there would have been hell to pay. Funny how RACE changes everything these days, isn't it?

Including the way you defend this vandal over the BLM vandals.
The use of deadly force was justified in my opinion.

If you want to put that in the yes category, then by all means do so.
This was a ambush tactic. He came out of a side room with very little warning and fired. He shot her from the side as she crawled thur the glass. Yes she comitting a crimal act of destruction of federal property and trespassing but she didn't deserve to die. I dont care if she was a conservative or liberal. Apparently you do. To defend him only proves how low of a human being you are.
What is the dead person was your wife, your sister, your friend, etc? The cop who murdered her is chickenschiiittt in my book. I damn guarantee if a White officer murdered a BLACK protester, there would have been hell to pay. Funny how RACE changes everything these days, isn't it?

At no point during this thread have I mentioned race, I’ll leave that to you and others.

I personally don’t have any family members or friends dumb enough to put themselves in the situation AB put herself in. Now if that wasn’t the case, I promise you my opinion would not change.

They would win the ultimate stupid prize along with AB.

I’d mourn their death while lamenting just how stupid they were.
This was a ambush tactic. He came out of a side room with very little warning and fired. He shot her from the side as she crawled thur the glass. Yes she comitting a crimal act of destruction of federal property and trespassing but she didn't deserve to die. I dont care if she was a conservative or liberal. Apparently you do. To defend him only proves how low of a human being you are.

Did you not just see my response to the post about Michael Brown?

Please don’t project your political biases on me.

My opinions on AB and Michael Brown have nothing to do with race or politics.
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Is murderer cop Michael Byrd still a capitol hill cop? What is he doing now? Where does he live? Internet searches all lead to a dead end.

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