Banned Book Thread

Yes and that is why control needs to be as local as possible.
I agree with you in theory 110 percent.
I don't know what the balance is when the political culture and dialogue is as toxic as it is right now.
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I agree with you in theory 110 percent.
I don't know what the balance is when the political culture and dialogue is as toxic as it is right now.

I’m a firm believer that the toxicity is due to the expansion and influence of the federal government. If the federal government had lit to no impact on the average citizens life we wouldn’t have the division we have now.
I’m a firm believer that the toxicity is due to the expansion and influence of the federal government. If the federal government had lit to no impact on the average citizens life we wouldn’t have the division we have now.
Idiots seeking validation (social media) and rampant misinformation are also partly to blame, IMO. And that comes from both sides. The first Presidential election I ever voted in was 1984. In that time, I have voted for one Presidential candidate with a D beside the name (Clinton 96). Yet there are folks on this board who think I am a leftie (because I am a teacher). Hell, I remember in college as a member of the College Republicans thinking in the late 80s, well I'm glad Biden's brain surgery didn't kill him (wouldn't wish that on anyone) but at least he won't be in politics anymore. I know this culture is toxic, and I have no idea how to have any semblance of balance again without a lot of butthurtedness and more toxicity.
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yes it can be. It’s much easier to change the local school board than it is the bureaucrats in the federal DOE.
We simply have some fundamental differences in our beliefs.

Local is great, until it isn't.

It's a little like an employer letting his employees make their own decisions.
Idiots seeking validation (social media) and rampant misinformation are also partly to blame, IMO. And that comes from both sides. The first Presidential election I ever voted in was 1984. In that time, I have voted for one Presidential candidate with a D beside the name (Clinton 96). Yet there are folks on this board who think I am a leftie (because I am a teacher). Hell, I remember in college as a member of the College Republicans thinking in the late 80s, well I'm glad Biden's brain surgery didn't kill him (wouldn't wish that on anyone) but at least he won't be in politics anymore. I know this culture is toxic, and I have no idea how to have any semblance of balance again without a lot of butthurtedness and more toxicity.

I think the proliferation of misinformation comes from the facts our lives are so impacted by a centralized government. It’s easy to divide people that have little in common with each other.
We simply have some fundamental differences in our beliefs.

Local is great, until it isn't.

It's a little like an employer letting his employees make their own decisions.

True, local is great until it isn’t but once it isn’t it is easier to change. Federal is never great.

Your last sentence is idiotic in reference to this conversation. We are citizens (with a franchise) of this country and not employees.
Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
"The American Library Association supports equal and equitable access to all library resources and services by users of all ages

Article V of the Library Bill of Rights states, “A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.” The right to use a library includes free access to, and unrestricted use of, all the services, materials, and facilities the library has to offer. Every restriction on access to, and use of, library resources, based solely on the chronological age, apparent maturity, educational level, literacy skills, emancipatory or other legal status of users violates Article V. This includes minors who do not have a parent or guardian available to sign a library card application or permission slip. Unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness should be able to obtain a library card regardless of library policies related to chronological age.

Article VII of the Library Bill of Rights states, “All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use.” This includes students and minors, who have a right to be free from any unreasonable intrusion into or surveillance of their lawful library use."
Large Library Association Picks 'Marxist Lesbian' As President
Emily Drabinski was elected president of the American Library Association last week by the organization’s members. She will take office in July 2023.

The interim chief librarian of The Graduate Center at City University of New York (CUNY), where she was previously the “critical pedagogy librarian,” Drabinski posts openly on her Twitter feed in support of sexually exposing children, union-led political strife, socialist politicians, and libraries pushing explicit and far-left material on unwilling taxpayers.

“It’s like concerted political efforts to sort of push this, sort of story about what libraries do which seems very, you know, it’s anathema to what libraries actually do, that we are, sort of pushing pornographic materials on our patrons and it’s really not what we do at all,” she claimed. “…There’s no big library agenda.”

...In it, you can see the Closed Captioning of what Drabinski is saying while showing the slide, which includes affirming the idea that “queerness includes the subversion of those kinds of normal family types.

“We can equip our students with the capacity to wring what they need out of library structures, and wringing what you need out of systems that exclude you is a necessary life skill for survival and revolution,” she concluded in her talk. “And we can also help build a way of shaping students as agents of change both inside the library and out.

So while Drabinski tells the general public that librarians aren’t trying to help minors access pornography, by her own admission elsewhere that’s exactly what she has focused her professional career on doing, with taxpayer resources. In their endorsements, fellow ALA members and leaders said, as did “former ALA Council member” Jenna Freedman, that Drabinski’s professional “accomplishments” include “queering the landscape of library publishing and scholarship.”

This is supported by her Google Scholar page, which ranks Drabinski’s 2013 article “Queering the Catalog” as her top-cited work.

In the 2013 article, again flatly contradicting her representations to the Boise TV station, Drabinski developed a “strategy [that] suggests the possibility of a queer library politics.”

“Queer theory provides a useful theoretical frame for rethinking the stable, fixed categories and systems of naming that characterize library organization schemes and strategies for helping users navigate them,” Drabinski wrote. She essentially explained “queer theory” as the rejection of the existence of truth, either in language or in anything: “Viewing cataloging and classification from a queer perspective [is] — one that challenges the idea that classification and subject language can ever be corrected once and for all.” She argued that since gender identities are fluid, so must be library classification systems and stacks.

This is a rejection of Western thought and civilization, which is built on the search for truth. A search for truth presupposes that truth exists and can be at least partially known. This also implies the world has an intrinsic, natural order that can, and indeed must, be acknowledged (i.e., the natural law). So it’s no surprise that a woman who opposes truth, and instead deifies self-created and unnatural identities, calls herself a Marxist.

Like other Marxists, Drabinski also makes politically exclusionary statements that show she doesn’t approach non-leftists with good faith, instead desiring to wage political war against people who disagree with her with whatever resources she can muster.

For example, writing in the Los Angeles Review of Books in December 2019, Drabinski wrote, “The [political] right is interested in maintaining the status quo, preserving white supremacy and the continuing consolidation of wealth into their hands and no one else’s. … Like the United States itself, the right is enriched by capitalism, racism, and patriarchy.”

In case you didn't hear the Marxist, there are no Marxist politics at work in libraries propagandizing your child against you, science, and logic.

If only you weren't a white supremacist overly concerned about truth and the racist, white supremacist constitutional republic, you'd see that.
Again, nothing unclear here. The board banned it.
Use Google to look up the phone numbers of the schools.
Learn to read.

What I said: Dude, use Google. Call the high schools over there, and ask them.

Lol learn to read? Learn to write clearly.

Use Google. Call the school.

That can easily be read as two seperate ways to authenticate the claim. I thought you claimed to teach this stuff?
I’m a firm believer that the toxicity is due to the expansion and influence of the federal government. If the federal government had lit to no impact on the average citizens life we wouldn’t have the division we have now.

Agreed. There’s no reason to care what the left does if it stays in their communities. But the more they use top down force, the more resentment and outrage they create
True, local is great until it isn’t but once it isn’t it is easier to change. Federal is never great.

Your last sentence is idiotic in reference to this conversation. We are citizens (with a franchise) of this country and not employees.'s 100% relevant. School boards are not citizens, they are political bodies.

Neighborhoods oversee individual home owners
Towns oversee neighborhoods.
Counties oversee towns.
States oversee counties.
The country oversees states.
The world oversees nations.
Employers oversee employees.
I do not believe in complete educational freedom for local school boards.
That's like giving a principal complete educational freedom within his school.
Or giving a teacher complete educational freedom in the classroom.

There are crazy and pathetic school boards.
There are crazy and pathetic principals.
There are crazy and pathetic teachers.
Sure, there’s plenty of crazy out there. But the principals and teachers and boards are all accountable to their local communities.

Should schools not be a reflection of the communities they serve? Answerable and accountable to the local citizens?'s 100% relevant. School boards are not citizens, they are political bodies.

Neighborhoods oversee individual home owners
Towns oversee neighborhoods.
Counties oversee towns.
States oversee counties.
The country oversees states.
The world oversees nations.
Employers oversee employees.

the world oversees nations? that's an interesting take. guess the solar system oversees the world, the galaxy oversees the solar system...'s 100% relevant. School boards are not citizens, they are political bodies.

Neighborhoods oversee individual home owners
Towns oversee neighborhoods.
Counties oversee towns.
States oversee counties.
The country oversees states.
The world oversees nations.
Employers oversee employees.
Sure, there’s plenty of crazy out there. But the principals and teachers and boards are all accountable to their local communities.

Should schools not be a reflection of the communities they serve? Answerable and accountable to the local citizens?
Sure they should be (within rational and reasonable parameters).
the world oversees nations? that's an interesting take. guess the solar system oversees the world, the galaxy oversees the solar system...
Sure the world oversees nations. Look at WWII. Look at Ukraine.
So schools should be accountable to the local citizens they serve, but only as far as the Federal government says it’s ok?

That doesn’t sound like local control to me.
It's complete local control until they do something so egregious they must be checked.

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