Banned Book Thread

My favorite new left wing argument is that not allowing gay porn in school libraries is a “book ban”!
There are books being removed from elementary school shelves which probably are inappropriate for that age group ... but that's not true in every case.

Banning "To Kill a Mockingbird" because it depicts a lonely white trash girl seducing a black man, and then falsely accusing him of rape is just silly. Conservatives have become excessively prudish and hyper-sensitive to the discussion of racism and inequality. This is book banning.
There are books being removed from elementary school shelves which probably are inappropriate for that age group ... but that's not true in every case.

Banning "To Kill a Mockingbird" because it depicts a lonely white trash girl seducing a black man, and then falsely accusing him of rape is just silly. Conservatives have become excessively prudish and hyper-sensitive to the discussion of racism and inequality. This is book banning.

Can you link that example? I was unfamiliar with any recent right wing attempts to ban that book. I’ve seen left wing attempts due to the use of the n word
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Can you link that example? I was unfamiliar with any recent right wing attempts to ban that book. I’ve seen left wing attempts due to the use of the n word
Along with "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "Of Mice & Men" it has long been a target of liberals for use of the N-word (which is ridiculous) ... and it has recently been a target of conservatives as well ... I will post some links later.
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Are you buying into that equivalence, or stating we should allow curricula of LGBTQ cartoon porn and queer theory into schools so the opposition won't ban the Bible?
its not like the bible is void of sexually explicit material....sure there aren't pictures, but dang Ezekiel 23:20 is pretty spicy depending on which version you read. or if you are a biblical scholar and get into the song of solomon.

if we are going to purity test the books in a library for explicitly lewd acts its going to be a much bigger list than you think.
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Can you link that example? I was unfamiliar with any recent right wing attempts to ban that book. I’ve seen left wing attempts due to the use of the n word

Side note: the 'N' word has been replaced by "slave" in the most recently edited printing runs. So dumb.
Side note: the 'N' word has been replaced by "slave" in the most recently edited printing runs. So dumb.

Liberal revisionists think that for the time being they are the "winners", and winners get to "right" and write history.
Yep. Removing sexually explicit adult content from an elementary school library is exactly the same as Mao Zedong destroying public libraries and burning books.

Where are these "sexual explicit adult gay" books that you are referring to? Anybody seen them? I'm quite sure they exist only in the imagination of conservatives. Where are examples of these books that have MAGA undies in a knot?

As for the bible, it's a bunch of fictional nonsense.
There are books being removed from elementary school shelves which probably are inappropriate for that age group ... but that's not true in every case.

Banning "To Kill a Mockingbird" because it depicts a lonely white trash girl seducing a black man, and then falsely accusing him of rape is just silly. Conservatives have become excessively prudish and hyper-sensitive to the discussion of racism and inequality. This is book banning.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.... Diversity Equity and inclusion.... Blah blah blah blah
Where are these "sexual explicit adult gay" books that you are referring to? Anybody seen them? I'm quite sure they exist only in the imagination of conservatives. Where are examples of these books that have MAGA undies in a knot?

As for the bible, it's a bunch of fictional nonsense.

The author supports it being included in school libraries. Despite the fact that it includes images of pedophilia, blow jobs, pegging, etc

Gender Queer - Wikipedia
its not like the bible is void of sexually explicit material....sure there aren't pictures, but dang Ezekiel 23:20 is pretty spicy depending on which version you read. or if you are a biblical scholar and get into the song of solomon.

if we are going to purity test the books in a library for explicitly lewd acts its going to be a much bigger list than you think.
I had to look it up -

“19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.[c]”

Certainly got this boy’s panties wet!
I thought verses 7 & 8 were better. Talk about ending with a bang!

“7 She gave herself as a prostitute to all the elite of the Assyrians and defiled herself with all the idols of everyone she lusted after. 8 She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when during her youth men slept with her, caressed her virgin bosom and poured out their lust on her.”
Can you link that example? I was unfamiliar with any recent right wing attempts to ban that book. I’ve seen left wing attempts due to the use of the n word
Contact a school board member in Lee County, Virginia. They banned it. Not one "liberal" on that board.
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Can you give me more context?
Well the teachers I have talked to over there said the parents complained for the exact reason BB85 gave: because of the way it presented the Ewells. He's actually spot-on about that. I mean they were English teachers who taught the novel in class. Good luck in trying to "source" everything for transparency when it comes to rural school boards, by the way.
In like 2005, parents objected to my teaching Lord of the Flies (which I had taught without controversy for about ten years), and those parents weren't "liberals" either. The board didn't ban it, though, so I kept using it in class.
I still teach TKAM and OMaM. With a couple of my classes, I teach Heart of Darkness.
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Well the teachers I have talked to over there said the parents complained for the exact reason BB85 gave: because of the way it presented the Ewells. He's actually spot-on about that. I mean they were English teachers who taught the novel in class. Good luck in trying to "source" everything for transparency when it comes to rural school boards, by the way.
In like 2005, parents objected to my teaching Lord of the Flies (which I had taught without controversy for about ten years), and those parents weren't "liberals" either. The board didn't ban it, though, so I kept using it in class.
I still teach TKAM and OMaM. With a couple of my classes, I teach Heart of Darkness.

So all you have is rumors from other teachers that we can’t confirm? I’m not impressed.
hahaha ok
What is your experience in dealing with rural school boards and transparency?

Only a decade in secondary education. It seems you’re confusing “not taught” and “banned”. I’m sure there parent pressure plenty of books for them not to be taught. That’s not the same as saying they were banned.
Only a decade in secondary education. It seems you’re confusing “not taught” and “banned”. I’m sure there parent pressure plenty of books for them not to be taught. That’s not the same as saying they were banned.
There is no confusion about this, except the part in which you are being obtuse.
Dude, use Google. Call the high schools over there, and ask them. They were banned by the school board, and the books are not in the school libraries.
That is not a rumor.
Let me get this straight: You have experience for a decade in dealing with rural school boards, and you think there's a transparent "source" for issues such as this?
Where are these "sexual explicit adult gay" books that you are referring to? Anybody seen them? I'm quite sure they exist only in the imagination of conservatives. Where are examples of these books that have MAGA undies in a knot?

As for the bible, it's a bunch of fictional nonsense.

I would ban all the books that persuaded you to become a Communist.
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