Biden gonna tax us to death

Or the stupidly low wages earned by the bottom tier of American workers. Countries around the world have figured out how to combat this problem while balancing quality of life issues. Americans have been brainwashed into thinking the free market solves all problems. It does not.

You really want to compare Chinese, Indian, or other Asian and African poverty with US "poverty"? Getting ahead in the US begins with education; people left behind made the choice to leave education behind when it was give freely to them. The entry level person at Walmart or McDonald's could have had a different life with some investment when given a free education.

Baltimore HS student fails all but 3 classes over 4 years, ranks near top half of class
But they get "free" healthcare.
I went to a training class in the Netherlands about 30 years ago. I was at a Siemens facility that made all kinds of industrial crap and the guy that taught the class worked there as an engineer. After a conversation with him one day he told me how much he made and seemed to be quite proud of it, the Dutch guilder equivalent of $1500 US. I think I was making about 3 to 4 times that much and couldn't believe what he told me. He lived good though since he had a house and a car, I guess it's all relative.
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You really want to compare Chinese, Indian, or other Asian and African poverty with US "poverty"? Getting ahead in the US begins with education; people left behind made the choice to leave education behind when it was give freely to them. The entry level person at Walmart or McDonald's could have had a different life with some investment when given a free education.

Baltimore HS student fails all but 3 classes over 4 years, ranks near top half of class
McDonald's general manager can make 50k year. Not bad for a person who goes to work after high school with no other employable skills and works their way up the chain.
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We also have the richest poor in the world.
Much like quality of life, poor is subjective.

We also have the greatest number of people incarcerated per capita in the world.
One of the highest suicide rates.
And one of the world's worst discrepancies in wealth distribution.
And I am not so sure why you choose to vilify the Walton family when they have created more jobs in this country than probably 75% of the rest of it. And to put a little perspective on it, Walmart put my parents out of business essentially twice (once for sure) so if either of us truly has a reason to hate them it is certainly not you. Your Don Quixote mode of Walton "government support" is a silly windmill to tilt at. I get what you are saying about their employees getting aid. Perhaps we should raise the bar... (lower the bar?) for receiving government aid, then those Walmart jobs won't be so sought after. If that happens then the Waltons would be forced to pay more for workers.

I don't care who's richer than me, because you know what... I will never have more money than Jeff Bezos and I can live with that.

Has anybody else thought Bezos just took the Sears model and updated it to the current level of technology? Internet vs post office and telephone orders, and dumped the stores. The online pictures and descriptions replaced the old catalogs. I never saw him as a sage - just a bit of a visionary where tech and related conveniences were concerned... and mostly because cheap Chinese imports that weren't available in the Sears heyday.
Has anybody else thought Bezos just took the Sears model and updated it to the current level of technology? Internet vs post office and telephone orders, and dumped the stores. The online pictures and descriptions replaced the old catalogs. I never saw him as a sage - just a bit of a visionary where tech and related conveniences were concerned... and mostly because cheap Chinese imports that weren't available in the Sears heyday.
Ten years ago which was before Bezos became a well-known name, I read a book about Amazon and thought the story about how they used a plain old door like you could buy at Home Depot, as a desk top, to make a bunch of desks for their people in the beginning, was kinda cool. So I had my old friend Dan who was my handy-man at the time and built furniture in his home workshop as a hobby, to make me a door desk with an oak base and drawers. He did a nice job, and that door desk sits in my double wide at work and holds up my laptop and a few bottles of catalyst...
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Has anybody else thought Bezos just took the Sears model and updated it to the current level of technology? Internet vs post office and telephone orders, and dumped the stores. The online pictures and descriptions replaced the old catalogs. I never saw him as a sage - just a bit of a visionary where tech and related conveniences were concerned... and mostly because cheap Chinese imports that weren't available in the Sears heyday.
My wife asked me once quite some time ago why Sears didn't go back to their roots rather than die on the vine like they did. You are exactly rightabout Bezos
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Wait, i believe you boy nancy also spended alot. I do agree about the gop spending too. They both don't care about the economy.

Correction: they care very much about the economy right now because that's a key to getting reelected. They don't care about the economy 30 years from now because that will be someone else's problem.
Ten years ago which was before Bezos became a well-known name, I read a book about Amazon and thought the story about how they used a plain old door like you could buy at Home Depot, as a desk top, to make a bunch of desks for their people in the beginning, was kinda cool. So I had my old friend Dan who was my handy-man at the time and built furniture in his home workshop as a hobby, to make me a door desk with an oak base and drawers. He did a nice job, and that door desk sits in my double wide at work and holds up my laptop and a few bottles of catalyst...

I had a cheap version of that in my eraly 20's. Two stands and just a plain old hollow door. Worked great in bedroom. Went in the garage
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I had a cheap version of that in my eraly 20's. Two stands and just a plain old hollow door. Worked great in bedroom. Went in the garage
Yeah the hollow door is fine on milk crates or whatever - unfortunately that's what my man Dan used for my desk.

A solid wood door was what I was looking for, but he couldn't find one that didn't have the milled panels.
Yeah the hollow door is fine on milk crates or whatever - unfortunately that's what my man Dan used for my desk.

A solid wood door was what I was looking for, but he couldn't find one that didn't have the milled panels.

Never could figure out why they always put those milled panels in there. Not everything has to be ornate. Just a good chunk of flat wood.
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Much like quality of life, poor is subjective.

We also have the greatest number of people incarcerated per capita in the world.
One of the highest suicide rates.
And one of the world's worst discrepancies in wealth distribution.

Here’s the thing. I don’t care about YOUR quality of life. That’s up to you. Yes we have a lot of criminals, a lot of mentally ill, and people who have succeeded in life.
Here’s the thing. I don’t care about YOUR quality of life. That’s up to you. Yes we have a lot of criminals, a lot of mentally ill, and people who have succeeded in life.

I like to think of America as a subdued Wild West....Go for what you want and thrive, or not. Called freedom. Free to thrive, free to fail. Incidentally some of the worlds greatest thrivers were failures at one time, so there is value in even failure. I perosnally have made several bad choices in life and suffered consequences. Pull your bootstraps up.
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