Biden gonna tax us to death

A racist insurrection full of White supremacy and Indian Native American Indigenous Peoples cultural appropriation which should be struck from the history books. This event HAS to be treated like a Confederate monument due to its violent White Supremacy implications against the well meaning government who was trying to balance the tea usage scales to achieve a less disparate socioeconomically disenfranchised populace.

You know these things are either "terrorism" or "patriotism" depending on who wins. There was real meaning to the "victors write the history" ... until total immersion in white guilt became the driving societal ambition.
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Well, we have until May 17th to file a return this year. Trouble is, the first estimate is still due April 15th, which means you basically have to file a return to make a good estimate. Democrats....making real-time ex post facto tax law.

Procrastination is good - especially when the dims diddle with tax law.
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Compare the thievery of a corporation like walmart who doesn't pay its employees enough to stay off government assistance. So my tax dollars supplement wealth of its owners. I don't mind seeing them get hit.

Apparently the law of supply and demand says Walmart employees are worth less than the government thinks they are - or what a certain group thinks they are in return for bought votes. I haven't seen any slave auctions where Walmart was buying serfs to tote them bales.
No doubt. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people that have been manipulated into believing that it is directly tied to consumerism and the accumulation of things. When it comes to mind screwing people through marketing, nobody does it better than the US.

We also have the richest poor in the world.
Biden campaigned on no tax increase on those earning below $400K, so, we will see. But that was before his $1.9 trillion COVID deal which was on top of Trumps. A-big tax increase will be needed
At the same time he was claiming the tax hike stuff he knew he would be handing out cash in droves.
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Just wait until they start taking a hard look at the tax exempt status of churches and colleges. And, of course, 501(c) organizations afterwards.

Because no matter how much they have, they will want more. And when an institution like Harvard and Yale have endowments in the billions the .gov didn't see a penny of, someone is going to make that case.

Actually I wish they would go after some of the tax exempt nonsense. Stuff like "souls to polls" is a flagrant violation of church and state; you can't preach politics and say you are innocent. Further the .gov is stuffed with liberal trash the ivy leagues turn out; somebody damn sure ought to be taxed for that travesty.
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I waited to file my taxes this year until I saw the stimulus check in the bank because after I filed I was not eligible.

Yep. Cool move. The service went off the 2019 returns if you have not filed the 2020 tax year yet. It is working in reverse too. The poor bastards who hurried and filed to get the stimulus, but also had received unemployment, have essentially filed an incorrect return. The stimulus package from last week excludes a large part of the unemployment as income ($10,200)....the IRS will "issue future guidance" as to what to do.
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Nope try again. What is a fair percentage of my income for you to take?

You need to understand that to the left your earnings are like beer. You don't actually buy beer, you rent it - the return process is precisely what the government does with what they extort from your income. If they could just figure out how to keep you working as hard while they took it all, ... Of course, that's the hard part that "great minds:" like Marx couldn't comprehend.
We are miles and miles apart and our FFs knew we would be and that’s why they designed the scope of the federal government to be so limited.

Luther's on the back side of the continuum right now - where it wraps around into imaginary space and things look like down Lewis Carroll's rabbit hole.

Caught me...

I think CWV makes a good point. However, it's also not taking into account that when these morons put in a "minimum wage" the price of everything increases as well. And, as I pointed out, most companies start decreasing manpower/hours when it happens just like they did with Obamacare to stay under that 1,650 hour limit.

But in reality, how many full time jobs are at minimum wage these days anyway?
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About the same as it is for the billions wasted maintaining unneeded military bases.
You seem to have me confused with someone who supports those things.

If we quit subsidizing a Chinese military, we could probably talk about "unneeded" military and bases. Whether you realize it or not, our China dependency has spawned a new Cold War, and we're paying both sides this time ... now, that's really stupid.
If we quit subsidizing a Chinese military, we could probably talk about "unneeded" military and bases. Whether you realize it or not, our China dependency has spawned a new Cold War, and we're paying both sides this time ... now, that's really stupid.
I think our politicians have realized that our currency isn't worth the paper it's written on and they're trying to maximize it while they can. The democrats have our backs.
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You need to understand that to the left your earnings are like beer. You don't actually buy beer, you rent it - the return process is precisely what the government does with what they extort from your income. If they could just figure out how to keep you working as hard while they took it all, ... Of course, that's the hard part that "great minds:" like Marx couldn't comprehend.
I also notice that not a single one will answer the question.
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Virtually no turnover at Costco.

And a better question would be why wouldn't Republicans demand corporations to either pay a living wage or pay the public assistance costs generated by their full time employees.

Why would you demand an artificial rate or set the rates that businesses pay for labor? The labor market - supply and demand - should settle that score. Look to what unions achieved in pricing US labor out of the market until the globalists could take advantage of union mob rule nonsense. Labor is what labor is worth in the supply and demand market and not a penny more unless you can prove it buys efficiency. Labor costs are always going to vary with job functions and "cost" of entry (such as educational and professional licensure) into the market ... Wally World isn't going to get off paying a pharmacist what they do a run of the mill entry level shelf stocker.

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