Biden Lowers Price of Oil

It's almost like trump, instead of doing anything to minimize the virus, just went along with it completely and shut the country down. Oh wait, I guess that makes trump part of the conspiracy, doesn't it?
This is a really interesting stance. While the public was pre-occupied with another impeachment hearing the world continued to move forward. And Trump while others were distracted was able to move through and work with companies to mass produce in "operation warp speed" to minimize the virus. But lets not let facts get in the way of a good impeachment hearing.
This is a really interesting stance. While the public was pre-occupied with another impeachment hearing the world continued to move forward. And Trump while others were distracted was able to move through and work with companies to mass produce in "operation warp speed" to minimize the virus. But lets not let facts get in the way of a good impeachment hearing.
So trump, with great effort, solved the economic crises his response to the pandemic created. He was running the country when everything was shut down, no?
So trump, with great effort, solved the economic crises his response to the pandemic created. He was running the country when everything was shut down, no?

Again I ask, what did Trump shut down? Should Trump have forbade mayors and governors from shutting down their cities and states?
It's almost like trump, instead of doing anything to minimize the virus, just went along with it completely and shut the country down. Oh wait, I guess that makes trump part of the conspiracy, doesn't it?

All Trump's fault to minimize the virus? You must have been living in a cave at that point. Nobody knew anything about what this virus was capable of doing to humans. The virus was unknown to America. China wouldn't release any type of information to the USA to help understand in dealing w/getting control of fixing it. Trump didn't shut down the country. The Democrats did that bc they're the ones that are always thinking their smarter at making decisions. Democrats wanted to take control of everyone & everything.
So trump, with great effort, solved the economic crises his response to the pandemic created. He was running the country when everything was shut down, no?
Yes, state voluntary shutdown. He blunted the manufactured virus during an election year that “allowed” protection to the left at the expense (collateral damage) of the world to get Biden elected. But yes, he was the President and times were good. Unfortunately it took Covid coincidentally when things are good to sidetrack the counties growth.
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All Trump's fault to minimize the virus? You must have been living in a cave at that point. Nobody knew anything about what this virus was capable of doing to humans. The virus was unknown to America. China wouldn't release any type of information to the USA to help understand in dealing w/getting control of fixing it. Trump didn't shut down the country. The Democrats did that bc they're the ones that are always thinking they’re smarter at making decisions. Democrats wanted to take control of everyone & everything.
It’s was noted for weeks a bat produced it until it was discovered Fauci somehow had connections to this once in a lifetime convenient pandemic.
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All Trump's fault to minimize the virus? You must have been living in a cave at that point. Nobody knew anything about what this virus was capable of doing to humans. The virus was unknown to America. China wouldn't release any type of information to the USA to help understand in dealing w/getting control of fixing it. Trump didn't shut down the country. The Democrats did that bc they're the ones that are always thinking their smarter at making decisions. Democrats wanted to take control of everyone & everything.

I'm still waiting for her to tell us what Trump shut down.
Then why screech about the profits and not about the tax revenue that’s laundered through a vast bureaucracy?
Because that's what they do.

On the local level I used to see it as well. The local (leftist) government would complain that businesses were making too much profit.

I did the math. For a micro-sized business ($100kish in sales) the local government alone was taking 25-30% of every dollar handed over the counter in taxes (sales, property, etc.). In most of the ~100 businesses that size I used to work with, they were sitting on margins between 1% and, at the high end, 10%. Yet any profit is too high- say the bureaucrats.
Then why screech about the profits and not about the tax revenue that’s laundered through a vast bureaucracy?
Who is screeching? I bought stock in Exxon two years ago.

What I'm saying is that if Biden declared "war" on oil he's losing badly.

It's actually a very beneficial relationship..Biden blames them for high prices and they blame him for "lack of drilling expansion" while they both rake in the cash.
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Who is screeching? I bought stock in Exxon two years ago.

What I'm saying is that if Biden declared "war" on oil he's losing badly.

It's actually a very beneficial relationship..Biden blames them for high prices and they blame him for "lack of drilling expansion" while they both rake in the cash.

All very true, it is a symbiotic relationship between oil big companies and the Dems. It was us, the American people that Biden actually declared war on.
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Well Biden's administration actually claimed something I totally agree with and told the absolute truth about it.

They have said that due to Biden's leadership SS recipients will receive the largest increase since 1981 and they are completely correct. His leadership in getting us to the highest inflation since 1981 has caused the automatic increases from COLA is directly related to the rise in SS payouts.

Unfortunately, the increases are not going to be anywhere near enough to cover the actual inflation the dummy has "led" us to.
The Florida GOP and DeSantis passed a 25 cent gas tax holiday this year for October.

So yesterday, one week before the election, the price of gas at local pumps went from 3.20 gal to 3.45.

Isn't that a happy coincidence for the GOP in an mid term?
The Florida GOP and DeSantis passed a 25 cent gas tax holiday this year for October.

So yesterday, one week before the election, the price of gas at local pumps went from 3.20 gal to 3.45.

Isn't that a happy coincidence for the GOP in an mid term?
October has 31 days. Holidays end. I’d take a National inflation holiday or a National pre Biden interest rate holiday in a heartbeat
October has 31 days. Holidays end. I’d take a National inflation holiday or a National pre Biden interest rate holiday in a heartbeat

So do it in November, with everyone driving for tgiving.

Oh but that means prices dropping right before the election. Can't have that.
So do it in November, with everyone driving for tgiving.

Oh but that means prices dropping right before the election. Can't have that.

Maybe not everyone calculates voter stupidity into legislation.
So do it in November, with everyone driving for tgiving.

Oh but that means prices dropping right before the election. Can't have that.
Why not just appreciate that someone actually made something happen? The feds could do the same and lower prices right now before the election but haven't even suggested it. In fact, they turned it down when Biden asked for it. You support thieves
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Who is screeching? I bought stock in Exxon two years ago.

What I'm saying is that if Biden declared "war" on oil he's losing badly.

It's actually a very beneficial relationship..Biden blames them for high prices and they blame him for "lack of drilling expansion" while they both rake in the cash.
How about he declared war on our pocketbooks?
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Why not just appreciate that someone actually made something happen? The feds could do the same and lower prices right now before the election but haven't even suggested it. In fact, they turned it down when Biden asked for it. You support thieves

I'm not talking about the merit of the tax or the tax break, at all.

I'm pointing out that the GOP intentionally created a scenario by which the price of gas in Florida would go up 25 cents a gallon one week before election day. And I pointed that out in reference to criticism of Biden for releasing some reserves, which people contend was done to influence the election.

So, the argument goes, the Dems tried to reduce the price of gas leading up to the election, whereas the GOP tried to increase it.

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