Biden Lowers Price of Oil

What was there to misunderstand? You made a declaration in the title and then posted a link that didn't match. I simply asked you to explain the facts behind your thread title. Over a day later you come back to try and clarify your subpar effort then turn around and make it everyone else's fault. It's absurdity as its finest hence the Seinfeld gifs
I've already got my next gif queued up anticipating his reply.
Because I almost never watch Don Lemon or The View, it appears that facts do not matter to you.
Having a POTUS who is braindead apparently doesn't matter to you and your Liberal ilk. Hint: Just because your Mommy was a D, doesn't mean you are required to be one.
What was there to misunderstand? You made a declaration in the title and then posted a link that didn't match. I simply asked you to explain the facts behind your thread title. Over a day later you come back to try and clarify your subpar effort then turn around and make it everyone else's fault. It's absurdity as its finest hence the Seinfeld gifs

What are you, a writing critic? Over a day later? So you not only want to dictate how I write, you want to dictate when I write? If you do not like what I write or when I write it, then you are free to pass it by and not read it.
Yes. The reason it would take decades to build a new refinery is government regulation and the NIMBY people. The companies would be happy to build new refineries if the ROI was there.

If the ROI was there.



It's not and it never will be, ever again. They're perfectly happy exporting surplus crude and reaping record profits at the pumps (as they should.)

But the reason it's not there didn't start when Biden was elected - which was the entirety of my point.

Unless you're aware of new refinery construction projects that started due to oil friendly policies that started with the Bush, Bush light or Trump administrations. Otherwise, Biden's "wAr On BiG oIL" is nothing more than a partisan talking point that basically amounts to "mean tweets."
If the ROI was there.



It's not and it never will be, ever again. They're perfectly happy exporting surplus crude and reaping record profits at the pumps (as they should.)

But the reason it's not there didn't start when Biden was elected - which was the entirety of my point.

Unless you're aware of new refinery construction projects that started due to oil friendly policies that started with the Bush, Bush light or Trump administrations. Otherwise, Biden's "wAr On BiG oIL" is nothing more than a partisan talking point that basically amounts to "mean tweets."
You probably like the EPA mandated gas can nozzles, don't you?
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If the ROI was there.



It's not and it never will be, ever again. They're perfectly happy exporting surplus crude and reaping record profits at the pumps.

But the reason it's not there didn't start when Biden was elected - which was the entirety of my point.

Unless you're aware of new refinery construction projects that started due to oil friendly policies that started with the Bush, Bush light or Trump administrations. Otherwise, Biden's "wAr On BiG oIL" is nothing more than a partisan talking point that basically amounts to "mean tweets."

Of course there's not going to be a new refinery built in our lifetimes because (as I said) government regulations and the NIMBY crowd. Oil is a global commodity and US crude has been on the global market since the export ban was lifted in 2015 and the amount we export has remained pretty steady since 2019 so I don't know what you're trying to get at with that statement. The PPB of oil greatly effects the price we pay at the pump for gas/diesel so limiting what our domestic producers can get out of the ground AND limiting the supply of the dirty oil sands from Canada has had an effect on what we are paying at the pump.

The reason we are sucking up to Venezuela now is because several of our GC refineries are set up to refine heavy/dirty crude and were expanded to run an increase in product from Canada. Since that supply is not going to increase now they need the heavy crude from Venezuela to fill that void and keep the refineries at capacity.
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If you guys prefer obsessing over a thread's title over working the issue it raises, why are you on staff? The thread title is not a steep mountain, at all. I wrote it for a purpose, because I write for a purpose. Talk about rights? That is my right. Do you read for the purpose of understanding or for the purpose of misunderstanding and saying something bad? The latter is what you're doing here.

Just an FYI you don't have any rights here.
How did I imply that corporations should supply goods and services at cost? I didn't, so you are wildly misrepresenting my post so you can ridicule something I did not say. I did mention record high profits, the highest in fifty to seventy years. That is the opposite of no profits. Duh.
How much money is .gov making on a gallon of gas? If the oil companies are making bank, .gov, with no skin in the game, is making bank.
How much money is .gov making on a gallon of gas? If the oil companies are making bank, .gov, with no skin in the game, is making bank.
I calculated the estimated range of government $ from retail fuel taxes. The combined local, state, and federal dwarfed the oil companies' profits.

(From memory)
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The newest refinery in the United States is the Texas International Terminals 45,000 b/cd refinery in Channelview, Texas, which was operable on January 1, 2022, but actually started operating in February, 2022.

Capacity has also been added to existing refineries through upgrades or new construction. Some recent examples of large increases include:

In 2012, Motiva upgraded its refinery in Port Arthur, Texas, making it the largest U.S. refinery, with a capacity of 626,000 b/cd as of January 1, 2022.
In 2015, Valero expanded its Corpus Christi, Texas refinery after previous expansions, bringing its capacity as of January 1, 2022, to 290,000 b/cd.
The newest refineries currently operating in the United States

The newest refineries currently operating in the United States:

2022 Galveston TX
2021 Kern, CA

2019 Channelview TX

Corpus Christi, Texas

2015 Corpus Christi, TX

etc, etc
The newest refinery in the United States is the Texas International Terminals 45,000 b/cd refinery in Channelview, Texas, which was operable on January 1, 2022, but actually started operating in February, 2022.

Capacity has also been added to existing refineries through upgrades or new construction. Some recent examples of large increases include:

In 2012, Motiva upgraded its refinery in Port Arthur, Texas, making it the largest U.S. refinery, with a capacity of 626,000 b/cd as of January 1, 2022.
In 2015, Valero expanded its Corpus Christi, Texas refinery after previous expansions, bringing its capacity as of January 1, 2022, to 290,000 b/cd.
The newest refineries currently operating in the United States

The newest refineries currently operating in the United States:

2022 Galveston TX
2021 Kern, CA

2019 Channelview TX

Corpus Christi, Texas

2015 Corpus Christi, TX

etc, etc

TIT refinery is just making low sulfur bunker fuel (marine diesel) for ships for IMO 2020 compliance.
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I’d comment, but I don’t want anybody else to get pissed when they can’t ignore me.
Keep pressing. Maybe we can get him to claim you threatened to ban him and he’ll leave in a huff even when it’s obvious you made no such threat.
It's really simple, but people hate facts these days.

We have roughly 1,000 active oil sites in America.

During Covid we shut down roughly 80% of these sites.

During Covid a massive number of oil workers (and workers from all sectors) retired

The demand for oil quickly recovered.

The inability to hire enough oil workers has made it difficult to reopen all the active drilling sites and keep pace with consumption, so prices spiked.

We have slowly worked our way back up to 700 of the sites now functioning. As with other industries, hiring continues to be difficult.

It's that simple.

Joe could authorize drilling on the White House lawn but there still are not enough bodies to get the work done.

Sometimes things just happen and it's nobody's fault.

If you want to criticize Joe, talk about out of control spending, the fledgling educational system, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.

There's no doubt he's a moron and there's plenty there to pick on, but this is simply isn't one of them.
There is an important distinction to make here.

This is not really Joe Biden’s fault.
This is 100% the fault of the Democrats.

Biden is the Big D right now, and the President- so he catches the heat.

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