biden's niece's diary

Can you link me to an article that says other agencies believe PV forged those entries? Those specific entries?
Nobody talks about Project Veritas anymore since their lies about ballot harvesting in Minnesota were exposed. This is a non-story. You act like these diary entries are some new revelation. They have been on the National File web site for two damn years! Nobody was talking about it at all, until Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander pleaded guilty to trafficking in stolen property. This is not a new story. So why haven't any far right-wing sites covered it?
I'm a Constitutionalist. Not a Republican, not a Democrat, not a Libertarian. I have no party allegiance. I believe in the Constitution.

You misrepresent yourself as being a decent human being.
You are a Republican ... who lies a lot.
There is no way you can watch that video and come away from it not believing that Project Veritas would tamper with the contents of that diary.

Would they? Yes, I believe they would. Did they? Well, that's a different question and you have zero proof they did. We don't know if they did or they didn't, and Ashley Biden has yet to claim they did.
Nobody talks about Project Veritas anymore since their lies about ballot harvesting in Minnesota were exposed. This is a non-story. You act like these diary entries are some new revelation. They have been on the National File web site for two damn years! Nobody was talking about it at all, until Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander pleaded guilty to trafficking in stolen property. This is not a new story. So why haven't any far right-wing sites covered it?
So that's a no? You can't link me to an article showing other agencies believe PV forged those alleged diary entries?

I thought not.
You're wrong. And you're wrong a lot. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Republican.
I'm just messing with you ... I do believe that PV probably forged those entries, because they just seem like the kind of people who would do that, but I don't really care about this. Just bored. Don't take anything I say on here seriously. Going to bed. Later.
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I don't know who John Cardillo is, or why this tweet was posted here .... but the answer to his stupid question can be found by doing nothing more than checking to see what Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander were convicted of. I can't help but notice how many of you idiots have already given this a "like".

Florida Residents Plead Guilty To Conspiracy To Commit Interstate Transportation Of Stolen Property

It involved the interstate transportation of stolen property. That falls well within the jurisdiction of the DOJ.

The transportation of stolen property across state lines happens daily without fbi involvement
The best indicator of future behavior ... is past behavior.

The proof is that they have an extensive history of this. They peddle disinformation, which they have created themselves. I'm not surprised that you trust them. You seem very gullible when it comes to right-wing disinformation. You desperately want to believe it. That's pathetic.

You make an excellent point here. This perfectly describes the Democrats and mainstream media in the way they pushed outright lies about Russia collusion for 3 years (when they made the whole thing up all along). This perfectly describes how the Hunter laptop story got suppressed by every single mainstream media news outlet. Even the FBI labeled this as false information. They have a habit of pushing flase narratives and hiding the truth. According to your very words, this is proof that's what is happening now.
The best indicator of future behavior ... is past behavior.

The proof is that they have an extensive history of this. They peddle disinformation, which they have created themselves. I'm not surprised that you trust them. You seem very gullible when it comes to right-wing disinformation. You desperately want to believe it. That's pathetic.

Oh come on man , pick your lane .

Why do yall argue with this sheep. Joe Biden is scurge. He's a pos that deserves to rot in hell. He's got the judicial and legislative branches covering for him and his degenerate family as well as the democratic state run media. This is the most corrupt administration in the history of these United States.
Lol ok so now it's not real? You can't have it both ways. Pick your side. If it's not real Ashley's diary was not stolen. If it is real, Ashley's diary was stolen but it also proves the point that Joe Biden is a sick pervert (we all knew already knew this).

Logic eludes you.

You do well on the first statement. "If it's not ashley's diary then Ashley's diary was not stolen." Solid logic.

Your second sentence is where it all falls apart and you often find yourself in trouble when debating on this board.

"If it is real, Ashley's diary was stolen but it also proves the point that Joe Biden is a sick pervert (we all knew already knew this)."

First part, I have no issues with again.

Second part, I am not sure what anyone knows regarding the contents of the diary. Have pages in Ashley's handwriting been published? Or are you relying upon websites without much credibility.
Would they? Yes, I believe they would. Did they? Well, that's a different question and you have zero proof they did. We don't know if they did or they didn't, and Ashley Biden has yet to claim they did.

I can see why someone who struggles with sobriety would want to ignore every bit of this mess. Whether true or not.
Logic eludes you.

You do well on the first statement. "If it's not ashley's diary then Ashley's diary was not stolen." Solid logic.

Your second sentence is where it all falls apart and you often find yourself in trouble when debating on this board.

"If it is real, Ashley's diary was stolen but it also proves the point that Joe Biden is a sick pervert (we all knew already knew this)."

First part, I have no issues with again.

Second part, I am not sure what anyone knows regarding the contents of the diary. Have pages in Ashley's handwriting been published? Or are you relying upon websites without much credibility.

You are the one lacking logic here. The Department of Justice has just charged two people with conspiring to traffic the diary in which Joe Biden’s daughter details her experience of having “inappropriate showers” with her father as a young girl. This fact confirms that the diary is real. Common sense and an ounce of simple logic would allow you to know know that if the DOJ went to all of that bother over a diary, if the content of the diary that's been released by so called "far right" news sources were false they would have corrected this as well.
You are the one lacking logic here. The Department of Justice has just charged two people with conspiring to traffic the diary in which Joe Biden’s daughter details her experience of having “inappropriate showers” with her father as a young girl. This fact confirms that the diary is real. Common sense and an ounce of simple logic would allow you to know know that if the DOJ went to all of that bother over a diary, if the content of the diary that's been released by so called "far right" news sources were false they would have corrected this as well.

Generally, speaking. Rumors don't merit response. I don't know that the diary details anything pederific about Joe Biden and neither do you. You are leaping to this conclusion because that is the conclusion you want it to be. It is the election fraud thread all over again.
You are the one lacking logic here. The Department of Justice has just charged two people with conspiring to traffic the diary in which Joe Biden’s daughter details her experience of having “inappropriate showers” with her father as a young girl. This fact confirms that the diary is real. Common sense and an ounce of simple logic would allow you to know know that if the DOJ went to all of that bother over a diary, if the content of the diary that's been released by so called "far right" news sources were false they would have corrected this as well.
Incest and child anyone could think this isn't a strong possibility considering Joe Bidens past actions and comments is beyond me.

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