biden's niece's diary

It wouldn't necessarily be conclusive because Project Veritas was in possession of large samples of her hand-writing from within the diary. When forgery involves a template, that makes it much harder to detect.

That would be where the things I listed would come into play. If you don't think that the last people to be in possession of hand-written material would be scrutinized for forgery, then you are an idiot.
They don't just examine the handwriting when determining if something such as this is a forgery. The actual diary would be examined.

Once again, your attempt backfires and you look dumb.
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Right ... but by itself, that doesn't prove she wrote it.
I never said it did. What I did say is it's not a good look. If someone forged a document in my handwriting claiming my father molested me, I'd be denying it fervently.
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I've continuously said it should be investigated. He's continuously cried "Project Veritas! Forgeries!". He doesn't want an investigation because he's scared of what it might find.
1) there exists a diary belonging to Ashley B.
2) it has some damning entries in it.
3) it was out of her possession for a period of time with members of PV.
4) she has neither confirmed or denied making the entries.

Everything else is supposition.
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You obviously have no clue how forgeries are detected. Your attempts to act like you do are laughable.
Right ... but by itself, that doesn't prove she wrote it.

lol. I’m sure she’s just waiting for everything to die down before she comes out and says her creepy old pedophile dad didn’t do anything inappropriate with her. Nobody in their right mind would want to clear the air as soon as possible if something so egregious were false.
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I've continuously said it should be investigated. He's continuously cried "Project Veritas! Forgeries!". He doesn't want an investigation because he's scared of what it might find.
An investigation really only involves asking Ashley Biden if she wrote those passages... it begins and ends with her.

I would hazard a guess that she has been asked that question by FBI special agents ... I have no idea what she said ... but if I had to guess, it was probably "No."
You obviously have no clue how forgeries are detected. Your attempts to act like you do are laughable.
If you don't think that the last people to handle that diary would be scrutinized for forgery, especially considering their history of deceptive practices, then you are an idiot.
An investigation really only involves asking Ashley Biden if she wrote those passages... it begins and ends with her.

I would hazard a guess that she has been asked that question by FBI special agents ... I have no idea what she said ... but if I had to guess, it was probably "No."
Actually, it doesn't. Let's be honest, she has reason to lie. Again, the diary can be scientifically analyzed to see if it is a forgery. They look at more than handwriting templars to determine such. There are other things, like the age of the ink used, that can determine if something was written at a far later time. PV has motive, but that doesn't mean they forged the entries. If the entries are proven to be forgeries, then PV's history and motive matters.
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lol. I’m sure she’s just waiting for everything to die down before she comes out and says her creepy old pedophile dad didn’t do anything inappropriate with her. Nobody in their right mind would want to clear the air as soon as possible if something so egregious were false.
Nothing has to "die down."

You are implying that this is some big scandal, when virtually nobody, even from the right is reporting the contents of the diary and it has been on the National File web site for 22 months now. You want it to be a big deal, but it's not! This did not become the October surprise from 2020 that James O'Keefe of Project Veritas was hoping for.
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If you don't think that the last people to handle that diary would be scrutinized for forgery, especially considering their history of deceptive practices, then you are an idiot.

Again, with the name-calling. You're making yourself look incredibly stupid. IF it is proven to be a forgery, that is when PV would be scrutinized.
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Keep digging that hole and calling people "idiots" while displaying your ignorance.
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Let's be honest, she has reason to lie.
This confirms what I have been saying all along : If she was to make a public denial, it wouldn't change anything, because people like yourself would call her a liar anyway.

There are other things, like the age of the ink used, that can determine if something was written at a far later time.
All of those delicate intricacies can be duplicated by people who know what they're doing.

... and as I said earlier, you clearly do have a double standard here. You are not applying distrust to the FBI and Project Veritas evenly as you dishonestly claimed. You are eager to give Project Veritas a benefit of doubt that you would never give the FBI.
Actually, it doesn't. Let's be honest, she has reason to lie. Again, the diary can be scientifically analyzed to see if it is a forgery. They look at more than handwriting templars to determine such. There are other things, like the age of the ink used, that can determine if something was written at a far later time. PV has motive, but that doesn't mean they forged the entries. If the entries are proven to be forgeries, then PV's history and motive matters.
You would only believe Ashley Biden if she said what you want her to say : That she wrote those diary entries, and it's all true,

I, on the hand, would believe her if she said that her father had sexually abused her as a child.
This confirms what I have been saying all along : If she was to make a public denial, it wouldn't change anything, because people like yourself would call her a liar anyway.

All of those delicate intricacies can be duplicated by people who know what they're doing.

... and as I said earlier, you clearly do have a double standard here. You are not applying distrust to the FBI and Project Veritas evenly as you dishonestly claimed. You are eager to give Project Veritas a benefit of doubt that you would never give the FBI.
I wouldn't call her a liar, but you're fooling yourself if you don't believe she has reason to lie.

It's not as easy as you think, or are trying to make it out to be, and I highly doubt the people at PV are that diligent. Look at the very clip you posted. Does that scream like PV is good at faking things? You can't have it both ways.

Again, you really shouldn't be accusing others of a "double standard". Your politics are showing again. The goal should be truth, no matter what side it falls on. Your continued argument against finding the truth just shows you're willing to dismiss the possibility of child molestation in the name of politics.
Actually, it doesn't. Let's be honest, she has reason to lie. Again, the diary can be scientifically analyzed to see if it is a forgery. They look at more than handwriting templars to determine such. There are other things, like the age of the ink used, that can determine if something was written at a far later time. PV has motive, but that doesn't mean they forged the entries. If the entries are proven to be forgeries, then PV's history and motive matters.
Modern forensics can take identical printers that use the same paper stock and differentiate the results.
Printer forensics to aid homeland security, tracing counterfeiters.

The FBI is in possession of the diary but they haven't bothered to add a forgery charge with the other charges?

PV forges a diary that they know can easily be detected then hands it over to the FBI?
You would only believe Ashley Biden if she said what you want her to say : That she wrote those diary entries, and it's all true,

I, on the hand, would believe her if she said that her father had sexually abused her as a child.

I want her to say it's fake because I don't want to believe we elected a pedophile.

But common sense says she has reason to lie so the diary and the suspect entries should be analyzed to see if they are indeed forgeries.

Remember, "trust the science".
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Modern forensics can take identical printers that use the same paper stock and differentiate the results.
Printer forensics to aid homeland security, tracing counterfeiters.

The FBI is in possession of the diary but they haven't bothered to add a forgery charge with the other charges?

PV forges a diary that they know can easily be detected then hands it over to the FBI?
He just keeps digging. It's entirely political for him, he just doesn't want to admit it. And I'm sure some in this thread want to believe it true for the exact same reason. Myself, I think we should be interested in finding the truth. Child molestation is a serious charge.
PV forges a diary that they know can easily be detected then hands it over to the FBI?
You are giving them more credit than they deserve. See the fake Roy Moore story, The tried to trip up The Washington Post with something which was very easily fact-checked. These are not smart guys.

Yes, forging that diary is well-within their modus operandi. You are giving them a benefit of doubt which they do not deserve. Also, their goal here was to influence the 2020 Presidential Election in October of 2020. They just needed the contents of the diary published, with the possibility that it was true being around for a week or so.
You are giving them more credit than they deserve. See the fake Roy Moore story, The tried to trip up The Washington Post with something which was very easily fact-checked. These are not smart guys.

Yes, forging that diary is well-within their modus operandi. You are giving them a benefit of doubt which they do not deserve. Also, their goal here was to influence the 2020 Presidential Election in October of 2020. They just needed the contents of the diary published, with the possibility that it was true being around for a week or so.
First you say they could forge the diary where science couldn't prove it. Now this.

He just keeps digging. It's entirely political for him, he just doesn't want to admit it. And I'm sure some in this thread want to believe it true for the exact same reason. Myself, I think we should be interested in finding the truth. Child molestation is a serious charge.
LOL. Dumb.

Why do you think right-wing outlets aren't reporting the contents of the diary? Be cause they know Project Veritas had it last, and they think it's possible that those entries were forged.

You keep projecting your tribal views. I would believe Ashley Biden if she says it was true. You would call her a liar if she denied it.
LOL. Dumb.

Why do you think right-wing outlets aren't reporting the contents of the diary? Be cause they know Project Veritas had it last, and they think it's possible that those entries were forged.

You keep projecting your tribal views. I would believe Ashley Biden if she says it was true. You would call her a liar if she denied it.

They're afraid of the hell that would be rained down upon them, and they don't have the actual proof themselves. The diary is in the hands of the FBI. Or been destroyed by now if they're smart.
First you say they could forge the diary where science couldn't prove it. Now this.

I didn't say that it couldn't possibly be proven. I said that with samples in hand, someone who knows what they're doing can create duplicate entries which make detection much harder.

You contradicted your previous assertion that an Ashley Biden denial would clear everything up. I argued that you would just call her a liar anyway. Because you have no self-awareness, and are not very intelligent or articulate .... you basically just admitted that I was right all along.
LOL. Dumb.

Why do you think right-wing outlets aren't reporting the contents of the diary? Be cause they know Project Veritas had it last, and they think it's possible that those entries were forged.

You keep projecting your tribal views. I would believe Ashley Biden if she says it was true. You would call her a liar if she denied it.
I don't know how you can see how the Hunter laptop thing was handled and not immediately see the massive problem
They're afraid of the hell that would be rained down upon them, and they don't have the actual proof themselves. The diary is in the hands of the FBI. Or been destroyed by now if they're smart.
That doesn't make any sense. Far right outlets such as OAN and Breitbart make salacious accusations against Biden and other Democrats all time. They are not afraid of what might rain down on them. That is such a weak take from this.

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