Big Brother

Yeah, it will be interesting to see how the do the cast next year. I think CBS wanted a minority winner, but not sure this is how they wanted it to play out.
The producers teed this one up. The cookout was formed on day one, and to a person they all sounded "no person of color has ever won" you don't think in the interview process this wasn't brought up by the contestant to move the forward or by the interviewer to make sure they were aware. That and the SJW that were sprinkled in (Claire falling on her sword when Tiff explained she'd have to put her up)
What I find very interesting is that there has been very little jury house coverage. Does the jury feel they've had a fast one pulled on them, and what will the temperature be after this week and two of the cookout show up to face their and 1.
Let's also face it, this has been one of the most boring season... no real showmance, no evil dick, no mental case that everyone is watching to explode,
When all is said and done, I hope Azah and Big D are the final two. I'd find that hilarious.
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I was thinking the same thing.........I hope Big D and Azah can find a way to get into the final seats. Then we can hear them argue about who did less.
Is this show a mirror of our society? If Azah wins would that be AOC being elected to congress over Colin Powell
Heavy D seems to think he's done everything behind the scenes. It's hilarious. His attitude the last 2 shows is crazy talk.

Ky was heated when voted out. I was wanting fisticuffs to go down. Calling out his nephew? Move along loser.
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Heavy D seems to think he's done everything behind the scenes. It's hilarious. His attitude the last 2 shows is crazy talk.

Ky was heated when voted out. I was wanting fisticuffs to go down. Calling out his nephew? Move along loser.

It was worse than that. He said his nephew's name, brought Kobe Bryant into it, poured salt in the wound of X's brother's death, and said X isn't a man or somebody to look up to.

Nobody has ever gone out worse than Kyland. He's a fkn psychopath. He acts like he's the first person ever to get betrayed in BB. It's weird because my wife and I had been saying he reminded us of my friend that we had to disown because of how he acted when his wife left him. Kyland was fake nice the whole season and then showed us who he is. I guess he expects Sarah Beth to be cool and forgive him but he doesn't have to be cool when he gets got.
It was worse than that. He said his nephew's name, brought Kobe Bryant into it, poured salt in the wound of X's brother's death, and said X isn't a man or somebody to look up to.

Nobody has ever gone out worse than Kyland. He's a fkn psychopath. He acts like he's the first person ever to get betrayed in BB. It's weird because my wife and I had been saying he reminded us of my friend that we had to disown because of how he acted when his wife left him. Kyland was fake nice the whole season and then showed us who he is. I guess he expects Sarah Beth to be cool and forgive him but he doesn't have to be cool when he gets got.
Kyland about gave the money to Big D or Azah, he did everything he could to get X into a throw down. Julie and the producers about let it go too far... I guess they thought it would make good TV. I'm not sure about Ky's skills but X grew up with a lot of brothers so my money would be on him.
It was worse than that. He said his nephew's name, brought Kobe Bryant into it, poured salt in the wound of X's brother's death, and said X isn't a man or somebody to look up to.

Nobody has ever gone out worse than Kyland. He's a fkn psychopath. He acts like he's the first person ever to get betrayed in BB. It's weird because my wife and I had been saying he reminded us of my friend that we had to disown because of how he acted when his wife left him. Kyland was fake nice the whole season and then showed us who he is. I guess he expects Sarah Beth to be cool and forgive him but he doesn't have to be cool when he gets got.
Holy crap. My wife likes Kyland, we haven't watched whatever episode this happened on yet, so she's gonna be MAD to find this out.
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Just got caught up, Karenland is such a piece of trash. Pretty much expected it when all the online complaints he makes came out, but he showed his true colors with that exit. Then made it even worse when he said he stands by what he said and that everything he said was objectively true. Hats off to X for not smacking the stupid smirk off his face.
She was actually done with him before his exit from the house, from stuff he said earlier in the episode. She just sat there with her mouth open, yelling "THAT'S NOT OKAY" at the TV as he instulted X.
SOmething tells me that if that was not staged, the reunion show will have an over the top apology, or fireworks
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