Veni, Vidi, Vici
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Birds: I have seen where evolution says that birds evolved from reptiles. Reptiles use an in out breathing mechanism like humans have. Birds have a flow through mechanism to breath. Can you imagine how that breathing system just evolved through time? How would that work?
Environmental change and selective pressure. Their flow through respiratory mechanism enables them to fly. Without such a respiratory mechanism, birds would not have evolved into what they are today. It increases the ability to control their center of gravity, lessen the overall weight of the bird to fly, and increase the amount of oxygen the bird can burn for flight.
Asexual Reproduction This form of reproduction is far more efficient than sexual reproduction. Some species already do this. If evolution creates more complex and efficient being over time, why don't all species reproduce asexually?
Efficiency is not the name of the game. Increased fitness is the ultimate goal of all organisms. Efficiency tends to be a useful characteristic in achieving the ultimate goal of overall maximum fitness. As you astutely alluded to, asexual reproduction is far more efficient than sexual reproduction. Furthermore, asexual reproduction has a two-fold advantage in the number of offspring it can beget with respect to sexual reproduction.
However, the ultimate goal is to increase fitness. The downside of asexual reproduction is the lack efficiency of DNA repair. In most asexual reproduction organisms, there is just a single plasmid of DNA. Thus, there is not a second DNA plasmid or strand to check the original plasmid against for mistakes. This mechanism failure results in many more mistakes being permanently incorporated into the single plasmid. Hence the reason why asexually reproducing organisms evolve way faster than sexually reproducing organisms. Sexually reproduction drastically reduces this problem. Additionally, during sexual reproduction, homologous recombination of sister chromatids occurs during Prophase I of meiosis. This genetic phenomenon greatly increases the genetic diversity of the population. The combination of these two advantages (the masking of mutations and increasing genetic diversity among the population) greatly increase the overall fitness of the species.
There are multiple theories about how sexual reproduction evolved from asexual reproduction. One of them states that a haploid organism obtained the DNA of another similar organism (either similar or same species) and used the new DNA to check its original plasmid for mutations. Another prominent theory revolves around a plasmid transfer mechanism similar to bacterial conjugation. Such a theory is supported by selfish gene theorists. I fall into that camp.
Fossil Records There is a complete lack of evidence between transitional life forms. I am not talking about smaller humans or larger animals of the same species, I am talking about transitional life forms. If that is how we truly evolved from bacteria, to fish, to fish that could walk etc. there would be much more fossil records to show this. If things get perfected and more complex over time why do we still have "bad" bacteria at all? Why wouldn't sickness just devolve out of existence?
First, to address your claim about fossil records, it is completely false and unfounded. It is so ridiculous I am not going to spend any time refuting it. I will just advise you visit any prominent natural science museum for all the proof you should ever need.
The second claim about how evolution ought to have evolved into perfection is misguided. Evolution never stops. There is no such thing as perfection. Everything has flaws. The bad bacteria are often useful or harmless to other organisms. Evolution is divergent. Therefore, once a branch happens, there is no connection between those branches. The fact that two species share a similar ancestor in no way reflects the fact that they are no longer competitors in the game of life.
Probability When the mathematical laws of probability are applied to the known facts of biology, the odds against the incredible, organized complexity of our biological world evolving through blind chance, plus time, are so astronomical in size that, for all practical purposes, evolution is mathematically impossible.
Given the proper and necessary conditions for life, the probability of abiogenesis approaches one given enough time.
Human existence You said earlier the "missing link" between ape and human had been found. Why are there no links walking the earth today? If we really did mutate from some form of primate species wouldn't there still be some ancestors of this alive today. Humans are more complex and intelligent than primates. Why would all of the primates not have mutated? Why only a select few?
When we branched off from Neanderthals (we have common ancestor with them) we became different species. A little bit of luck and the fact that we have superior fitness allowed us to survive to the present day. Had it been reversed, the Neanderthals would be the dominate species on Earth.
Matter Can you explain how things like energy at a molecular level began? Where did this energy come from? Was it always there? What was the universe like before this decided to happen? Was it a vacuum? How would a universe without scientific laws operate? How does it become able to support life.
To start this off, I will direct you to the 1952 MillerUrey experiment. It proved that ammonia, hydrogen, water, and methane plus heat and electricity (lightening) could produce amino acids. That is huge. Obviously, amino acids are the building blocks of all life.
I am unsure about the rest of your questions. Them seem more along the lines of rambling. I am not sure if they are abiogenesis in nature or theoretical physics in nature so I will refrain from commenting on them.
Btw orangesparkles, I attended a southern public school from kindergarten through high school.