Blue State Death Spirals

Do we want to do a deep dive into those states?
There’s a stark historical difference between a few of them -

West Virginia is… special lol. For sure.

Mississippi, Louisiana, & Alabama compared to Massachusetts, Connecticut, & Vermont 🤔

3 of those used to literally breed human beings for chattel slavery. That ugly legacy persists.
From the article posted...

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

Mississippi has a score of 25.35. As the second-least educated state, it ranks 49th for Educational Attainment and 47th for Quality of Education. Mississippi has the third-lowest share of high school diploma holders at 84.5%, the second-lowest share of bachelor's degree holders, and the fifth-lowest share of both people with associate's degrees or college experience and graduate degree holders.

Louisiana holds the third-place spot for the least educated states. Louisiana has a score of 25.75 and ranks 48th for Educational Attainment and 45th for Quality of Education. Louisiana has the fourth-lowest share of high school diploma holders and bachelor's degree holders, the second-lowest share of associate’s degree holders, and the fourth-lowest share of graduate degree holders.

Arkansas's score is 31.00 out of 100. Arkansas is in 47th for Educational Attainment, and its Quality of Education rank is an improvement to 24th. Arkansas has the third-lowest share of associates, bachelor's, and graduate degree holders.

Alabama is the country's fifth-least educated state. Alabama's Education Attainment rank is 45, and its Quality of Education rank is 38, with a total score of 33.08. About 22% of Alabama adults have a bachelor's degree or higher, which is lower than the 25% nationwide average; however, this gap is closing.

On the other hand, the most educated U.S. states are Massachusetts (81.82), Maryland(78.48), Connecticut(72.68), Colorado (69.82), and Vermont (69.67).
Ah yes……the “highly educated college students of today” 😂😂😂
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Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
You've spouted this nonsense in multiple threads now. When people refute your ridiculous claims you never come back to answer them.
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There’s a stark historical difference between a few of them -

3 of those used to literally breed human beings for chattel slavery. That ugly legacy persists.

You're really reaching. Just throw crap on a wall and hope it sticks eh?
There’s a stark historical difference between a few of them -

3 of those used to literally breed human beings for chattel slavery. That ugly legacy persists.
Historical difference says one can choose a better life today or break the cycle.
You're probably right: I suspect the inner-city poor get a bit more money from various government agencies than the rural poor, and I have an issue with some of the money the inner-city poor get. But then the rural poor tend to vote against their own financial interest--which is not wise. Why do the rural poor vote for Republicans who do not like the poor--whether rural or inner-city--and who want to reduce or eliminate programs that assist the poor? Red-state Republicans have opted not to expand Medicaid in their states, for example, when many rural poor would benefit from expanded Medicaid help. States with big cities are likely to be run by Democrats, which probably benefits the poor in those states. If I were poor and living in rural America, I'd be voting for politicians who were interested in assisting me and other low-income people--but then rural Americans are more concerned with cultural as opposed to financial issues.

I wished more people had pride and a moral compass. We would have a lot less issues in this country.
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No need to apologize, it's a message board and nothing posted about me on this forum has ever offended me. The other side of the coin is this, check the amount spent per student in Massachusetts vs. Alabama and ask yourself where you would rather have your child go to school, and violent crime is much lower in MA than it is in AL. Who cares where people choose to live? Blue states are not evil, red states are not evil. It feels like too many people are pining for some ridiculous fantasy to spilt the country in two.
Agreed on the bold. There are no such things as red states and blue states. All states have people of multiple ideologies.
But I do believe both cities have districts where 100% of those “educated” students can’t read at grade level (or even at all)

I'd put up some red neck plumber against a student who majored in gender studies all day.

I doubt the plumber could get my latte correct but he could fix a sewage tank.
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You need density to make public transportation work well. NYC and Long Island, due to natural geographic constraints, have that density. Places like Atlanta and Nashville don't have those constraints, so unless they're artificially imposed, you won't see good public transportation develop.

Most of what NY has now is due to 2 people, with respect also to a 3rd.

1st - Robert Moses - almost everything built that has any value (bridges, trains, etc) were a direct result of Moses pushing the original through. Yes, things have been updated (more on that in a sec) since he was here but pretty much modern NY, exists as he mapped it.
2nd - Rudy Guiliani - although he didnt build as much as others, NYC had become a complete cesspool in the 70s and was considered so corrupt and broken that it would never recover. Rudy, by taking on the mafia, and then making city government accountable, turned the city from a hollow shell to a vibrant place of commerce where it was safe to enjoy.
3rd - Bloomberg - While I dont care for his lefty politics, and he was a pain to deal with personally in the meetings I had, Bloomberg was a very capable administrator who was able to pick up the pieces from the utter devastation of 911 and rebuild (though at a snails pace) and shift the city into the digital age.

Without these 3 people, NYC as people know it would not exist today and would be simply "the small shriveled, rotten apple".
So I was going to post that Surgeons are more important than Plumbers but I went with Teachers knowing it would trigger the MAGA Cult. They have bought into this teacher indoctrination crap. The irony of course is that the MAGA Cult that has bought into this nonsense because they have been indoctrinated by their right wing echo chamber. It's like taking candy from a baby with these meatheads.
Agreed on the bold. There are no such things as red states and blue states. All states have people of multiple ideologies.

Exactly. There is a ton of hate spewed against California on this forum yet there are probably more Republicans in CA than there are in AL, TN, AR and few other red states combined.
Exactly. There is a ton of hate spewed against California on this forum yet there are probably more Republicans in CA than there are in AL, TN, AR and few other red states combined.

It'd not the citizens it's the leadership, I would expect you'd understand that, but then again you are a dem.
So I was going to post that Surgeons are more important than Plumbers but I went with Teachers knowing it would trigger the MAGA Cult. They have bought into this teacher indoctrination crap. The irony of course is that the MAGA Cult that has bought into this nonsense because they have been indoctrinated by their right wing echo chamber. It's like taking candy from a baby with these meatheads.

Exactly. There is a ton of hate spewed against California on this forum yet there are probably more Republicans in CA than there are in AL, TN, AR and few other red states combined.

CA has more than twice as many people as those 3 combined. Math is hard.
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It'd not the citizens it's the leadership, I would expect you'd understand that, but then again you are a dem.

So when Republican Charlie Baker was the Governor of Massachusetts the last six years they were a red state?

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