Blue State Death Spirals

Nothing against hockey. I actually was in a work training with an ex NHL guy years ago. Great guy with many cool stories.

Just laughing bc you view this as a game that doesn’t get to start until you “drop the puck”.

TNT has a "countdown to Puck Drop" graphic during their pregame show.
I've always wondered if you were stranded on a nice temperate island with the means to comfortably supply your needs why someone would choose to leave. Of course, I'd want some sort of tablet, an inexhaustible supply of good books on it, and a means to charge it ... and it should last longer than me.
Don’t forget a painted volleyball to converse with. I might could survive if perchance there was someway to listen in to Vols football in the autumn 😉
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If it’s so great, heck if the blue states are so great why are so many of their residents leaving to come to south?

Who gives a flying F why anyone chooses to live anywhere!
Pay attention, I've said over and over again that people live in different states for reasons that are important to them.

Your non-stop policing of every post in this forum is pathetic and sad, find a freaking hobby. Live your life man, sheesh.
Who gives a flying F why anyone chooses to live anywhere!
Pay attention, I've said over and over again that people live in different states for reasons that are important to them.

Your non-stop policing of every post in this forum is pathetic and sad, find a freaking hobby. Live your life man, sheesh.

The left will never let new Nuclear plants be built, ever River that could support hydro has already been damed, and you can’t do anything to make the sun shine more or the wind blow harder. New York is off on a fool‘s path to self destruction

I wouldn't say a fool's path. This is intentional.
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Who gives a flying F why anyone chooses to live anywhere!
Pay attention, I've said over and over again that people live in different states for reasons that are important to them.

Your non-stop policing of every post in this forum is pathetic and sad, find a freaking hobby. Live your life man, sheesh.

Says the person :confused:

Who gives a flying F why anyone chooses to live anywhere!
Pay attention, I've said over and over again that people live in different states for reasons that are important to them.

Your non-stop policing of every post in this forum is pathetic and sad, find a freaking hobby. Live your life man, sheesh.

It is accurate. people are used to pay and pay and are used to bad gov. It's like being born in some 3rd world country, you're used to it. It takes alot to leave move to another state
Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.

So it's not much different than inner cities. Inner cities have 2-3 times way more people living in crap holes than people living in trailer parks. I bet you those inner cities residents get way more money from the gov than those in rural America.
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So it's not much different than inner cities. Inner cities have 2-3 times way more people living in crap holes than people living in trailer parks. I bet you those inner cities residents get way more money from the gov than those in rural America.

You're probably right: I suspect the inner-city poor get a bit more money from various government agencies than the rural poor, and I have an issue with some of the money the inner-city poor get. But then the rural poor tend to vote against their own financial interest--which is not wise. Why do the rural poor vote for Republicans who do not like the poor--whether rural or inner-city--and who want to reduce or eliminate programs that assist the poor? Red-state Republicans have opted not to expand Medicaid in their states, for example, when many rural poor would benefit from expanded Medicaid help. States with big cities are likely to be run by Democrats, which probably benefits the poor in those states. If I were poor and living in rural America, I'd be voting for politicians who were interested in assisting me and other low-income people--but then rural Americans are more concerned with cultural as opposed to financial issues.
You're probably right: I suspect the inner-city poor get a bit more money from various government agencies than the rural poor, and I have an issue with some of the money the inner-city poor get. But then the rural poor tend to vote against their own financial interest--which is not wise. Why do the rural poor vote for Republicans who do not like the poor--whether rural or inner-city--and who want to reduce or eliminate programs that assist the poor? Red-state Republicans have opted not to expand Medicaid in their states, for example, when many rural poor would benefit from expanded Medicaid help. States with big cities are likely to be run by Democrats, which probably benefits the poor in those states. If I were poor and living in rural America, I'd be voting for politicians who were interested in assisting me and other low-income people--but then rural Americans are more concerned with cultural as opposed to financial issues.[/QUJones.

The rural poor would have more of a will to work than inner city poor. I think most rural American still have a moral compass.

I do find it funny that all the extra programs the blue states fund sure hasn't done anything to lower the poverty. If anything it's rewarded people not to work.
Probably best for you, Massachusetts is the smartest state, you would never survive there.

Please move to Massachusetts. There is a good chance you would lower the average IQ level in that state. The IQ champs can't stay on top forever.
So smart that believe Elizabeth Warren is Native American and keep sending her to the Senate? No thanks 😂

And all of the times they elected Kerry. Usually politicians are either morons or completely lacking in charm. Those two check both boxes.
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Who gives a flying F why anyone chooses to live anywhere!
Pay attention, I've said over and over again that people live in different states for reasons that are important to them.

Your non-stop policing of every post in this forum is pathetic and sad, find a freaking hobby. Live your life man, sheesh.
Seems people are choosing to flee areas of crime to be able to live. I don’t care where someone lives but if one chooses to watch their community fall then good chance they are part of the problem.
From the article posted...

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

Mississippi has a score of 25.35. As the second-least educated state, it ranks 49th for Educational Attainment and 47th for Quality of Education. Mississippi has the third-lowest share of high school diploma holders at 84.5%, the second-lowest share of bachelor's degree holders, and the fifth-lowest share of both people with associate's degrees or college experience and graduate degree holders.

Louisiana holds the third-place spot for the least educated states. Louisiana has a score of 25.75 and ranks 48th for Educational Attainment and 45th for Quality of Education. Louisiana has the fourth-lowest share of high school diploma holders and bachelor's degree holders, the second-lowest share of associate’s degree holders, and the fourth-lowest share of graduate degree holders.

Arkansas's score is 31.00 out of 100. Arkansas is in 47th for Educational Attainment, and its Quality of Education rank is an improvement to 24th. Arkansas has the third-lowest share of associates, bachelor's, and graduate degree holders.

Alabama is the country's fifth-least educated state. Alabama's Education Attainment rank is 45, and its Quality of Education rank is 38, with a total score of 33.08. About 22% of Alabama adults have a bachelor's degree or higher, which is lower than the 25% nationwide average; however, this gap is closing.

On the other hand, the most educated U.S. states are Massachusetts (81.82), Maryland(78.48), Connecticut(72.68), Colorado (69.82), and Vermont (69.67).
Cool story. When are you moving?
So it's not much different than inner cities. Inner cities have 2-3 times way more people living in crap holes than people living in trailer parks. I bet you those inner cities residents get way more money from the gov than those in rural America.
He calls Red States dilapidated…. 😂
Not to be outdone by San Francisco and its infamous “poop map”, NYC has just had the honor of appointing someone whose whole job title is summed up as “Rat Czar”. You can’t make this stuff up
She Has One Job: Get Rid of the Rats
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From the article posted...

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

Mississippi has a score of 25.35. As the second-least educated state, it ranks 49th for Educational Attainment and 47th for Quality of Education. Mississippi has the third-lowest share of high school diploma holders at 84.5%, the second-lowest share of bachelor's degree holders, and the fifth-lowest share of both people with associate's degrees or college experience and graduate degree holders.

Louisiana holds the third-place spot for the least educated states. Louisiana has a score of 25.75 and ranks 48th for Educational Attainment and 45th for Quality of Education. Louisiana has the fourth-lowest share of high school diploma holders and bachelor's degree holders, the second-lowest share of associate’s degree holders, and the fourth-lowest share of graduate degree holders.

Arkansas's score is 31.00 out of 100. Arkansas is in 47th for Educational Attainment, and its Quality of Education rank is an improvement to 24th. Arkansas has the third-lowest share of associates, bachelor's, and graduate degree holders.

Alabama is the country's fifth-least educated state. Alabama's Education Attainment rank is 45, and its Quality of Education rank is 38, with a total score of 33.08. About 22% of Alabama adults have a bachelor's degree or higher, which is lower than the 25% nationwide average; however, this gap is closing.

On the other hand, the most educated U.S. states are Massachusetts (81.82), Maryland(78.48), Connecticut(72.68), Colorado (69.82), and Vermont (69.67).
Do we want to do a deep dive into those states?
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And teachers are more valuable than plumbers, what's your point?
Next to the discovery of fire and the invention of agriculture, plumbing has probably done more to save and extend human life than any other development in human history. The ability to bring in fresh water into a city as well as being able to remove human excrement from said cities (you listening San Fran?) has prevented probably billions of excess deaths since the Romans first developed their aqueducts and the Cloaca Maxima.
So sure, thank a teacher today, but also find and thank a plumber that you haven’t died of dysentery or cholera.
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New York train system is amazing. The blue states get very little right but on the east coast they seem to atleast do transportation better. Well outside of Pennsylvania which is just a chit show.

I miss being able to take a train from Long Island into nyc and never once have to drive anywhere. Nashville transportation is f’d and no one alive right now will see it get any better in their lifetime.
You need density to make public transportation work well. NYC and Long Island, due to natural geographic constraints, have that density. Places like Atlanta and Nashville don't have those constraints, so unless they're artificially imposed, you won't see good public transportation develop.
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