
No, anyone with a semi functioning brain can tell that it's a right wing smear campaign to attempt to taint Biden's inevitable election as President. I'm sure Tucker will feature it in the back half of his show every Wednesday for a few months.
Which circles back to you're okay if the left does it to the right, but consider it wrong when the right does it to the left. Your decision making is mired in politics, not a desire to know the truth. I can understand why the left wouldn't want to investigate if it's true, but not why they wouldn't want to investigate if they can prove it false. Anyone can claim something is true or false. Prove it false and all it does is strengthen your case. Honestly, sweeping it under the rug just makes it look true.
The only hypocrisy on display is your double standard. Biden gets caught in bed with a communist country and all you can respond with is "But...But...Trump". It's lazy, dude. I learned it from you. You should expect better of yourself.

Dude, I don't know how else to say this other than drawing a picture with a crayon on construction paper - but I too believe Biden probably did all of what he's being accused of.

I get that your world is black and white, but this should be a pretty easy concept for you to digest.

Let me see if I can dumb this down... I can both believe Biden is likely guilty of influence peddling AND laugh about the feigned outrage by the trumpers for having looked the other way on influence peddling.
Dude, I don't know how else to say this other than drawing a picture with a crayon on construction paper - but I too believe Biden probably did all of what he's being accused of.

I get that your world is black and white, but this should be a pretty easy concept for you to digest.

Let me see if I can dumb this down... I can both believe Biden is likely guilty of influence peddling AND laugh about the feigned outrage by the trumpers for having looked the other way on influence peddling.
The outrage is real I assure you as you will soon see.
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Dude, I don't know how else to say this other than drawing a picture with a crayon on construction paper - but I too believe Biden probably did all of what he's being accused of.

I get that your world is black and white, but this should be a pretty easy concept for you to digest.

Let me see if I can dumb this down... I can both believe Biden is likely guilty of influence peddling AND laugh about the feigned outrage by the trumpers for having looked the other way on influence peddling.
I got it the first time. You've joined the whataboutism club. Hey, nobody's perfect.
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I have no idea who will win this election, but a couple things I KNOW to be true

1. If Trump wins the crying, wailing, and gnashing of teeth will be unprecedented...and if Dems start trying to destroy stuff anywhere besides their own sheithole cities, they will be met with superior force...

2. The Biden dirt isn't going away, no matter what. Hunter needs prison time for being a kiddie molester, and Joe needs to answer for being a ChiCom asset. Its not going away, no matter how hard the Dems and MSM try

The rest will be interesting, and it will probably be Christmas before we know who is Potus
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Oh, OK. Fair enough, the Post's article about the laptop isn't evidence either, nor is Bobulinki's interview.

If speculation and conjecture is off the table call us when the Boblulinkis receipts and the stole laptop is is entered into evidence in a court of law.

The emails, texts, photos,,recording and testimony is evidence. Might want to look up the definition sometime.
It will likely come down to the swing states...which is why it worries me. Its true that Trump rallies are like an Elvis concert..and he will win Bigly in red states and just about everywhere besides the Dem strongholds of CA, NY, MA etc....very few people like Joe even a little bit, but those Dimwits want Trump out of office so badly that they are rabid. The swing states will once again determine who is President. The EC just gives so much power to CA, NY etc that its nearly impossible for an R to win without dominating swing states. I am ready for this election to be over....

Lots and lots of good craftsmen lost their businesses and everything else last time a Dimwit was elected in 08, as you well know. Many ended up driving trucks etc since changing careers wasn't optional with zero construction taking place. I know several good men that had been in business 20 or 30 years and had good customer bases that lost pretty much everything they had. Glad to hear you are prepared bro....we are finally starting to slow down now....due to lumber price gouging .

A year ago...a 2x4 stud retail even at Lowes was about $3.30 each.... we bought an 18 wheeler load of 2x4 studs last week for $7 EACH....120% price increase....we are under contract to build another apartment complex turn key, us furnishing lumber, that we bid last year with last year's prices. My boss said if we were forced to start it today, that he would LOSE well over a million $ just because of the lumber cost. These crooked lumber mills need to get their crap together, and double their current 1 shift per day output...scarce supply is causing the cost increase, there is no reason to not be running 2 or 3 shifts per day now like they were pre covid. They are getting rich while killing the industry that feeds them....
Osb at 24$ a sheet today
Which circles back to you're okay if the left does it to the right, but consider it wrong when the right does it to the left. Your decision making is mired in politics, not a desire to know the truth. I can understand why the left wouldn't want to investigate if it's true, but not why they wouldn't want to investigate if they can prove it false. Anyone can claim something is true or false. Prove it false and all it does is strengthen your case. Honestly, sweeping it under the rug just makes it look true.
You're assuming that the messengers are on equal footing. The Atlantic, who I'm assuming you're referring to as the left here, would argue all day long in court, on TV, in the papers, or wherever else that they should be taken seriously because they are actual journalists who verify information before they publish it.

Fox News, and more specifically Tucker Carlson, has literally won court cases on the basis that their arguments/reporting is so far out there that it should be obvious to any viewer that they're not stating actual facts and are engaging in political exaggeration.

It's funny too, because there are a couple actual journalists employed by Fox (one of whom backed up the Atlantic story), and anytime they do their jobs they're attacked as left wing anti-Trump Democrats. It seems that anytime the truth comes out it must be biased against Trump.

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