
It will likely come down to the swing states...which is why it worries me. Its true that Trump rallies are like an Elvis concert..and he will win Bigly in red states and just about everywhere besides the Dem strongholds of CA, NY, MA etc....very few people like Joe even a little bit, but those Dimwits want Trump out of office so badly that they are rabid. The swing states will once again determine who is President. The EC just gives so much power to CA, NY etc that its nearly impossible for an R to win without dominating swing states. I am ready for this election to be over....

Lots and lots of good craftsmen lost their businesses and everything else last time a Dimwit was elected in 08, as you well know. Many ended up driving trucks etc since changing careers wasn't optional with zero construction taking place. I know several good men that had been in business 20 or 30 years and had good customer bases that lost pretty much everything they had. Glad to hear you are prepared bro....we are finally starting to slow down now....due to lumber price gouging .

A year ago...a 2x4 stud retail even at Lowes was about $3.30 each.... we bought an 18 wheeler load of 2x4 studs last week for $7 EACH....120% price increase....we are under contract to build another apartment complex turn key, us furnishing lumber, that we bid last year with last year's prices. My boss said if we were forced to start it today, that he would LOSE well over a million $ just because of the lumber cost. These crooked lumber mills need to get their crap together, and double their current 1 shift per day output...scarce supply is causing the cost increase, there is no reason to not be running 2 or 3 shifts per day now like they were pre covid. They are getting rich while killing the industry that feeds them....

Osb at 24$ a sheet today

I've got a pretty good pile of lumber stacked in my shed. At these prices, I guess I'm now officially a "Lumber Baron".
I have no idea who will win this election, but a couple things I KNOW to be true

1. If Trump wins the crying, wailing, and gnashing of teeth will be unprecedented...and if Dems start trying to destroy stuff anywhere besides their own sheithole cities, they will be met with superior force...

2. The Biden dirt isn't going away, no matter what. Hunter needs prison time for being a kiddie molester, and Joe needs to answer for being a ChiCom asset. Its not going away, no matter how hard the Dems and MSM try

The rest will be interesting, and it will probably be Christmas before we know who is Potus

Average democrat = napoleon

Real tough when they can get away with it or outnumber you but when met with stiff resistance they turn and run
You're assuming that the messengers are on equal footing. The Atlantic, who I'm assuming you're referring to as the left here, would argue all day long in court, on TV, in the papers, or wherever else that they should be taken seriously because they are actual journalists who verify information before they publish it.
They verified an anonymous source made a claim that Trump said something. That would be great if it led to a video, documents, or something concrete that can be verified and proven that backs up that claim. That's when anonymous sources are valuable. But as far as I know it did not. It was nothing more than he said she said. If the entire story is an anonymous source said something and we can't prove they're being truthful, it's a weak story.

The difference here is someone, Bobulinski, is going public with his name, face, and identity with his accusations. That alone carries more weight than anonymous sources when there's nothing more to go on than an anonymous source. Yet for some reason the standard for what's newsworthy has changed based on the evidence presented (and who it hurts). However little evidence there is or isn't on Biden's involvement with Hunter Biden's business, it's still more than what was presented by The Atlantic which got weeks of coverage.
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Feel free to address it. Show us all where Fox and Tucker is a news organization and they legally didn’t have to say that it was entertainment. We will wait here

Show us a news organization that isn't simply partisan, bread and circuses red-meat entertainment.

Start with all the 'real' news organizations who got the Russian meme as correct for four years, as did "entertainers" Fox, BBart, Federalist, etc? Show us all the logical gymnastics required to breathlessly publicize every laughable, anonymous conspiracy whisper as fact or basis for investigation, but now have rediscovered a journalistic bar so high, they won't objectively admit this is an actual scandal deserving at least the hyper-scrutiny of the Russiaaaaah! hoax? In fact, they label it Russia disinformation even as our intel and FBI says "Well, just no".

Back in your court.
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Show us a news organization that isn't simply partisan, bread and circuses red-meat entertainment.

Start with all the 'real' news organizations who got the Russian meme as correct for four years, as did "entertainers" Fox, BBart, Federalist, etc? Show us all the logical gymnastics required to breathlessly publicize every laughable, anonymous conspiracy whisper as fact or basis for investigation, but now have rediscovered a journalistic bar so high, they won't objectively admit this is an actual scandal deserving at least the hyper-scrutiny of the Russiaaaaah! hoax? In fact, they label it Russia disinformation even as our intel and FBI says "Well, just no".

Back in your court.
You first, then I will promise but this is a losing proposition for you... ye been warned.
Wouldn't be so much if it wasn't "oriental" and made in America.

PS. Family joke from years ago when one of dad's "helpers" called it Oriental Strand Board.

Helped a guy frame his house a few years ago. We were about to lay the subfloor when his Dad let us know that it was time to start the "SOB" board.
CNN is a certified news channel. Fox can't say that. Prove me wrong.

CNN never once objectively questioned the ludicrous proposition that Trump is a Russian asset, but promulgated the narrative unceasingly. Not once did they question FBI, intel, DOJ and House Dems motives, but acted as Praetorian guard for the hoax.

They're a certified news channel who got as much right about the hoax as Fox got wrong; very little. Certified journalism doesn't exist at CNN despite their "news channel" posturing. Prove me wrong.
You're assuming that the messengers are on equal footing. The Atlantic, who I'm assuming you're referring to as the left here, would argue all day long in court, on TV, in the papers, or wherever else that they should be taken seriously because they are actual journalists who verify information before they publish it.

Fox News, and more specifically Tucker Carlson, has literally won court cases on the basis that their arguments/reporting is so far out there that it should be obvious to any viewer that they're not stating actual facts and are engaging in political exaggeration.

It's funny too, because there are a couple actual journalists employed by Fox (one of whom backed up the Atlantic story), and anytime they do their jobs they're attacked as left wing anti-Trump Democrats. It seems that anytime the truth comes out it must be biased against Trump.
Not sure what any of this has to do with my statement. If it's false, and they can prove it false, why not investigate and prove it false? You're bobbing and weaving around my point. Then you throw Trump out there, even though I didn't mention him. The allegations may be false, but then again, they could be real. An investigation might be able to prove one way or the other, but of course, it also relies on who's doing the investigation and whether or not they can actually conduct an unbiased investigation, which IMO, in the current political environment, is probably impossible. But that's neither here nor there. What I do know is you don't really care if it's true or not. Your arguments make that clear. It's easier for you to assume it false, because you want it to be false. Not sure why you can't just say that, other than you want to appear like morals concern you. I don't think they do. At least not as far as your politics are concerned.
You may be right, why not put your money where your mouth is Nostradamus?

The latest 2020 US election Vegas betting odds

You may be right, why not put your money where your mouth is Nostradamus?

The latest 2020 US election Vegas betting odds

It’s far more satisfying watching people with your mindset meltdown over a man who set aside his personal wealth for his country as opposed to a career politician whose sacrificed his country for personal enrichment. It’s been 4 years and you still haven’t a clue who or what Trump is. MAGA 20200B36CE23-4C38-401E-9304-A147435330F0.gif
The Dem fools on here carrying water for Biden are the most laughable bunch of morons on the planet. Biden could sacrifice a teen virgin on live TV and the left wing media and the fools on here that listen to them would tell you it's okay because his last name isn't Trump. What a bunch of dumbasses.
Osb at 24$ a sheet today
I'm counting on lumber prices coming down. I've been paying 2.50-2.75 for studs and they're approaching $6.00 now. I have inventory for a couple of months. I'm pricing jobs at the lower prices hoping they'll retreat.

I paid $35 for 1/2" CDX a couple of days ago. Fortunately I didn't need much. And, I'll add it was the crappiest plywood I've ever purchased. It looked like it had a bad case of acne.
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It’s far more satisfying watching people with your mindset meltdown over a man who set aside his personal wealth for his country as opposed to a career politician whose sacrificed his country for personal enrichment. It’s been 4 years and you still haven’t a clue who or what Trump is. MAGA 2020View attachment 318664

Aww, did that make you feel better? Pretending he's the moral light that American politics needs?

LOL, we all know who trump is.

Again, you putting up any dough on your sure thing? Or are you just going to lecture everyone on how Trump "sacrificed" for his country?
Aww, did that make you feel better? Pretending he's the moral light that American politics needs?

LOL, we all know who trump is.

Again, you putting up any dough on your sure thing? Or are you just going to lecture everyone on how Trump "sacrificed" for his country?
Or or....
We could compare Trump accomplishments vs Biden accomplishments?

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