
He was ordered to pay 659k to China Branding Group on October 13th. Then goes on every right wing entertainment show that will air him. Kompromat look it up. Fake news and y’all are buying into it so desperately it actually makes me feel a smidge sad for your existence over the next 8 days

Is this Jeffrey Toobin?
Trump was investigated. Do these new charges against Biden warrant an investigation?
No, anyone with a semi functioning brain can tell that it's a right wing smear campaign to attempt to taint Biden's inevitable election as President. I'm sure Tucker will feature it in the back half of his show every Wednesday for a few months.
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No, anyone with a semi functioning brain can tell that it's a right wing smear campaign to attempt to taint Biden's inevitable election as President. I'm sure Tucker will feature it in the back half of his show every Wednesday for a few months.
And the "Trump called military members suckers and losers" was an attempt to smear his reputation with military voters.

So why did that get coverage when there's nothing verifiable to that story? Whether there's something to Bobulinski's claim or not, there's still more to go on than an anonymous source that won't come forward and cannot be proven saying Trump said something. Did anyone ever come forward on that story? I thought there were a few people that came out and said they did not believe it to be true.
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Of course not, I've never attempted to justify it. I've simply pointed out that the accusations against him aren't any more or less significant than what the Trump family has been attempting for the last four. Just that the outrage by the trump supporters on grifting is now on the menu for disqualification where it's been elusive as the McRib for the last four years.

In fact, it's kind of fascinating that I keep having to point out that I've repeatedly noted that Hunter is very likely as corrupt as he's being portrayed.
I don’t think Trump is the one that has repeatedly stated this election is about the integrity, honesty, etc. of the candidate.
No, anyone with a semi functioning brain can tell that it's a right wing smear campaign to attempt to taint Biden's inevitable election as President. I'm sure Tucker will feature it in the back half of his show every Wednesday for a few months.
So, the laptop is fake and the Bobulinski guy the Biden’s worked with for years is a Russian agent?
Not that I expect you to get past the sources as all being biased libtard rags, but on the outside chance you do and actually read any of them with objectivity I'd hope that you'd begin to recognize the pattern... I'm certain that you'd likely stop throwing the rocks from the balcony of your glass house on what is certainly not located on moral high ground.

Trump's pernicious grift

'Conmen, grifters and criminals': why is Trump's circle so at odds with the law?

The Law May Finally Be Closing In On Yet Another Alleged Trump Family Grift

The Family That Grifts Together

Mary Trump is suing the president and his family, claiming millions of dollars in lost inheritance

How Donald Trump's Kids Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

How Trump Is Trying—And Failing—To Get Rich Off His Presidency

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden's son

Ron Reagan calls Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 'grifters'

Nepotism and the 2020 election, explained

Pattern of Deception: From Trump Family Business to Grifter in Chief
But... But....but....Trump
You didn't read 1 word of any of the links you posted. You googled Trump family grift or something like that and linked the first dozen headlines.

You asked for evidence of the trump family grift and then refused to even look at it.

That's about what I expected...

I'm curious, are you afraid to address it because you know that it will be an uncomfortable exercise in which the reality may be in opposition with your feelz or are you just too lazy?
You asked for evidence of the trump family grift and then refused to even look at it.

That's about what I expected...

I'm curious, are you afraid to address it because you know that it will be an uncomfortable exercise in which the reality may be in opposition with your feelz or are you just too lazy?

None of that was evidence. All speculation and conjecture. Go through the links and post some of the "evidence".
It's really not about trump at all, it's about intellectual honesty and the recognizing that the same people who are bellyaching about Hunter have whistled past the grave yard for the the last four years.

The cognitive dissonance is fascinating.
Intellectual honesty would be admitting there is at bare minimum enough evidence that Bidens could be involved in something untoward that it should receive mention on major news networks, especially when Trump gets ripped for 2 solid weeks about insulting soldiers with nothing to support it but a lone unnamed source.
None of that was evidence. All speculation and conjecture. Go through the links and post some of the "evidence".

Oh, OK. Fair enough, the Post's article about the laptop isn't evidence either, nor is Bobulinki's interview.

If speculation and conjecture is off the table call us when the Boblulinkis receipts and the stole laptop is is entered into evidence in a court of law.
Intellectual honesty would be admitting there is at bare minimum enough evidence that Bidens could be involved in something untoward that it should receive mention on major news networks, especially when Trump gets ripped for 2 solid weeks about insulting soldiers with nothing to support it but a lone unnamed source.

Are you directing this at me? I've already done that.... Try to keep up.

I think you're mad about the MSM and projecting that butthurt onto everyone who doesn't share your outrage they aren't doing what you feel is right.

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