
Oh, OK. Fair enough, the Post's article about the laptop isn't evidence either, nor is Bobulinki's interview.

If speculation and conjecture is off the table. Call us when the Boblulinkis receipts and the stole laptop is is entered into evidence in a court of law.

View attachment 318574
Minus the Obamacare end zone.
Are you directing this at me? I've already done that.... Try to keep up.

I think you're mad about the MSM and projecting that butthurt onto everyone who doesn't share your outrage they aren't doing what you feel is right.
You just researched and posted like 50 articles a few moments ago. Let’s be a little more self aware about claiming projection and outrage.

Yes, I do not think the mainstream media is approaching this fairly, at all and that is where my criticism is directed. I do not believe Biden will even catch a whiff of any sort of legal issue from all of this.
Except it's not.

You can't demand your news articles and Fox news interviews be considered 'evidence' while dismissing the same by sources that don't support your narrative.

I mean, you can... I'll just continue to mock it.

So, the lap top does not exist? Biden's business partner is just making shat up? You, and I hesitate to say this, are better than this.
No, anyone with a semi functioning brain can tell that it's a right wing smear campaign to attempt to taint Biden's inevitable election as President. I'm sure Tucker will feature it in the back half of his show every Wednesday for a few months.
If you regurgitated the narratives against DJT which came from anonymous sources (not saying you did, mind you), then writing this off as a smear is disingenuous. The source on this narrative is stronger than any anonymous sources.
You asked for evidence of the trump family grift and then refused to even look at it.

That's about what I expected...

I'm curious, are you afraid to address it because you know that it will be an uncomfortable exercise in which the reality may be in opposition with your feelz or are you just too lazy?
You led off with the fact that Trump and his family get Secret Service protection?
You just researched and posted like 50 articles a few moments ago. Let’s be a little more self aware about claiming projection and outrage.

Yes, I do not think the mainstream media is approaching this fairly, at all and that is where my criticism is directed. I do not believe Biden will even catch a whiff of any sort of legal issue from all of this.

I'm not outraged at all, pointing out the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance by all the pearl clutching keyboard jurists over the Hunter Biden influence peddling is sport.

This thread is like shooting fish in a barrel because I have no dog in the hunt, again - Hunter is a scumbag that probably did everything he's being accused of. It's just hilarious to watch so many people pretend that this is the first outrageous abuse ever, given their dismissive attitude toward the Trumps grifting over the last four years.
So, the lap top does not exist? Biden's business partner is just making shat up? You, and I hesitate to say this, are better than this.

No he isn’t. He’s a never Trumper and no matter how damaging the evidence is against Hunter and Mr Big is he will continue to deny it. I’m sure he was behind Col Vindman 100% because his testimony which was hearsay made Trump look bad.
So, the lap top does not exist? Biden's business partner is just making shat up? You, and I hesitate to say this, are better than this.

Is that what I said, or is that what you want to believe I said because it's an argument that's easier to defeat?
I'm not outraged at all, pointing out the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance by all the pearl clutching keyboard jurists over the Hunter Biden influence peddling is sport.

This thread is like shooting fish in a barrel because I have no dog in the hunt, again - Hunter is a scumbag that probably did everything he's being accused of. It's just hilarious to watch so many people pretend that this is the first outrageous abuse ever, given their dismissive attitude toward the Trumps grifting over the last four years.
You seem to be hunting pretty hard for not having a dog out there.
I'm not outraged at all, pointing out the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance by all the pearl clutching keyboard jurists over the Hunter Biden influence peddling is sport.

This thread is like shooting fish in a barrel because I have no dog in the hunt, again - Hunter is a scumbag that probably did everything he's being accused of. It's just hilarious to watch so many people pretend that this is the first outrageous abuse ever, given their dismissive attitude toward the Trumps grifting over the last four years.

You’re missing the point Einstein it’s not about Hunter it’s about Joe Biden and his ****ing corruption and how easily he can be black mailed by the CCP
It's really not about trump at all, it's about intellectual honesty and the recognizing that the same people who are bellyaching about Hunter have whistled past the grave yard for the the last four years.

The cognitive dissonance is fascinating.
I think it's hilarious how you've lectured everyone in this forum how each issue should stand on its own and how whataboutism is lazy. Now it comes out your guy is in bed with communist China and your only retort is but, but, but Trump. It's freaking hilarious. Your 180 is fascinating.
I think it's hilarious how you've lectured everyone in this forum how each issue should stand on its own and how whataboutism is lazy. Now it comes out your guy is in bed with communist China and your only retort is but, but, but Trump. It's freaking hilarious. Your 180 is fascinating.

That's not what I've done a all, but keep on misrepresenting my argument, it's cool. I'm sure the peanut gallery won't be wise enough to distinguish my pointing out of the hypocrisy from whatever counter narrative you need to feel right about.
You’re missing the point Einstein it’s not about Hunter it’s about Joe Biden and his ****ing corruption and how easily he can be black mailed by the CCP

Sure thing champ.

"Russia, Russia, Russia."

Did I do it right?
Are you accusing Septic of simply stirring the pot without much substance behind his trolling???

He did. The very first article called Secret Service protection a "grift". It bemoans his time at Maralago as a "grift" while also confirming that it's illegal for him to comp the SS's bill for staying there when he does.
He did. The very first article called Secret Service protection a "grift". It bemoans his time at Maralago as a "grift" while also confirming that it's illegal for him to comp the SS's bill for staying there when he does.
I am appalled.

I've always held Septic in such high regard. His ability to bring together in a spirit of cooperation and understanding the competing concepts held by others on this forum are legendary.
He did. The very first article called Secret Service protection a "grift". It bemoans his time at Maralago as a "grift" while also confirming that it's illegal for him to comp the SS's bill for staying there when he does.

Oh, that you would dismiss it because it doesn't meet your standard?

A shocking development, LOL.
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Having hypocrisy pointed out and not having a leg to stand on must be maddening.

Alright. You were pretty upset that I couldn’t “keep up” with what you were claiming. Go right ahead and find my hypocrisy and point it out to me.
That's not what I've done a all, but keep on misrepresenting my argument, it's cool. I'm sure the peanut gallery won't be wise enough to distinguish my pointing out of the hypocrisy from whatever counter narrative you need to feel right about.
The only hypocrisy on display is your double standard. Biden gets caught in bed with a communist country and all you can respond with is "But...But...Trump". It's lazy, dude. I learned it from you. You should expect better of yourself.
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Is that what I said, or is that what you want to believe I said because it's an argument that's easier to defeat?

I believe you said it was not real until it hit a court of law. That is denying that it is true in my book.

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