
The best commentary of the thread. We have sunk and continue to sink deeper into vile pit. Winning at all costs. Unconditional support for "our guys". And an election format predicated in voting against someone more than voting for someone. The sycophants on both sides should disturb us.
You are already plenty disturbed.
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Trump will win handily.
Trump will win handily.
I Structured my business For the “just in case“ about a year ago. We are operating on minimal essential. If trump wins then I’ll gear back up. If he doesn’t I’ll be one of the 20% who are still in business when the Biden/Harris horror show is over.
It's classic ad hominem fallacy and it's completely lazy. At minimum, this is a rogue family member profiting off his name. At worst, it's severe corruption at the highest levels. Yes... there's clearly a political motivation, but given what we already know, this clearly deserves some attention.
At minimum Joe not only lied about being unaware of his family’s foreign business dealings, but was a participant in them, and got a cut.
I'm not shrugging off anything, I've stated numerous times I think Hunter did all of that sht.

Ironically, your accusation of me letting it slide is EXACTLY why I can't help but laugh at the feigned outrage by the Trumpers who've turned a blind eye to the Trump Family grift over the last four.

Details of this "Trump family grift" please.
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I Structured my business For the “just in case“ about a year ago. We are operating on minimal essential. If trump wins then I’ll gear back up. If he doesn’t I’ll be one of the 20% who are still in business when the Biden/Harris horror show is over.

We've taken the opposite approach, we are expanding rapidly. Holding company is deep in debt with new equipment purchases while operating has been stacking cash.
The best commentary of the thread. We have sunk and continue to sink deeper into vile pit. Winning at all costs. Unconditional support for "our guys". And an election format predicated in voting against someone more than voting for someone. The sycophants on both sides should disturb us.
We have two cults running this country. People are indoctrinated, brainwashed to believe "their side" is the correct side and the other side is basically Satan. That's what it feels like. The inmates are running the asylum and those of us fortunate enough to be sane are left to watch as they throw feces at each other.
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We have two cults running this country. People are indoctrinated, brainwashed to believe "their side" is the correct side and the other side is basically Satan. That's what it feels like. The inmates are running the asylum and those of us fortunate enough to be sane are left to watch as they throw feces at each other.

Sometimes I wonder if the most partisan posters on opposite ends of the political spectrum ever take a moment to realize they are mirror images of each other. They hate each other so much but they are simply different sides of the same coin.
You know weez some of us would just to like to see the sonofa***** forced to provide answers on why this isn’t a story if it really isn’t without just ducking it aided by a complicit media.
Anyone willing to admit the truth knows that the media has a liberal bias and buries the lead on stories detrimental to that agenda. It is what it is. Actual journalism died quite some time ago. The right just flat out got beat on that front. You have a few right leaning outlets, such as Fox, but most MSM leans left. You're asking a question with an obvious answer, it's just an answer that most are going to continue to deny as it's an inconvenient truth. Soylent green is people.
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We have two cults running this country. People are indoctrinated, brainwashed to believe "their side" is the correct side and the other side is basically Satan. That's what it feels like. The inmates are running the asylum and those of us fortunate enough to be sane are left to watch as they throw feces at each other.

A divided, distracted and scared populace is easy to manipulate and control.
A divided, distracted and scared populace is easy to manipulate and control.
May get roasted by some for saying this, but schools have been working to make young minds more compliant for decades. Free thought is not, or at least was not, encouraged, at least not when I was in school. Teachers expected your opinion to be their opinion, otherwise you were wrong. And I apply that to interpretive subjects such as literature, not actual fact based subjects such as math and science, but even those get manipulated to a degree.
Politics thrive on the sweat of sheep, and far too many are perfectly willing to blindly follow.
May get roasted by some for saying this, but schools have been working to make young minds more compliant for decades. Free thought is not, or at least was not, encouraged, at least not when I was in school. Teachers expected your opinion to be their opinion, otherwise you were wrong. And I apply that to interpretive subjects such as literature, not actual fact based subjects such as math and science, but even those get manipulated to a degree.

This is true. They have taped lines down on the floor and the children are not supposed to deviate from that path when walking in the halls.
May get roasted by some for saying this, but schools have been working to make young minds more compliant for decades. Free thought is not, or at least was not, encouraged, at least not when I was in school. Teachers expected your opinion to be their opinion, otherwise you were wrong. And I apply that to interpretive subjects such as literature, not actual fact based subjects such as math and science, but even those get manipulated to a degree.

I agree, I saw that with my kids.
This is true. They have taped lines down on the floor and the children are not supposed to deviate from that path when walking in the halls.
Rules to enforce order also teach compliance. The thing is, in a school filled with kids, you can't argue that order is important. Of course it is. But many teach compliance without explanation for the need. It's "do as I say because I said so". JMO, but I think it's important kids understand the why of those rules. That encourages the development of thought process.

But most don't want you actually thinking so much as they want you obeying.

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