Boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

. I have no sympathy for that traitor.
She isn’t a traitor. She’s a 19 year old kid that wanted to compete in the Olympics. There is no evidence of malice against the US or political activism on her part. She’s a young kid that made a likely horrible decision in the long term.
She isn’t a traitor. She’s a 19 year old kid that wanted to compete in the Olympics. There is no evidence of malice against the US or political activism on her part. She’s a young kid that made a likely horrible decision in the long term.

Agreed, she is just terrible at decision making or more likely got pressured by her family to represent China if I were a betting man.
It's pretty interesting how all the athletes are talking about the conditions. Got to think they are being coached to not say anything negative, and compliment the courses.
No we wouldn't have. China owns too many of our politicians and bureaucrats, no POTUS would be allowed to do anything to China.
When they attack us, as a act of war then the current POTUS will be forced to do something and believe me that day is coming. China wants complete world domination one world one China and to see us fall at their feet. They are not our allies or friends they have never been they are the enemy and the biggest threat to world security and peace.
Trump stood up to China more than any previous president. One of the big reasons China let Covid out was to get him out of office. Trump saw thru the lies of all the lifetime crooked and paid off politicians in DC and unlike them Trump can’t be bought and that was one of the reasons they didn’t like him. Some of you guys won’t admit it or don’t want to hear it but we need Trump back in office. Just look at how much better things were from 2017 to 2019 compared to now, Joe is a complete joke and has done a awful job so far as POTUS.
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When they attack us, as a act of war then the current POTUS will be forced to do something and believe me that day is coming. China wants complete world domination one world one China and to see us fall at their feet. They are not our allies or friends they have never been they are the enemy and the biggest threat to world security and peace.

They won't attack us directly because we are their cash cow. However, they are getting desperate. Their one child act crushed them long term economically so they will likely attack someone....namely Taiwan. How will we respond? Long term they are screwed because they don't have enough workers to support their aging population. They could never be a world leader either because they are robots. They can't think outside the box. Nearly all the great breakthroughs come from the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia, thinkers. The Chinese don't possess that ability.
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She isn’t a traitor. She’s a 19 year old kid that wanted to compete in the Olympics. There is no evidence of malice against the US or political activism on her part. She’s a young kid that made a likely horrible decision in the long term.

No Ragrets
They won't attack us directly because we are their cash cow. However, they are getting desperate. Their one child act crushed them long term economically so they will likely attack someone....namely Taiwan. How will we respond? Long term they are screwed because they don't have enough workers to support their aging population. They could never be a world leader either because they are robots. They can't think outside the box. Nearly all the great breakthroughs come from the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia, thinkers. The Chinese don't possess that ability.
. Well said you make some great points!
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