Brandon Warren (merged)

I think that Bowden will release him. Would you rather chance that some kids would get homesick and try to defect, or would you rather leave the impression with all future recruits that you won't compromise if their family needs them to come home?

He'll make him sweat, and then he'll grant the release and come out looking like the compassionate head coach. It's better PR.
The 2 year thing, as I understand it, applies if FSU does NOT grant a release... On normal transfers, the school grants a release when the kid leaves, they are saying FSU wont.

If they dont sign a release, then its 09 for Warren, provided he doesnt win the hardship. If they DO sign the release, he can play in 08.

if so, It does not make any sense for him to leave before getting the release. I dont think Warren is that stupid to risk his one year play time just because he can come back home a little bit earlier. NO WAY

I believe Fulmer had some contact with Bowden about the release thing. There will be no problem about it
Brandon left without being granted a release which breaks his LOI committment,if CBB does not grant him a release he will be ineligible for 2 years,most likely he will not win a medical hardship.Many think CBB is holding off on his release in hopes that Brandon will change his mind and go back to FSU,but he will eventually grant the release.
This is not a transfer like many have stated on here,he just up and quit in the middle of a semester,entirely new game when a student does this. Best case scenario will be he sits out next year and plays in 08,he will have a lot of academic work to do as well.
Take this info with a grain of salt if you wish,but in a few days you will see this info is dead on accurate.
Vols don't go 5-6 in 2005, and this is all mute. He would have 1 year under his belt.

5-6 year had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with him going to FSU.

He went to FSU because:

1. His family is from Florida
2. His dream was to play for FSU
3. He wanted to play TE and UT was recruiting him as a DE
Brandon left without being granted a release which breaks his LOI committment,if CBB does not grant him a release he will be ineligible for 2 years,most likely he will not win a medical hardship.Many think CBB is holding off on his release in hopes that Brandon will change his mind and go back to FSU,but he will eventually grant the release.
This is not a transfer like many have stated on here,he just up and quit in the middle of a semester,entirely new game when a student does this. Best case scenario will be he sits out next year and plays in 08,he will have a lot of academic work to do as well.
Take this info with a grain of salt if you wish,but in a few days you will see this info is dead on accurate.

Now wait... didn't Bruce Pearl not grant a release for one of Buzz's signees? Did he have to wait 2 years to play?
5-6 year had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with him going to FSU.

He went to FSU because:

1. His family is from Florida
2. His dream was to play for FSU
3. He wanted to play TE and UT was recruiting him as a DE

Can you be more specific?:crazy:
:) Miguel gave the first scoop on B. Warren, so everyone that doubted Miguel... thank you, your welcome and have a nice day....
Brandon left without being granted a release which breaks his LOI committment,if CBB does not grant him a release he will be ineligible for 2 years,most likely he will not win a medical hardship.Many think CBB is holding off on his release in hopes that Brandon will change his mind and go back to FSU,but he will eventually grant the release.
This is not a transfer like many have stated on here,he just up and quit in the middle of a semester,entirely new game when a student does this. Best case scenario will be he sits out next year and plays in 08,he will have a lot of academic work to do as well.
Take this info with a grain of salt if you wish,but in a few days you will see this info is dead on accurate.
He's still enrolled at FSU 'til the end of semester to honor his 1yr with LOI to FSU as I recall and he can still go home, be with his family and what-not for the time being.
Based on what I read about his freshmen year at FSU he will push Chris Brown and the Cottam brothers for the starting job. If he can show he has great hands he will probably get the starting job. Seems the right time for UT to take a hard look at a 2 TE set. Assuming he can qualify somehow.
The charges were dropped.

i still think that woulda scared me off. back on subject though, all these people that say they dont want warren because he signed with fsu over us...the way i see it if he helps us win and not some other team, thats all i care about.
Based on what I read about his freshmen year at FSU he will push Chris Brown and the Cottam brothers for the starting job. If he can show he has great hands he will probably get the starting job. Seems the right time for UT to take a hard look at a 2 TE set. Assuming he can qualify somehow.

There will be alot of unhappy fans if UT runs a 2 TE set and lets the athletes that came in this year's recruiting class set on the bench. Assuming Warren even comes to UT.
I completely agree with ya gator eater. With only 1 year at FSU, he still has plenty of time to be converted. By the time he graduates, he'll be glad that he switched to the Vols.
There will be alot of unhappy fans if UT runs a 2 TE set and lets the athletes that came in this year's recruiting class set on the bench. Assuming Warren even comes to UT.

but if we're winning and its working...whose gonna complain? assuming warren even comes to ut. besides, i doubt we keep as much talent that we have coming in off the field.
Does it seem odd to anybody else that according to the tightends caught 45 passes for 421 yards last season. I thought it was lower than that. The yards seem ok, but the catches... It says 31 for Chris Brown. I will say I think Warren is a guy you can use like we attempted to use Jason Witten. I think we underused Witten though.

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