Bruce Feldman and Tim Brando criticize the SEC's handling of LSU/Florida

Funny how quickly LSU-SIU would change his tune if somehow LSU won out but didn't go to Atlanta because Bama had a better win % if Bama'a only loss was to LSU
Funny how quickly LSU-SIU would change his tune if somehow LSU won out but didn't go to Atlanta because Bama had a better win % if Bama'a only loss was to LSU

No doubt its a roll of the dice. I never said it couldn't hurt LSU and I never said it couldn't help at some point, right now you figure it hurts LSU and unless there are a lot of loses in the West LSU is probably out at this point in time. Its very likely eliminates LSU from any kind of consideration.... which is why I laugh when people act like they care... they clearly didn't. LSU has already been hurt by all this... just depends on how much LSU admin allows LSU to be hurt further. LSU will have one less potential win as far as bowl entry as well.... so? I'm not sure what there is to cry about.... it sucks but you move on.

So there LSU-SIU that would solve everything and you don't have to forfeit!!

Why should LSU even negotiate anything? So, LSU should reward bad actors for their conduct, that is really what this is about. If it were me, I would just dump Stinkey's phone calls straight to voice mail or to legal counsel. There are quite a few ways of solving this, but when you are dealing with people not acting in good faith... I fail to see the point.

I am not saying what you outlined won't happen, but not sure why it should, imo. Obviously I don't speak for LSU, so who knows.

F the SEC either way. The season is more than one game, if this was so important, the SEC should have and could have had it done by last Wednesday. Obviously, the game is not important... time to move on.
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This is my take as well.

If we learned anything this weekend, we learned the SEC commissioner has no juice.

Sankey came away looking like a bad parent getting manipulated by two extremely spoiled children.

Yeah, that is my impression. I think both schools had legitimate objections but thats why you have a conference commissioner - he gets everyone together and they trash everything out. He clearly didn't do that enough before the Hurricane arrived.
Nice to see Florida getting ripped in this article

SEC commissioner Sankey trying to do right thing now

I just glanced at the article but I disagree with much of what I got to. Florida gamed the situation, the SEC failed to do their job and mitigate or even condoned the actions. Stinkey is unwilling to say he F'd up, so what does he do... he doubles down and gets on national TV misrepresenting the situation which to me is not acting in good faith.

Whether we agree or not, Florida is no longer at fault because Stinkey failed to do his job. (I am not saying what Florida did was not bush league, but its irrelevant now)

This is a S-E-C problem, they need to fall on their own sword. imo That is a good start.
Yeah, that is my impression. I think both schools had legitimate objections but thats why you have a conference commissioner - he gets everyone together and they trash everything out. He clearly didn't do that enough before the Hurricane arrived.

Now that is a winner post.

Agree 100%. Although, I think Florida did not operate in good faith, that is why you have the SEC. Florida didn't fail, the SEC did... now the SEC doesn't want to fall on their own sword. Nice post and directly to the point.
I just glanced at the article but I disagree with much of what I got to. Florida gamed the situation, the SEC failed to do their job and mitigate or even condoned the actions. Stinkey is unwilling to say he F'd up, so what does he do... he doubles down and gets on national TV misrepresenting the situation which to me is not acting in good faith.

Whether we agree or not, Florida is no longer at fault because Stinkey failed to do his job. (I am not saying what Florida did was not bush league, but its irrelevant now)

This is a S-E-C problem, they need to fall on their own sword. imo That is a good start.

oh doubt Stankey dropped the ball on this one.
How about both teams being the problem?

It very well could have been rescheduled on Sunday as UGA and USCe did. Or today. Neither team wanted to commit. Both are at fault along with the SEC.

I could care less about "good faith" when both parties are looking for a strategical advantage. I think both institutions should be awarded a forfeit and fined. I have always been a LSU fan since Charley Mac days but right now I would not mind seeing them take their crap and go play with Texas in the minor leagues.
It's in the SEC's best interest that UF represents the East. $$$$$$$

The non-conference games are not going to be rescheduled after the season... both teams would owe the opponent a buy-out. Further, the team that travels would also lose home game revenue. The common sense and easy solutions came and went last week, and were rejected in full.

You are just flat out mentally ill.

UT would mean infinitely more bank in the SEC cship game than would Florida. UT's fans haven't been there in a while and would buy up every ticket they could find. Florida fans know we'd get slaughtered by 'bama and don't want to pay to see it.

As to the latter comment, you are just protecting LSU's azz. Florida proposed an entirely sensible solution, LSU balked. Then we hit the weekend.

It will get worked out, but blaming this on UF makes you look silly.
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I could care less about "good faith" when both parties are looking for a strategical advantage. I think both institutions should be awarded a forfeit and fined. I have always been a LSU fan since Charley Mac days but right now I would not mind seeing them take their crap and go play with Texas in the minor leagues.

Good faith are the cornerstones of good contracts especially when the terms are for parties to work situations out.

Both institutions can't be awarded a forfeit or fined as the SEC had an opportunity to mitigate the damages or outcome. The SEC is at fault, but with that said LSU has in part received a virtual forfeit (however there is a very unlikely chance it will help). At this point, as far as I know there is nothing for LSU to do. The game doesn't have to be played as the SEC has rules as far as percentages.
As to the latter comment, you are just protecting LSU's azz. Florida proposed an entirely sensible solution, LSU balked. Then we hit the weekend.

It will get worked out, but blaming this on UF makes you look silly.

What solution?
Why would LSU go to Florida?

This isn't complex, Florida acted in bad faith, and the SEC failed to mitigate, then the commissioner acted in bad faith by misrepresenting the facts on Saturday. What you are suggesting is LSU should reward bad actors. This is a legal issue at this time as LSU has contracts and the SEC/Florida are not acting in good faith.

I think 10/29 could work, but I'm not sure LSU shows up in Florida, I wouldn't, but obviously I have no input. What LSU could say, if you want to play, we'll be available in Tiger Stadium on 10/29, if not that is okay to.... good luck.

I don't have direct inside information to what happened.
I believe I came up with the least damaging and most fair solution. Florida would not be "rewarded". They would lose revenue by not hosting Presby, and they would finish their season with two rivals, UGA and FSU, back to back. LSU would get to keep the South Bama game and avoid finishing with three straight road games. The lone "damage" would be losing the bye week in front of Bama. UGA is the team that would be bending the most. They have nothing to do with this and would be asked to finish with two of their rivals, UF and GT, back to back.
You are just flat out mentally ill.

UT would mean infinitely more bank in the SEC cship game than would Florida. UT's fans haven't been there in a while and would buy up every ticket they could find. Florida fans know we'd get slaughtered by 'bama and don't want to pay to see it.

As to the latter comment, you are just protecting LSU's azz. Florida proposed an entirely sensible solution, LSU balked. Then we hit the weekend.

It will get worked out, but blaming this on UF makes you look silly.

Thank you for smashing the suggestion that the SEC wants to screw Tennessee out of Atlanta.
Now, can the Cocktail Party be moved?
I guarantee you would not hear a different stance from me. This is not the first time a game has been postponed.

I find a lot of this comical as neither of these two teams are going to end up being a factor in anything.

And whether people want to admit it or not, that's the "issue" most folks who supposedly care about (name whatever it is here) are really concerned about.

If this was Vanderbilt-Mississippi State, nobody would give a damn.

I will, for sake of argument, acknowledge that it is possible for Florida to be a factor in the SEC East race. I don't think they are going to be and that will become evident soon enough.

However, LSU has Ole Miss, Arkansas, Texas A&M, and Alabama left on the schedule. And, despite popular opinion here, a game @Florida was not going to be sunshine and rainbows.

The only thing this contest will determine is a winner between Florida-LSU and pecking order considerations for which teams get invited to the Belk Bowl or Music City Bowl.
I like the idea that if you don't play the full 8 SEC games then you shouldn't be bowl eligible.
I like the idea that if you don't play the full 8 SEC games then you shouldn't be bowl eligible.

That is already one interpretation of the rules in place. However a definitive "to be considered for division champion and SECCG eligibility a team must play the scheduled 8 conference games" is a clause they should be immediately added in the next May meeting. Then it is not up for debate.
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I don't have direct inside information to what happened.
I believe I came up with the least damaging and most fair solution. Florida would not be "rewarded". They would lose revenue by not hosting Presby, and they would finish their season with two rivals, UGA and FSU, back to back. LSU would get to keep the South Bama game and avoid finishing with three straight road games. The lone "damage" would be losing the bye week in front of Bama. UGA is the team that would be bending the most. They have nothing to do with this and would be asked to finish with two of their rivals, UF and GT, back to back.

There are all kinds of game changes that technically could work after going through a bunch of hoops, but at the end of the day LSU is going to be hurt and even Florida can claim they will be hurt. The easiest solutions were suggested last week and completely rejected. Now I have said I believe Florida did not act in good faith, as it was very obvious they did not want to play the game by Tuesday/Wednesday morning... I even said so.... if even a dummy like me can figure it out... anyone could.

I don't blame Florida as lawgator suggested, I blame the S-E-C, and I further blame Stinkey for misrepresenting facts on Saturday, which is operating with unclean hands in my opinion.

Right now it sounds like LSU might be giving the SEC Dec 3rd in the Georgia Dome, but time will tell. I have no idea why they would do this but whatever they decide is fine. Stinkey should resign, not by his actions or lack of action, but him misrepresenting the fact to cover his own ass. Very hard to conduct business with parties which appear to want to screw you. imo
I like the idea that if you don't play the full 8 SEC games then you shouldn't be bowl eligible.

You probably meant to say SEC Championship-eligible. Playing 11 games instead of 12 would not be a reason to disqualify a team with six wins from any bowl.
Go ahead and take away a dozen scholarships while you're at it.

Yeah. It's kind of strange, I don't agree how Florida handled this, to me is was very obvious, bush league. With that said, the SEC had every opportunity to mitigate the damages and potential outcome, and failed to do so. It's very obvious to me that Florida can easily say that the SEC is at fault, even if it were caused by Florida to begin with. The SEC is at fault.

It appears LSU is giving the SEC December 3rd in the Georgia Dome, obviously to make sure the SEC's black-eye doesn't go away. If I were Florida, I would tell them to go to hell, and then we're back to square one. If the SEC says no, well, I would think LSU is done with all this nonsense. What is funny is, none of this will probably matter, but you never know.

It appears that LSU is trying to hang the SEC with its own rope. :)

Any suggestion for the SEC to dock Florida at this point is kind of ridiculous, Florida schooled them... the SEC owns it now.
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Yeah. It's kind of strange, I don't agree how Florida handled this, to me is was very obvious, bush league. With that said, the SEC had every opportunity to mitigate the damages and potential outcome, and failed to do so. It's very obvious to me that Florida can easily say that the SEC is at fault, even if it were caused by Florida to begin with. The SEC is at fault.

It appears LSU is giving the SEC December 3rd in the Georgia Dome, obviously to make sure the SEC's black-eye doesn't go away. If I were Florida, I would tell them to go to hell, and then we're back to square one. If the SEC says no, well, I would think LSU is done with all this nonsense. What is funny is, none of this will probably matter, but you never know.

It appears that LSU is trying to hang the SEC with its own rope. :)

Any suggestion for the SEC to dock Florida at this point is kind of ridiculous, Florida schooled them... the SEC owns it now.

Bless your heart...that scholarship post went zipping right over your head.

Florida and LSU acted in their own best interests. Neither party is free of blame. Some of us can acknowledge that, others not so much...take you for instance.

Bottom line is the SEC commissioner came off looking powerless.
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Bless your heart...that scholarship post went zipping right over your head.

Florida and LSU acted in their own best interests. Neither party is free of blame. Some of us can acknowledge that, others not so much...take you for instance.

Bottom line is the SEC commissioner came off looking powerless.

I'm confused. I did edit my comments before you posted so the confusion might lie there. I think its crazy for someone to suggest that Florida should be damaged or penalized at this point, regardless of how I feel about their handling of the situation.

I don't blame Florida, I clearly blame the SEC and Stinkey. I'm not even upset or anything, that is what is so crazy.... I got third parties crying to me about the game must be played BS, like they really cared to start with. :eek:lol: This is the SEC's problem and I would balking if I were Florida at this point as well. F them (SEC).

Some updates (LSU Monday Morning call):

- LSU is saying November 19th will be a home game (out of the question).
- LSU will give up the bye week if Alabama's schedule is changed and they play on October 29th.
- Looks like LSU has offered December 3rd in the Georgia Dome.
- LSU is still implying the game will probably not be rescheduled.
- Looks like the SEC doesn't know or there has been no dialogue as to who wins division 6-1 or 7-1. Haha

I will note he didn't say November 19th they couldn't play UF, he just said it will be a "home game". :eek:lol:

Sounds like to me.... that LSU is saying:

- Play UF in Baton Rouge on 11/19
- Play UF in Georgia Dome on 12/3
- Play UF on 10/29 in Florida, if Bama has game moved to same day
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