I think it pretty clear whether or not Monday was offered, Florida had no incentive to move the date and time of the game. The game wasn't going to be moved by Florida. LSU doesn't have to offer anything, technically Florida is the host school. My understanding was Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, but its kind of immaterial as the SEC should have came in and mitigated the potential damages.
The SEC could have said, what about Monday? If that didn't do it for Florida, they could have just said... Florida you pick the date and the location either after 3 p.m. on (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) at any reasonable location in the Southeast U.S. If you keep it in Gainesville, and its unplayable you forfeit. The SEC failed to do that and failed to force Florida to make a decision.
Because of that, you have had a 8 day crap show for no reason.
that's the point, it's not. i've not seen anyone, anywhere, discuss it...from either local media, national, SEC...anywhere.
and again, if it was, and FL said no, regardless of the reason, why is that not out in front?
that takes LSU out of the equation. yes, the SEC could have, and should have said "hey, play it on Monday".
like i said, Fl is the front of the line here. but LSU didn't make an offer for monday either. just like they didn't in 05, until TN said they'd forfeit if they were forced to go down on Sat/Sun instead of Monday...the SEC made it happen on Monday, because it was a viable option.
so, this scenario, FL is the equivalent of LSU in 2005, and LSU now represents the TN of this situation.
again, if LSU said "hey, Jeremy, let's play Monday"....and Jeremy said no........AND the SEC didn't push for that....
LSU would be wise to at least float that out there, even as just a leak from the AD office. Politically, it makes no sense not to get that out there.
that puts all the pressure on FL and the SEC for not making that option happen, and LSU is free and clear of any criticism. the reason that's not the case....NO ONE offered Monday.
i agree, it is all moot at this point. but you can't argue the fact that had LSU put it out there, and FL declined, basically putting it in the hands of the SEC, that eliminates LSU from all culpability, and the absence of Monday being in the discussion allows for the possibility that LSU never brought it up either.
it's just not very convincing to me, given all of that. has FL done enough? no. i agree with you. did the SEC do enough? no, i agree with you. but are you really 100% certain LSU did everything they could, understanding they couldn't "make" anything happen, and are just the hapless victim?