Bruce Feldman and Tim Brando criticize the SEC's handling of LSU/Florida

They can't cancel a home game because they are finding out what it costs to get rid of a coach and in financial chaos.

Then they will find out after the season what it takes to hire one and adjust accordingly backing off of expectations as Les Miles 10 Mil floats out of the athletic department for many years.
Lol I honestly cant believe what I'm reading coming from the fans over there. Complete whiny horse💩!

What do you think is going on here?

There is nothing for LSU fans to whine about, although I am sure there are some whining. LSU got hosed as things currently stand, but that's life. Hopefully, the SEC finds an equitable position that doesn't damage LSU as much but even if the keep the status quo I'm okay with it, but many fans probably won't be. The time for whining was last Monday through Thursday to get the SEC to action.
Its going to get worked out. But in any event the notion that we jockeyed around the dates because of the hurricane to try to miss a home game (which is huge money) is just so ridiculous it is no longer worthy of comment. I mean, that claim is just utter nonsense.

If you live in Jax I'm a little surprised at your dismissiveness of what could have happened had the storm gone 50 miles west of where it did.

I live in Jax as well and I grew up in Melbourne. I've had my fair share of hurricanes. Sunday and definitely Monday would be back to normal day. To say otherwise is disingenuous. Florida should have postponed til Monday.

They instead pulled this shady game and now the match might not be played unless lsu gives up $15+ million in local economy because Florida refused to play the game despite having a thousand opportunities to play it. Having recruits come in, traveling soccer and volleyball teams, etc is what shows Ufs ass in all of this and I don't blame lsu one bit for extending the middle finger.
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I have a solution. Play the game on the 18th at Florida. Then play South Alabama in December at home. LSU doesn't lose a single home game that way. And trust me when I say that I know all of this problem started with Florida. but at this point LSU and Florida just need to play the game.
I have a solution. Play the game on the 18th at Florida. Then play South Alabama in December at home. LSU doesn't lose a single home game that way. And trust me when I say that I know all of this problem started with Florida. but at this point LSU and Florida just need to play the game.

Its very hard to "trust" someone that doesn't understand that LSU isn't playing 3 road SEC games in 12 days, giving up Senior Night, and giving up the money. South Alabama will have to be bought out, and LSU will be out of gate revenue, etc.

Clearly the SEC should have mitigated the situation, LSU has to protect and mitigate their own damages. Either way, very doubtful Florida agrees to that, as it only hurts their position in the East and they'll lose their own game revenues and have to buyout a team.

I am very confused on why you guys still think its in Florida's interest to do anything.... they have done nothing... and doing nothing appears to be working for them.
Its very hard to "trust" someone that doesn't understand that LSU isn't playing 3 road SEC games in 12 days, giving up Senior Night, .

i actually agree with this. i'll say this, i wouldn't want to give up that stuff either. and as we've now played this 4 game gauntlet (or about to finish it anyway), competitively would i prefer to have a week off right now? hell yeah.

but saluki, what you're doing is simply stoking a fire, pouring gas on it...with your "FL's plan worked flawlessly" garbage. i'm glad you're entertained.

then you talk out of the other side of the mouth by saying we shouldn't be upset because we're concerned we might not get the desired outcome of that game.

you can't have it both ways.

the only team in the SEC that stands to get Tennessee, regardless of intent.

so if you're not a troll, then enter the discussion for what it is, if so, you've had your fun, GTFO.:thumbsup:
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Having recruits come in, traveling soccer and volleyball teams, etc is what shows Ufs ass in all of this and I don't blame lsu one bit for extending the middle finger.

While Florida helped screw up this situation, this above is either inaccurate or disingenuous.

They didn't host recruits. There was a recruit who tweeted out that he was in Gainesville on Thursday, but when the game was cancelled he left.

Also, it is a heck of a lot easier to move a soccer team and a volleyball team around than it is to move an SEC football team.

Not saying UF doesn't deserve criticism. But there is fair criticism, and there is unfair criticism.
Also, it is a heck of a lot easier to move a soccer team and a volleyball team around than it is to move an SEC football team.

Which is EXACTLY why if it was about safety and only safety then you cancel all events and you're done. For the most difficult situation put contingencies in place and if they don't pan out so be it. Don't just throw your damn hands up and say "well we tried golly dee bum".

UF having the volleyball team on the road to Columbia on Saturday when it is so dangerous for the football team shows just how disingenuous UF has been in their tripe rhetoric
Its very hard to "trust" someone that doesn't understand that LSU isn't playing 3 road SEC games in 12 days, giving up Senior Night, and giving up the money. South Alabama will have to be bought out, and LSU will be out of gate revenue, etc.

Clearly the SEC should have mitigated the situation, LSU has to protect and mitigate their own damages. Either way, very doubtful Florida agrees to that, as it only hurts their position in the East and they'll lose their own game revenues and have to buyout a team.

I am very confused on why you guys still think its in Florida's interest to do anything.... they have done nothing... and doing nothing appears to be working for them.

I never suggested you should cancel your South Alabama game. I said that game should be moved to December and you still get all your revenues from it and can have your senior night on your last game of the season.
While Florida helped screw up this situation, this above is either inaccurate or disingenuous.

They didn't host recruits. There was a recruit who tweeted out that he was in Gainesville on Thursday, but when the game was cancelled he left.

Also, it is a heck of a lot easier to move a soccer team and a volleyball team around than it is to move an SEC football team.

Not saying UF doesn't deserve criticism. But there is fair criticism, and there is unfair criticism.

It's disingenuous when the reasoning coming from UF mouthpieces isn't moving people but rather guilt trips regarding player families. Emergency personnel would not be out of commission on Monday either. This wasnt Andrew and Gainesville isn't Miami but Florida has no problem acting like it was.

Sending a volleyball team to an area that was affected later in the week by the storm shows how disingenuous it really was.

Florida didn't have to move anywhere but they shut Sunday and Monday down while sending their kids to affected areas.

if they didn't host recruits, which was all over the media, then I'll recant that item

Fact is, everyone else got it done. South Carolina got hit later and still got it done. NC State played in it. Florida has no excuse and they are to blame in this.
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I never suggested you should cancel your South Alabama game. I said that game should be moved to December and you still get all your revenues from it and can have your senior night on your last game of the season.

All that is moot as there is no incentive for Florida to get rid of the same. There is no reason for Florida to play the game.

As far as your suggestion, South Alabama would have to agree to that and I have no ideas why they would do that, Senior Night is disrupted, still effects revenues, LSU then has 3 SEC road games in 12 day, etc.

LSU did offer December 3rd at a neutral site, if the game is so important, no reason why that can't happen... of course, no incentive for Florida to agree to that, so again all of this is moot.
Fact is, everyone else got it done. South Carolina got hit later and still got it done. NC State played in it. Florida has no excuse and they are to blame in this.

I agree with all of this. Though I will say that, watching the NC State-ND game, it should have been postponed. Playing in that weather was irresponsible.
I agree with all of this. Though I will say that, watching the NC State-ND game, it should have been postponed. Playing in that weather was irresponsible.

I don't disagree. I don't blame Florida for cancelling Saturday or even Sunday.

I think if they scheduled for Monday, none of these issues would be relevant. But... here we are lol.
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the only team in the SEC that stands to get Tennessee, regardless of intent.

The missed game for LSU works as a loss or virtual loss, as things currently stand. There is also the possibility but I would have to go look at it, if the Vols losses to Bama on Saturday, and the SEC switches to divisional records, that Tennessee actually will benefit.

Mostly likely this knocks LSU out of the West running as it stands now, although its not a 100% guarantee.
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I don't disagree. I don't blame Florida for cancelling Saturday or even Sunday.

I think if they scheduled for Monday, none of these issues would be relevant. But... here we are lol.

I agree there as well. The game should have been played, and it still must be played.
I don't disagree. I don't blame Florida for cancelling Saturday or even Sunday.

I think if they scheduled for Monday, none of these issues would be relevant. But... here we are lol.

It could have been played in Baton Rouge or even neutral site. LSU even agree to play without a crowd. If LSU could fly from Baton Rouge to play in a crowdless stadium because of a lack of personnel, not sure why the possibility wasn't left open. Well, I do know why, which is the same thing I said 8 days ago, they didn't want to play.

I mean Florida's plan (because they didn't want to even change the time) was for LSU to fly into the hurricane on Friday and play the game 11 a.m. on Saturday.

Either way, LSU is the only one that I have seen offer alternative dates, times and locations. Best and probably only bet is December 3rd at a neutral site. The only way Florida is going to agree to anything is if they are already out of the East race, so all this is moot anyway.
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The missed game for LSU works as a loss or virtual loss, as things currently stand. There is also the possibility but I would have to go look at it, if the Vols losses to Bama on Saturday, and the SEC switches to divisional records, that Tennessee actually will benefit.

Mostly likely this knocks LSU out of the West running as it stands now, although its not a 100% guarantee.

the problem is we're about to finish up the toughest part of our schedule, already having beaten our two biggest division rivals, yours is still out in front.

so is FL's. which is why the only team that really stands to get screwed is us. GA could be, if FL wins out, but has a 2nd loss against UGA, UGA wins out, and we drop one we're not supposed to (assuming we lose Saturday).

and until someone of consequence comes out and spells out the resolution to the division champion issue, it's still on the table to have the 6-2 v 6-1 win% issue. if division record comes in to play, problem solved, assuming we take care of business the rest of the way.

i don't think FL or LSU is going to win out. but that's really not the point, from a competitive balance / championship integrity standpoint. even if FL and LSU lose 2 more games the rest of the way, the fact that the win% possibility in a situation like this exists, is the problem.

bottom line, as we sit here to day, everything is still on the table, the rest of the schedule hasn't been played yet, so while it may be likely the schedule takes care of this, it's not set in stone that that will happen.

if FL beats LSU, ARK and GA, and we drop two to our West opponents...good for FL, at least they would have earned it. and that's all i want, level playing field. we knew before the season started that both GA and FL had easier paths to ATL. but it wasn't assumed that it would be made easier by not having to play, at worst, the 2nd toughest conf game on the schedule.

and if you truly don't understand that ("why y'all so angry?") now, then that's on you at this point.
and if you truly don't understand that ("why y'all so angry?") now, then that's on you at this point.

Its not that I don't understand but the point being the SEC failed to mitigate. If the game was as important as people claim then the game would have been played, logic seems do indicate the game was not important despite what you or I think.

No, its on the SEC as they had the responsibility to mitigate the damages, and of course they have options.

Right now LSU, as far as we know, has no real options they have to prepare for Southern Miss. They can't force Florida to do anything.

What I think is lacking is an understanding that sometimes you can't put Humpty-Dumpty back together again, and in the process of even trying to do that you're knocking other Humpty-Dumptys' off the wall.

Best bet is probably December 3rd, if not then bunches of Humpty-Dumptys' are falling from the wall. If the game is so important, that is good place to start to stop the damage.

If the game is so important, than Florida will have no problem with ditching their November 19th game right?
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It could have been played in Baton Rouge or even neutral site. LSU even agree to play without a crowd. If LSU could fly from Baton Rouge to play in a crowdless stadium because of a lack of personnel, not sure why the possibility wasn't left open. Well, I do know why, which is the same thing I said 8 days ago, they didn't want to play.

I mean Florida's plan (because they didn't want to even change the time) was for LSU to fly into the hurricane on Friday and play the game 11 a.m. on Saturday.

Either way, LSU is the only one that I have seen offer alternative dates, times and locations. Best and probably only bet is December 3rd at a neutral site. The only way Florida is going to agree to anything is if they are already out of the East race, so all this is moot anyway.
true. but no one offered up any location.

i don't disagree with you that the lions' share of this is on Fl's shoulders, and now their looking for sympathy points. but LSU, while appearing to take the high road, just offered up solutions that worked best in their favor.

so that's why i still believe Alleva, while appearing to be the only party involved even trying, still has some accountability here. especially after digging his heels on on the Nov. 19th date (which on principal, i understand and agree with, had the shoe been on our foot).

that's when the SEC comes in and fails. FL is allowing this narrative to even be established and considered (cancel the game for competitive advantage), but LSU and the SEC aren't really doing anything constructive to play the game or resolve it either.

honestly, i'm to the point now where i'm finding it hard to care. we are where we are. there's nothing i can do about it, and either we'll get the game played (i am doubtful), the SEC will make a resolution that's competitively fair, or FL can wind up in the SEC CG.

so, i'll sit on my hands, hope we can pull off a miracle Saturday, and see what happens. and root like hell for anyone playing Florida....
true. but no one offered up any location.

As far as I know LSU offered Saturday through Monday at Gainesville, Baton Rouge, or neutral site. Alleva has confirmed at least Saturday and Sunday, and I believe he confirmed no crowd was needed. I haven't heard any alternative plans and as far as I know Florida never even wanted to move the 11 a.m. kickoff.

Either way, its not LSU's game, they are not the host and they can't force Florida to change the date. The SEC should have came in and forced a decision on Florida in which they were responsible for the outcome, there are many options the SEC could have put on the table. They didn't, they failed to mitigate.

LSU could not force Florida to do anything, and Florida had no intention of moving the game so its all moot.
As far as I know LSU offered Saturday through Monday at Gainesville, Baton Rouge, or neutral site. Alleva has confirmed at least Saturday and Sunday, and I believe he confirmed no crowd was needed. I haven't heard any alternative plans and as far as I know Florida never even wanted to move the 11 a.m. kickoff.

Either way, its not LSU's game, they are not the host and they can't force Florida to change the date. The SEC should have came in and forced a decision on Florida in which they were responsible for the outcome, there are many options the SEC could have put on the table. They didn't, they failed to mitigate.

LSU could not force Florida to do anything, and Florida had no intention of moving the game so its all moot.
the only thing, and i agree with your last point, LSU can't force anything....if Monday was offered by LSU, to play in Gainesville, that's never been made public. as you said, the only confirmations was for Saturday or Sunday.

and....if Monday was offered, why wouldn't LSU have that front and center? that would basically remove LSU from the equation all together, which has been your contention from the beginning.

offering Monday, and FL declining is the smoking gun.

so if it was offered, and declined, the fact that that has been omitted from being "the topic" discussed, leads me to believe that it was never offered, on either side of the fence. so, you got both schools apparently not even considering it, and the SEC not making it a realistic solution before hand. which is why i still say they all failed, miserably. FL still front of the line mind you. but LSU is in the line. as is the SEC.
the only thing, and i agree with your last point, LSU can't force anything....if Monday was offered by LSU, to play in Gainesville, that's never been made public. as you said, the only confirmations was for Saturday or Sunday.

I think it pretty clear whether or not Monday was offered, Florida had no incentive to move the date and time of the game. The game wasn't going to be moved by Florida. LSU doesn't have to offer anything, technically Florida is the host school. My understanding was Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, but its kind of immaterial as the SEC should have came in and mitigated the potential damages.

The SEC could have said, what about Monday? If that didn't do it for Florida, they could have just said... Florida you pick the date and the location either after 3 p.m. on (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) at any reasonable location in the Southeast U.S. If you keep it in Gainesville, and its unplayable you forfeit. The SEC failed to do that and failed to force Florida to make a decision.

Because of that, you have had a 8 day crap show for no reason.
I think it pretty clear whether or not Monday was offered, Florida had no incentive to move the date and time of the game. The game wasn't going to be moved by Florida. LSU doesn't have to offer anything, technically Florida is the host school. My understanding was Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, but its kind of immaterial as the SEC should have came in and mitigated the potential damages.

The SEC could have said, what about Monday? If that didn't do it for Florida, they could have just said... Florida you pick the date and the location either after 3 p.m. on (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) at any reasonable location in the Southeast U.S. If you keep it in Gainesville, and its unplayable you forfeit. The SEC failed to do that and failed to force Florida to make a decision.

Because of that, you have had a 8 day crap show for no reason.
that's the point, it's not. i've not seen anyone, anywhere, discuss it...from either local media, national, SEC...anywhere.

and again, if it was, and FL said no, regardless of the reason, why is that not out in front?

that takes LSU out of the equation. yes, the SEC could have, and should have said "hey, play it on Monday".

like i said, Fl is the front of the line here. but LSU didn't make an offer for monday either. just like they didn't in 05, until TN said they'd forfeit if they were forced to go down on Sat/Sun instead of Monday...the SEC made it happen on Monday, because it was a viable option.

so, this scenario, FL is the equivalent of LSU in 2005, and LSU now represents the TN of this situation.

again, if LSU said "hey, Jeremy, let's play Monday"....and Jeremy said no........AND the SEC didn't push for that....

LSU would be wise to at least float that out there, even as just a leak from the AD office. Politically, it makes no sense not to get that out there.

that puts all the pressure on FL and the SEC for not making that option happen, and LSU is free and clear of any criticism. the reason that's not the case....NO ONE offered Monday.

i agree, it is all moot at this point. but you can't argue the fact that had LSU put it out there, and FL declined, basically putting it in the hands of the SEC, that eliminates LSU from all culpability, and the absence of Monday being in the discussion allows for the possibility that LSU never brought it up either.

it's just not very convincing to me, given all of that. has FL done enough? no. i agree with you. did the SEC do enough? no, i agree with you. but are you really 100% certain LSU did everything they could, understanding they couldn't "make" anything happen, and are just the hapless victim?
Regardless of how this plays out in the long term and regardless of whether we get screwed out of SECCG or not (that just amplifies it) if you want to be in the SEC then play your damn SEC games. And if anybody prioritizes an OOC over an SEC opponent then their long term commitment to the conference is suspect.

Nut up and play your damn games. Stop telling everybody why it's hard. Get it the hell done. We had to find a way 10 years ago in a MUCH more difficult scenario for the home team.

If it's difficult and hard on an institution to play their SEC games then perhaps the SEC is the wrong conference for them. The B12 could use an infusion of new blood. Begone!

That goes to both schools and stands regardless of whether the game is played or if it impacts us in the SECCG. And until we get new information I would guess 700 posts should cover it
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