UT dragged themselves into it when Butch begged for the game to happen.
With that said UT should beat A&M, and keep a close game against Bama(maybe win) and win the rest and it won't matter.
As previously mentioned there wouldnt be too many first responders available for the game if it were to be played in Gainesville. Also getting people in and out of Gainesville would be rough too.
As far as playing in Baton Rouge goes, would y'all give up a home game(and home field advantage, local business gains, and the biggest recruiting nights) to play away?
I also see LSU's side of not wanting to give up the November 19th game against USA. They'd lose revenues they need for Miles buyout and put money in the bank for their next coach. Plus they'd have to face Florida and the 5 days later have to face A&M.