Bryce Thompson out - potentially

So, obviously the worst case scenario is Thompson being kicked off the team. I definitely hope he's able to get help and never have these issues again. If he's too much of a liability for the program or the school and they do decide to cut him loose, to be honest, I'm not going to be too beaten up over it. Reason being is that I have the most confidence in CJP and his staffs ability to recruit and coach in the secondary position. The talent is there but he's got some issues. I know there are plenty of kids chomping at the bit for an opportunity. What do you guys think about the possibility of loosing a Freshman All-american?

Just get the kid the help he needs. His well being should take priority over football at this point.
oh good grief people....he got in a fight with his gf and acted a fool. Some people overheard the fight. It's not like he posted it on twitter or announced it to a group of people. If he didn't tear up the gate, he would have never gotten arrested. Does he have maturity issues....sure. Is he a He will be playing BYU barring any new info.
His history and alleged transgressions seem to beg for help and that may be his saving grace.

I want the best for his life not UT. However if he has a history ( as the kns reports) and people heard him say he was gonna "shoot up the school" it's gonna be hard to keep him imo. that's two pretty hot topics these days no-one wants to take (or seem to take) carelessly.
Unless it's under the condition of help first, I don't think it looks good. I'll pray for the kid.
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oh good grief people....he got in a fight with his gf and acted a fool. Some people overheard the fight. It's not like he posted it on twitter or announced it to a group of people. If he didn't tear up the gate, he would have never gotten arrested. Does he have maturity issues....sure. Is he a He will be playing BYU barring any new info.

He will be back, no later than the Florida game.
I've read, he told police he fell on the gate, and that is what tore it off the wall, then later admitted he tore it off the wall, if true, he has a problem with the truth. But, the order of protection due to death threats against an old girl friend (last year), is starting to establish a pattern. UT does not need any more, ZERO, bad press. We still don't know who the old ho was that left those fake eye lashes in his room, and has she returned to collect her property? I believe everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence, but if the shooting up the school claim has any truth to it......he is gone. If he needs mental health treatment, by all means, we should provide it.
Due Process - FIRE

From the article:

“Since 2011, there have been more than 400 lawsuits brought in federal and state courts by accused students alleging they were denied a fair process in campus sexual misconduct adjudications.”

Many of the cases involve an accusation of sexual assault, but the precedent is that universities are not currently obliged to afford accused persons the same level of due process that we are used to seeing in the courts. It’s an entirely different system.
He's not accused of sexual assault though. You all said there were similar cases all over the country. I am specifically interested in ones that are this level of "seriousness" where folks were kicked out of school, prosecuted, et al.

The woman hasn't been denied due process. Far from it. They had a loud argument. He may have said some things he shouldn't have in anger. The worst involves shooting up the school... which absent a bunch of guns in his room... isn't a credible threat. He apparently slammed a gate and broke it. She says he has hit walls before (not her). They arrested him and in what seems to be unusual for a misdemeanor... kept him in jail overnight.

My point is a lot of people are blowing this particular incident completely out of proportion. He needs discipline. He needs counseling. But without further incident... that's all.
The woman who filed for a restraining order against Thompson wrote in her complaint that Thompson texted her stating that if she dated another man, he “would kill both me and that other guy.” She wrote that she believed Thompson’s threat because “he has a history of violence against me and others. He has physically slapped me, choked me, and thrown me around. I fear for my safety, and am constantly looking over my shoulder.”

I don't see how UT can allow Thompson to remain on the team.

True, cause people never lie.
Doubt he’ll be allowed to return. He was already on a short leash with the issues that prevented him from enrolling at USC. He was on zero tolerance based on what I’ve been told over and over. Now it’s just waiting for the process to play out. But I think he’s at a JuCo by the end of the month.
I've read, he told police he fell on the gate, and that is what tore it off the wall, then later admitted he tore it off the wall, if true, he has a problem with the truth. But, the order of protection due to death threats against an old girl friend (last year), is starting to establish a pattern. UT does not need any more, ZERO, bad press. We still don't know who the old ho was that left those fake eye lashes in his room, and has she returned to collect her property? I believe everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence, but if the shooting up the school claim has any truth to it......he is gone. If he needs mental health treatment, by all means, we should provide it.
Because a girl left eyelashes in his dorm room she’s a “ho”? I think BT might be the “ho” in this story. Go Vols
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According to Knox Now, Thompson initially told authorities he fell onto the gate and fell down the stairs with it.
He later recanted his statement, instead saying the gate broke when 'he tried to pull it upwards'. ''
Wow, we are getting all kinds of different stories, I'd like to know if he tore the gate off as he later said he did, or did the cops beat him in jail in order to get the confession over the gate, or maybe Knox Now is just a bunch of dishonest low life trash, and not to be believed? Some experts (with inside knowledge) say he just slapped the wall and yelled at one of his girlfriends (not the one that left the false eye lashes), others say there was wall damage and a metal gate torn off, along with yelling a physical threat to one of his girlfriends, who should we believe? Do you think the cops tore the gate off, and decided to "pin it" on BT? Then beat him into confessing to a crime he did not commit? The old girl friend (the one with the order of protection, over his death threats) and one or both of these new females may have gotten together to frame BT, planned the timing, to just the right moment when a friend in LE would be on duty, and willing to tear the gate off, and beat BT into confession this requires a lot of investigation. It looks like he said, she said, she said, the police said....
You continue to make crap up and try to read between the lines.

That first detail came out yesterday. I guess you've never lied to try to stay out of trouble either, right? When you were 20 years old you did nothing wrong and never lied to anyone to avoid trouble? You never did anything in anger that was as bad as hitting a wall or yelling at someone?
Doubt he’ll be allowed to return. He was already on a short leash with the issues that prevented him from enrolling at USC. He was on zero tolerance based on what I’ve been told over and over. Now it’s just waiting for the process to play out. But I think he’s at a JuCo by the end of the month.
This is exactly what I’ve heard as well
The woman who filed for a restraining order against Thompson wrote in her complaint that Thompson texted her stating that if she dated another man, he “would kill both me and that other guy.” She wrote that she believed Thompson’s threat because “he has a history of violence against me and others. He has physically slapped me, choked me, and thrown me around. I fear for my safety, and am constantly looking over my shoulder.”

I don't see how UT can allow Thompson to remain on the team.
That would have happened BEFORE they invited him to join the team.

Interesting, a text. Wonder if anyone kept or took a screen shot of that text?

You have a guy who as far as we know has never followed up on these threats. Sounds like a loud mouth with a temper more than a threat to campus.
By all means, let's spin this and spin it and spin it until the "only choice" is to kick the kid off the team and out of school.
So bama players get caught with unregistered firearms and marijuana and they don't miss a beat. Our player verbally threatens someone and he's never coming back? Yeah...that sounds about right.
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He's not accused of sexual assault though. You all said there were similar cases all over the country. I am specifically interested in ones that are this level of "seriousness" where folks were kicked out of school, prosecuted, et al.

The woman hasn't been denied due process. Far from it. They had a loud argument. He may have said some things he shouldn't have in anger. The worst involves shooting up the school... which absent a bunch of guns in his room... isn't a credible threat. He apparently slammed a gate and broke it. She says he has hit walls before (not her). They arrested him and in what seems to be unusual for a misdemeanor... kept him in jail overnight.

My point is a lot of people are blowing this particular incident completely out of proportion. He needs discipline. He needs counseling. But without further incident... that's all.

If I’m not mistaken, domestic/dating violence is covered under title ix as well. If so, Bryce could be subject to the same sort of university initiated proceedings that someone accused of sexual assault would be.

The problem with these proceedings is typically a violation of the due process of the alleged perpetrator, not that of the victim. I am simply citing these cases because some people seem to think that if the charges are dropped and his legal issues are over that he is good to go. It’s my guess that a school like UT that has had its own run ins with title ix enforcement in the last few years would shade toward and abundance of caution if a case even remotely fell under title ix jurisdiction. If this is in fact the case, charges or not, Bryce could be subject to the university’s standard of proof and he may not enjoy the typical rights of due process (presumption of innocence, ability to cross examine witnesses and accuser, etc.).

I agree with your final point, it’s another instance of federal regulatory creep making mountains out of mole hills. It’s something that would have been handled with an early morning of stadium stairs and a class with the team chaplain in years past. I’m afraid those time are long gone though.
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