Bryce Thompson out - potentially

She has a restraining order against him but was accusing him of cheating? That dont jive. Was she at his place? Isn't that where the fake eye lashes were found?
The lesson in all of this is to never bring sand to the beach.

According to reports, they had mutual restraining orders against each other. Now, if she was at his place, he might have a chance for dismissed charges and even return to the team. Providing the other accusations are proven false.
According to reports, they had mutual restraining orders against each other. Now, if she was at his place, he might have a chance for dismissed charges and even return to the team. Providing the other accusations are proven false.
That accusation report was found to be proven false too because it referred to a previous girlfriend and not the one in question.
I will say this, knowing that it is not the popular opinion. Some will agree and many will disagree. If the gf is of the Caucasian persuasion, BT is probably gone. I hope that I am wrong. Known unwritten rules that i had growing up is that you cooperate with Police and dont be around here making white women feel scared. They will make an example out of him. No other reason for his juvenile mishaps to come up. Juvenile records should be sealed.
Interesting discussion on Clay Travis's Out kick show today about Demarcus Cousins recording and when are threatening words hyperbole vs legitimate threat. I hear people make "death threats" just about every day. I think that's just the way some people communicate frustration and it doesn't mean we need to call 911 and run for cover. I grew up knowing a lot of people who use the n-word to describe black people. It makes me cringe to hear it used as a natural part of a person's speech but some of those people I know well enough to know that they don't carry racial hatred in their hearts. To them, it's just a word and they think I'm weird for suggesting that they change their vocabularies. I think there's a lot of kneejerk reactions instilled in people nowadays where they perceive a "trigger" and they experience a predetermined reaction rather than applying any critical analysis to seek context and understanding.
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My grandmother told me and my brothers that she'd "Slap the fahr out of you if you don't stop jumping on the beds." Come to find out, it was just an East Tennessee expression so we all have the fire very much alive inside of us to this day. I love y'all to life but it doesn't mean I'm going to birth you.
Pruitt, Fulmer will gather all the "accurate" information and make the right decision. I'm sure of it. Be mindful, regardless of the outcome, he has an entire team that he has to consider. Because of that, there will be consequences. Trust the process, it will be "just and right." Go Vols!

This is a very underrated factor in this whole situation. Fulmer and Pruitt are “player” guys. Relational guys. Their first inclination will not be dismissal. If it was he’d already be gone. Right or wrong they are going to seek him coming back.
I will say this, knowing that it is not the popular opinion. Some will agree and many will disagree. If the gf is of the Caucasian persuasion, BT is probably gone. I hope that I am wrong. Known unwritten rules that i had growing up is that you cooperate with Police and dont be around here making white women feel scared. They will make an example out of him. No other reason for his juvenile mishaps to come up. Juvenile records should be sealed.

Titan, in my experience and especially these days, people don't welcome the truth unless it flatters them or denigrates someone else.
When bama players are caught with drugs and stolen fire arms (with serial numbers removed)...they aren’t even suspended indefinitely pending an investigation. Literally, there was no punishment whatsoever. But when Thompson says threatening things and punches a wall he’s out and potentially gone. Are you freaking kidding me? Good lord. We need him back. And yes I would be willing to turn a blind eye to issues due to being a fan and knowing we can’t afford to lose our best dback. But fandom aside...we’re talking about a college student that had a fight with his girlfriend that never got physical. Geeze. Get him some anger management and counseling (and make sure he knows it can’t happen again) and get him back out there!!!
What Bama or any other program does shouldn't have anything to do with how we handle things. Its an issue with risk and its a risk that the coaching staff and University will be taking on, not you. Its not so cut and dry easy to just pat him on the butt and send him back on the field because if he ends up escalating his behavior and someone gets seriously hurt, then its all on the University for not handling the situation correctly. I dont think he should be kicked off the team, but its not my ass on the line if he does do something after this.
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What Bama or any other program does shouldn't have anything to do with how we handle things. Its an issue with risk and its a risk that the coaching staff and University will be taking on, not you. Its not so cut and dry easy to just pat him on the butt and send him back on the field because if he ends up escalating his behavior and someone gets seriously hurt, then its all on the University for not handling the situation correctly. I dont think he should be kicked off the team, but its not my ass on the line if he does do something after this.
As many have stated, the University has the resources to get him the help that he needs. He needs a structured environment. Chances are that he is repeating a cycle of toxic relationships that he has witnessed in his young adult life. He needs support, not to be thrown away as some are suggesting. Those that are pulling up his juvenile indiscretions are horrible people. I did a lot of stuff when I was a teenager, drank, drugs, fought, argued with females, vandalizing. None of that is a reflection of who I am as an adult, or who I was at 20. When they say VFL, they should mean VFL. Not until you embarrass us or make a bad decision.
As many have stated, the University has the resources to get him the help that he needs. He needs a structured environment. Chances are that he is repeating a cycle of toxic relationships that he has witnessed in his young adult life. He needs support, not to be thrown away as some are suggesting. Those that are pulling up his juvenile indiscretions are horrible people. I did a lot of stuff when I was a teenager, drank, drugs, fought, argued with females, vandalizing. None of that is a reflection of who I am as an adult, or who I was at 20. When they say VFL, they should mean VFL. Not until you embarrass us or make a bad decision.
I 100% agree, but that has nothing to do with him being on the field.
When bama players are caught with drugs and stolen fire arms (with serial numbers removed)...they aren’t even suspended indefinitely pending an investigation. Literally, there was no punishment whatsoever. But when Thompson says threatening things and punches a wall he’s out and potentially gone. Are you freaking kidding me? Good lord. We need him back. And yes I would be willing to turn a blind eye to issues due to being a fan and knowing we can’t afford to lose our best dback. But fandom aside...we’re talking about a college student that had a fight with his girlfriend that never got physical. Geeze. Get him some anger management and counseling (and make sure he knows it can’t happen again) and get him back out there!!!
I think you're on to something here. If you are a player at UT, the laws of the State of Tennessee should not apply to you, as they would someone else, and in fact, if Alabama has set aside gun/drug laws for their players, we should do the same. The coaching staff at UT should be the only ones that decide what should happen to someone breaking the law, be it stolen firearms, drugs, assault, death threats etc., I would draw the line at murder-first degree anyway. In that case I believe the law as it applies to all others should be followed. Good call, thanks for the well thought out post!
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According to some news stories, BT's "altercation" with the girlfriend (the one that found the false eye lashes) is a girlfriend of four (4) years, in other words, when he was a junior in HS, she was his main squeeze (or one of them). I'd be amazed if she too, matriculated at UT. Now during this time, he had other girl friends, the one with the restraining order due to death threats, and of course the false eye lash ho. This young man could easily be called, "The ladies man". If the four year relationship is to be believed, the current girlfriend, must not have been aware of the other gf in South Carolina (the one with the restraining order), because if she was upset of a pair of false eye lashes, it seems logical she would have been Really upset over another girlfriend in SC. What a coincidence-that BT would come to UT under scholarship, and his girlfriend of 4 years (junior in HS) came to Knoxville at the same time. Is she a student, or just living in the area to be close to her bf? This may be a case of stalking-she is stalking him, what's up with that?
I think you're on to something here. If you are a player at UT, the laws of the State of Tennessee should not apply to you, as they would someone else, and in fact, if Alabama has set aside gun/drug laws for their players, we should do the same. The coaching staff at UT should be the only ones that decide what should happen to someone breaking the law, be it stolen firearms, drugs, assault, death threats etc., I would draw the line at murder-first degree anyway. In that case I believe the law as it applies to all others should be followed. Good call, thanks for the well thought out post!
Haha, okay
Ironically, one thing that could help with anger management is prohibited by the NCAA and the draconian TN state legislature.

Medical Marijuana and Intermittent Explosive Disorder - Marijuana Doctors
Not so fast:New research published online in advance of print in the journal Psychological Medicine concludes that persistent use of cannabis may cause violent behavior as a result of changes in brain function due to smoking weed over many years.
In a guy already demonstrating violent behavior, it may make it worse. I'd say a good dose of opioids would calm him down, but could he still play, and then there is that "getting hooked" thing. Maybe just high quality counseling, and supervision may be in order.
Not so fast:New research published online in advance of print in the journal Psychological Medicine concludes that persistent use of cannabis may cause violent behavior as a result of changes in brain function due to smoking weed over many years.
In a guy already demonstrating violent behavior, it may make it worse. I'd say a good dose of opioids would calm him down, but could he still play, and then there is that "getting hooked" thing. Maybe just high quality counseling, and supervision may be in order.

Off topic here, but one thing for sure that marijuana use has proven is a desire to head to Krystal for chili pups at 2 AM.
Not so fast:New research published online in advance of print in the journal Psychological Medicine concludes that persistent use of cannabis may cause violent behavior as a result of changes in brain function due to smoking weed over many years.
In a guy already demonstrating violent behavior, it may make it worse. I'd say a good dose of opioids would calm him down, but could he still play, and then there is that "getting hooked" thing. Maybe just high quality counseling, and supervision may be in order.
I was going to reference this study as well. Decided I didn't want to get in the middle of a discussion that has a tendency to bring out a passionate argument from both sides. Now that you brought it up....geeze, I'll dive in. Just yesterday evening, I listened to a Doctor reference studies related to use of cannabis and crimes of anger. He said, when minors commit crimes there is a push to study the "how and why' these crimes are committed. Studies show more often than not, minors who commit crime can be associated with smoking pot. He went on to say, crimes committed by adults aren't studied as much. But did say, the recent shooting show that both assailants were indeed avid pot smokers. When tendency toward mental illness is coupled with cannabis, it becomes a problem.
I was going to reference this study as well. Decided I didn't want to get in the middle of a discussion that has a tendency to bring out a passionate argument from both sides. Now that you brought it up....geeze, I'll dive in. Just yesterday evening, I listened to a Doctor reference studies related to use of cannabis and crimes of anger. He said, when minors commit crimes there is a push to study the "how and why' these crimes are committed. Studies show more often than not, minors who commit crime can be associated with smoking pot. He went on to say, crimes committed by adults aren't studied as much. But did say, the recent shooting show that both assailants were indeed avid pot smokers. When tendency toward mental illness is coupled with cannabis, it becomes a problem.
Doesn't pot smoking stunt the brain growth. I have seen studies that show the brain is not fully matured until 20 something. I may be mixing up studies.
As many have stated, the University has the resources to get him the help that he needs. He needs a structured environment. Chances are that he is repeating a cycle of toxic relationships that he has witnessed in his young adult life. He needs support, not to be thrown away as some are suggesting. Those that are pulling up his juvenile indiscretions are horrible people. I did a lot of stuff when I was a teenager, drank, drugs, fought, argued with females, vandalizing. None of that is a reflection of who I am as an adult, or who I was at 20. When they say VFL, they should mean VFL. Not until you embarrass us or make a bad decision.

This mentality is a load of sh## to me. No one has any personal responsibility these days. Hes like 20 years old, not a "child". And guess what? Actions have consequences. Yeah we all made mistakes when younger, and im sure most of us felt the consequences too. This whole "he needs a structured environment" coddle him mindset is weak. People need to grow up, act like a civilized human. Letting this young man keep screaming at women and threatening them and breaking crap without consequence will not make him change his behaviour. If all this craps true he needs to be punished.

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