Bryce Thompson out - potentially

According to Knox Now, Thompson initially told authorities he fell onto the gate and fell down the stairs with it.
He later recanted his statement, instead saying the gate broke when 'he tried to pull it upwards'. ''
Wow, we are getting all kinds of different stories, I'd like to know if he tore the gate off as he later said he did, or did the cops beat him in jail in order to get the confession over the gate, or maybe Knox Now is just a bunch of dishonest low life trash, and not to be believed? Some experts (with inside knowledge) say he just slapped the wall and yelled at one of his girlfriends (not the one that left the false eye lashes), others say there was wall damage and a metal gate torn off, along with yelling a physical threat to one of his girlfriends, who should we believe? Do you think the cops tore the gate off, and decided to "pin it" on BT? Then beat him into confessing to a crime he did not commit? The old girl friend (the one with the order of protection, over his death threats) and one or both of these new females may have gotten together to frame BT, planned the timing, to just the right moment when a friend in LE would be on duty, and willing to tear the gate off, and beat BT into confession this requires a lot of investigation. It looks like he said, she said, she said, the police said....

That you, Alex?3F4AB791-92DD-4CDA-99F1-69738407A1DF.jpeg
One thing I've learned from all the saints in this thread: I was apparently a terrible person in my glory days.

*Domestic violence is NOT OK*

But, those of you raking BT over the coals for yelling stupid things, breaking an inanimate object, or bending the truth a bit to avoid trouble might need to revisit your teens-twenties.
I believe it has been reported that he put a hole in the wall when he punched it, and during this same episode tore a steel gate off the wall. It has also been reported that he stated he fell on the gate that is what tore it off the wall, then changed his story, and admitted to tearing the metal gate off the wall.

So what you're saying is...... this is Gate-Gate?
One thing I've learned from all the saints in this thread: I was apparently a terrible person in my glory days.

*Domestic violence is NOT OK*

But, those of you raking BT over the coals for yelling stupid things, breaking an inanimate object, or bending the truth a bit to avoid trouble might need to revisit your teens-twenties.

If you threatened to kill or beat up your girlfriends, yes you were a terrible person.
She has a restraining order against him but was accusing him of cheating? That dont jive. Was she at his place? Isn't that where the fake eye lashes were found?
The lesson in all of this is to never bring sand to the beach.
According to Knox Now, Thompson initially told authorities he fell onto the gate and fell down the stairs with it.
He later recanted his statement, instead saying the gate broke when 'he tried to pull it upwards'. ''
Wow, we are getting all kinds of different stories, I'd like to know if he tore the gate off as he later said he did, or did the cops beat him in jail in order to get the confession over the gate, or maybe Knox Now is just a bunch of dishonest low life trash, and not to be believed? Some experts (with inside knowledge) say he just slapped the wall and yelled at one of his girlfriends (not the one that left the false eye lashes), others say there was wall damage and a metal gate torn off, along with yelling a physical threat to one of his girlfriends, who should we believe? Do you think the cops tore the gate off, and decided to "pin it" on BT? Then beat him into confessing to a crime he did not commit? The old girl friend (the one with the order of protection, over his death threats) and one or both of these new females may have gotten together to frame BT, planned the timing, to just the right moment when a friend in LE would be on duty, and willing to tear the gate off, and beat BT into confession this requires a lot of investigation. It looks like he said, she said, she said, the police said....

10/10 troll. Would recommend.
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Turn out the lights....this ones over I'm afraid. Cant see them keeping him around now with the pressure from the outside to turn him loose.
She has a restraining order against him but was accusing him of cheating? That dont jive. Was she at his place? Isn't that where the fake eye lashes were found?
The lesson in all of this is to never bring sand to the beach.

Restraining order was with a different woman in S.C., was in January 2018. Curious if he was a juvenile at the time, he also had a mutual order against her as well. If he’d threatened to kill himself and/or others going back into 2017 it sounds like issues deeper than just anger issues.

Again, doing the math - he’s 19 now. With these things going back into 2017 it sounds like someone has gotten into his Juvenile record. Those are strictly off limits, normally
When bama players are caught with drugs and stolen fire arms (with serial numbers removed)...they aren’t even suspended indefinitely pending an investigation. Literally, there was no punishment whatsoever. But when Thompson says threatening things and punches a wall he’s out and potentially gone. Are you freaking kidding me? Good lord. We need him back. And yes I would be willing to turn a blind eye to issues due to being a fan and knowing we can’t afford to lose our best dback. But fandom aside...we’re talking about a college student that had a fight with his girlfriend that never got physical. Geeze. Get him some anger management and counseling (and make sure he knows it can’t happen again) and get him back out there!!!
I believe it has been reported that he put a hole in the wall when he punched it, and during this same episode tore a steel gate off the wall. It has also been reported that he stated he fell on the gate that is what tore it off the wall, then changed his story, and admitted to tearing the metal gate off the wall. There are so many different accounts, from he hollered and hit a wall, to punching a hole in the wall and tearing a steel gate off the wall, I guess we'll find out the facts soon enough. But it looks like, he may have some huge, high dollar law suits against those reporting the hole in the wall, gate tearing down crap, as it appears he only hollered and hit a wall!
Point is, he didn't hit or hurt her. The wall and the gate can file their own suits. Yelling at someone doesn't warrant jail time or team expulsion.
If you threatened to kill or beat up your girlfriends, yes you were a terrible person.
Obviously, I did not. But, we don't know any actual facts of what transpired. I just think everyone should wait to pass judgement on the young man until the investigation is complete.

Arguing and breaking a gate are not unforgivable sins. If it's shown that he actually threatened someone's life or physically assaulted a woman, he needs to both suffer the consequences of his actions and get help, before things get worse. I just don't want to write the kid off based on internet speculation.
It's not an either/or proposition when discussing how he may have updated the info about taking the gate down with him while falling and then later talking about lifting it back up. If you're falling, you'll reach out to grab onto anything to stabilize yourself just as a natural reflex. He's a strong young man with adult strong man strength. You don't achieve freshman All-American awards without the intensity training in the weight room required to get there so that even a gate's hinges can be easily out of place under the force of gravity combined with those fast twitch muscle fibers charged with adrenaline and his weight.

Then why lifted it up later? Easy. He brings it down with him and then lifts it back up after realizing it came down to break his fall. This is natural physiology and reflexes here. Most of us would immediately reach down and pick up a cup of orange juice and put it back upright if we realized we accidentally kicked it over while walking and were fast enough to restore it to upright position before much juice spilled out. Sometimes if your reflexes are quick enough you can even do it before you spill a drop.

Now if you're arguing with someone you have felt passionate about, it's easy to understand how that can be distracting enough for that kind of falling off balance to happen because in those moments, the mind is "somewhere else" instead of paying excruciating hyper-attention to every minute detail in your surroundings.

On tonight's episode of FBI, an agent told her partner, "If you touch me right now I will shoot you!" as they were entering a creepy house where someone suspected of harvesting human organs from live victims was believed to be inside.

Does that agent go down for verbal assault or do most rational people understand that she said that in a heightened fight or flight adrenaline-pumping special situation that was outside of her norm?

Most rational people understand the FBI agent did not knowingly intend any harm to her partner just like most of us understand Bryce Thompson, under the same influence of normal circumstance altering adrenaline meant no harm to his partner either.

Neither should be convicted and hopefully we all learn something good that we can take away from this that doesn't revolve around fake eyelashes.

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Pruitt, Fulmer will gather all the "accurate" information and make the right decision. I'm sure of it. Be mindful, regardless of the outcome, he has an entire team that he has to consider. Because of that, there will be consequences. Trust the process, it will be "just and right." Go Vols!
When bama players are caught with drugs and stolen fire arms (with serial numbers removed)...they aren’t even suspended indefinitely pending an investigation. Literally, there was no punishment whatsoever. But when Thompson says threatening things and punches a wall he’s out and potentially gone. Are you freaking kidding me? Good lord. We need him back. And yes I would be willing to turn a blind eye to issues due to being a fan and knowing we can’t afford to lose our best dback. But fandom aside...we’re talking about a college student that had a fight with his girlfriend that never got physical. Geeze. Get him some anger management and counseling (and make sure he knows it can’t happen again) and get him back out there!!!
Could not have said it better!
TN players are always held to different standards. They literally had video of Jeffrey Simmons beating a woman, and not much happened to him. MS State kept his commitment.

I was listening to a national radio show a few weeks ago.
The topic was on how an entire community must be “all in” to have a highly successful football program.
This included the schools faculty and police security ofthen looking the other way when it came to athletes especially football players.
It included having local media that considered the football program a cash cow and would therefore suppress or not report negative stories about Star players.
They used Alabama and Clemson as prime examples.
The logic used by some of us...
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