Butch Jones embraces team chaplain Tim Miller

yep. i don't like being told how or what to believe, but i do believe. i've seen people say and do things in my presence in the name of religion that make me scratch my head sometimes.

it can be difficult to distinguish those that use it as a form of righteous indignation vs those that really "get it".

typically i stay away from any conversation in religion that deals in absolutes.

i don't understand the venom though from those that don't believe. there's virtually no reason they should have to feel it necessary to make believers, not believe.

and vice versa, though, i do understand that one of the cornerstones of modern Christianity is to "spread the word"....which is fine, but i think at some point, it falls in the category of "you can lead the horse to water..."

I'm a weird case because I was Catholic, so I have more sympathy for the Church than many non-Christians. From what I have seen and discussed with friends, many atheists are terrified of religion because of the more extreme and vocal minorities of certain faiths. It leads to a hyper defense mechanism that immediately says, "Attack, defend your rights, they will take you to the camps, etc."

This reaction is given to all Christians, Muslims, etc. even if they have kind intentions. I was guilty of this myself in my teens and 20s. I think it is a reaction borne solely out of fear, nothing more.

I've watched Catholics do the same exact thing when they felt threatened by non-believers.

I'm not sure what the answer is. I've mellowed out in my early thirties, and as I stated love discussing religions. It just sort of happened for me one day. It was like I thought, "dude, why are we arguing? Let's just talk."

It is a complex issue.
I suspect if the article was written with references related to Mr. Miller's faith and church removed and focused only on the positive culture he had instilled without calling attention to the fact that he is a Christian - those of you who are offended would not be so.

The key message is that a good man takes the time to reach out to young college students in a time when their life could go in many different directions. And we have a coaching staff who cares enough about those young men to understand the importance of that.

Those of you who have any problem with this because of someone's faith need to get over yourself.

Very well said. Have a like.
Riddle me this then. Just read it and form your opinion about it like any other book any of us read. In other words, don't take what I or anyone else says good or bad about it. Read it and make your decision. I have peruse literature and studied things and made my decision about it. I have not made fun of you but you have done it with "believer" comments. I am not making you read it. I just dared you to do so. Must be afraid of it. Good luck with your journey and you don't have to be a "believer". But you seem to be the intolerant one. Sorry if you need a safe space form all us meanie beanies.

I have no need to read it. I was only pointing out that you are a believer. How am I intolerant when I have continually said believe what you want and I will believe what I want? And yes I do need a safe space. You guys are terrifying to my rational mind. Think outside the box my friend and it could lead you to the realization that what Dad and Mom taught you might not be reality.
Really? In my opinion it is the equivalent of believing in magic. Why is that disrespectful?

Surely you understand that you have opinions that, when stated in certain situations, are disrespectful. Example: you think someone is fat, or stupid, etc. If you tell them, that is disrespectful. But, feel free to have the opinion. Just know the difference. :hi:

If you are not a Christian, then why is it important for you to come into this thread and mock others? Was the thread title ambiguous in any way? If you are not mocking, then what is your intention?
I have no need to read it. I was only pointing out that you are a believer. How am I intolerant when I have continually said believe what you want and I will believe what I want? And yes I do need a safe space. You guys are terrifying to my rational mind. Think outside the box my friend and it could lead you to the realization that what Dad and Mom taught you might not be reality.

You have fed the wolves with the safe space bit.

Is it not possible that grown adults could search their feelings and find a way to a religious belief? So what if they were raised that way? Surely they have had doubts, questioned their beliefs? I don't think anyone blindly believes anything. It is our nature to question reality and form beliefs based on that reality.
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I'm a weird case because I was Catholic, so I have more sympathy for the Church than many non-Christians. From what I have seen and discussed with friends, many atheists are terrified of religion because of the more extreme and vocal minorities of certain faiths. It leads to a hyper defense mechanism that immediately says, "Attack, defend your rights, they will take you to the camps, etc."

This reaction is given to all Christians, Muslims, etc. even if they have kind intentions. I was guilty of this myself in my teens and 20s. I think it is a reaction borne solely out of fear, nothing more.

I've watched Catholics do the same exact thing when they felt threatened by non-believers.

I'm not sure what the answer is. I've mellowed out in my early thirties, and as I stated love discussing religions. It just sort of happened for me one day. It was like I thought, "dude, why are we arguing? Let's just talk."

It is a complex issue.
actually, that's fairly similar to my story as well, i'm catholic, and that has a whole 'nother discussion to it, but growing up in MS as a catholic, was weird.

i was virtually the only catholic in my school, save my sibling....and not that we had religious conversations all the time, but all my friends went to "the" church. i didn't.

i took a girlfriend to Mass once, she a staunch Baptist, and she was terrified. it was weird, and sad. i did get in a conversation once with a guy that was absolutely convinced that if you weren't "saved" in his religion (church of christ, iirc?) you were going to hell.

it was an eye opening conversation, and that's kind of when i put the brakes on thinking religion, in and of itself, was the end all be all.

God, as we know him is omnipotent, so if that's the case, does that mean Budda, Allah or any other deity a culture worships is not the correct one? maybe we're all worshiping the same God? heck if Catholicism can spawn so many different Christian religions, they all can't the only ones to get right, can they?

which really bugged the guy out that told me i was going to hell as i asked him that question. lol. basically everyone else on the planet was damned, except his little congregation. yep, very christian.

anywho....bigger discussion that could go a lot of different directions.

but, i am Christian, i do have faith. if you don't fine. but the door is always open should you change your mind.:peace2:
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Surely you understand that you have opinions that, when stated in certain situations, are disrespectful. Example: you think someone is fat, or stupid, etc. If you tell them, that is disrespectful. But, feel free to have the opinion. Just know the difference. :hi:

If you are not a Christian, then why is it important for you to come into this thread and mock others? Was the thread title ambiguous in any way? If you are not mocking, then what is your intention?

If you define mockery as disagreement then I might see your reasoning. Its called a difference of opinion. I don't need off the wall examples of calling people fat. That is a deflection tactic to make it look like I am the bad guy because I sleep late on Sundays. Get a clue. And then know how to use it.
My father was a hell, fire and brimstone Baptist preacher (Yes, that explains a lot about me. Preachers kid.). As an adult, having lived the life i've lived and done the things I've done in my life, I don't believe everything my father preached was correct. A lot of it I have taken with in my life. A lot of it I haven't.

My dad said one thing that through these years has stuck with me.

"If, as a christian, at the end of my life, I find out I was wrong, what have I lost?"

"If at the end of your life, you find out you are wrong, what have you lost?"

Pretty powerful question.

I have seen this posted a lot in this thread by numerous posters and really, I mean I really wanted to stay out of this thread... but:

Why is the most powerful question one that makes you frame it in the aspect of fear? Fear of eternal fire and brimstone vs the wonderful life of heaven?

Also, to be honest, I was a bible school teacher, sunday school teacher, nephew of two preachers and christian bible camp counselor. The separation of heaven and hell and how it was divided up between "non believers and believers" was the foundation on how I became an atheist not what would lead me to follow christ.

Anyway as far as the OP, good for the team, good for the kids, I don't see the harm.
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I have no need to read it. I was only pointing out that you are a believer. How am I intolerant when I have continually said believe what you want and I will believe what I want? And yes I do need a safe space. You guys are terrifying to my rational mind. Think outside the box my friend and it could lead you to the realization that what Dad and Mom taught you might not be reality.

Do whatever man. With Pascal in mind, I think that the possibility of God, Heaven and Hell, one would, if not for themselves but at least for thier children, do as much research as possible. With nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Find an Athiest turned Christian and find out what they did to change thier mind, what happened. I mean if nothing else it might be interesting. Or, it might give you even more reason to stick to your guns. What do you have to lose?

Id sure want my kids to have every bit of information on something like this.
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You have fed the wolves with the safe space bit.

Is it not possible that grown adults could search their feelings and find a way to a religious belief? So what if they were raised that way? Surely they have had doubts, questioned their beliefs? I don't think anyone blindly believes anything. It is our nature to question reality and form beliefs based on that reality.

I have people on here who are sad for me because I don't believe in Jesus. Analyze that with the same zest you are analyzing my posts with and get back to me.
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It was about the refs making several bad calls. Even an announcer made that observation to correct someone else. Saying it was about the fans is wrong.

As far as cussing...
Paraphrasing a portion of Romans Ch. 7 written by Paul

"The things that are good that I want to do, I don't. (Ex. In this case, not cuss) The things that are bad that I don't want to do, those are the very things I do. (cussing), I who am chief among sinners."

Hmmm..Paul called himself, the primary author of much of the New Testament, "chief among sinners". And ... instead of using the past tense "was" in describing himself with relationship to his ill doings, his missing the mark, his sin; and even though he was most definitely a Christian; he uses the present tense "am" to describe his current state with respect to doing things he knows to be wrong (sin).

Then he sorta says, "Woe is me! What can I do? I've got this duel nature now. One that wants to do good, but the other that actually does do bad stuff."

Well, thank God Jesus has patience with us, and we are accepted as he continues to perform a lifetime process of changing the lumps of coal we are into diamonds.
Jesus also said "By their fruits ye shall know them".
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actually, that's fairly similar to my story as well, i'm catholic, and that has a whole 'nother discussion to it, but growing up in MS as a catholic, was weird.

i was virtually the only catholic in my school, save my sibling....and not that we had religious conversations all the time, but all my friends went to "the" church. i didn't.

i took a girlfriend to Mass once, she a staunch Baptist, and she was terrified. it was weird, and sad. i did get in a conversation once with a guy that was absolutely convinced that if you weren't "saved" in his religion (church of christ, iirc?) you were going to hell.

it was an eye opening conversation, and that's kind of when i put the brakes on thinking religion, in and of itself, was the end all be all.

God, as we know him is omnipotent, so if that's the case, does that mean Budda, Allah or any other deity a culture worships is not the correct one? maybe we're all worshiping the same God? heck if Catholicism can spawn so many different Christian religions, they all can't the only ones to get right, can they?

which really bugged the guy out that told me i was going to hell as i asked him that question. lol. basically everyone else on the planet was damned, except his little congregation. yep, very christian.

anywho....bigger discussion that could go a lot of different directions.

but, i am Christian, i do have faith. if you don't fine. but the door is always open should you change your mind.:peace2:

I also took a friend to Mass once; he was a Baptist and curious about Catholicism, so we made the trip. He was terrified and left soon after it started and sat in the truck until it was over. It was like I took him to a Satanic ritual, it completely overwhelmed and freaked him out. All he said was that he would never go again. It sort of bummed me out that an offshoot of the Church of St. Peter, a Christian same as I, was so terrified that he had to leave. It was strange to comprehend at the time.

I am not a Christian any longer, and calling myself an all out atheist is probably not accurate either. I'm not sure about the Alpha and Omega, but Buddhist philosophy and the teachings of the Buddha spoke to me in a way Christianity never did. It is my Dukkha.

Maybe we all are worshipping the same omnipotence, just in different forms. The Abrahanic faiths all worship the same God, just with different principal prophets.
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If you define mockery as disagreement then I might see your reasoning. Its called a difference of opinion. I don't need off the wall examples of calling people fat. That is a deflection tactic to make it look like I am the bad guy because I sleep late on Sundays. Get a clue. And then know how to use it.

You are condescending. I believe you know it and are trying to pick fights. Having differing opinions would be like: person 1, "I'm a believer, and here is why." Person 2, "I'm not a believer, and here is why." There is no bashing during this civil discussion.

"Get a clue." Really? I never said you were a bad guy. No need to be so defensive. . .
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I have people on here who are sad for me because I don't believe in Jesus. Analyze that with the same zest you are analyzing my posts with and get back to me.

I already have in a previous post. This is the nature of the Abrahamic faiths. This is what they are called to do. Don't let it bother you. And no need to be an ass about it, which you have done a lot.

Why am I in this thread, again, from the friendly neighborhood Buddhist.
Id sure want my kids to have every bit of information on something like this.
Same here. I've made my decisions because of the things I've learned and experienced.

I want my kids to have the same opportunity.

Keeping them or preventing them from learning and experiencing similarly is not gonna happen. They'll be able to decide for themselves just like I did.
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Same here. I've made my decisions because of the things I've learned and experienced.

I want my kids to have the same opportunity.

Keeping them or preventing them from learning and experiencing similarly is not gonna happen. They'll be able to decide for themselves just like I did.

Looks like we made it through the day without disagreeing. :)
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You are condescending. I believe you know it and are trying to pick fights. Having differing opinions would be like: person 1, "I'm a believer, and here is why." Person 2, "I'm not a believer, and here is why." There is no bashing during this civil discussion.

"Get a clue." Really? I never said you were a bad guy. No need to be so defensive. . .

Civility is not trying to pigeon hole me as a "bad" person for having a personal belief. Fat shaming was your concoction. Why should I have to defend my belief/opinion on a subject like religion....? I am in no way trying to conform the thoughts of the Christians on here. I just refuse for people to be "sad" for me or say I am scared to read the bible. Ridiculous.
I already have in a previous post. This is the nature of the Abrahamic faiths. This is what they are called to do. Don't let it bother you. And no need to be an ass about it, which you have done a lot.

Why am I in this thread, again, from the friendly neighborhood Buddhist.

Welp if I am ass for simply defending what I have said then I am a ass. Tis what it tis.
actually, that's fairly similar to my story as well, i'm catholic, and that has a whole 'nother discussion to it, but growing up in MS as a catholic, was weird.

i was virtually the only catholic in my school, save my sibling....and not that we had religious conversations all the time, but all my friends went to "the" church. i didn't.

i took a girlfriend to Mass once, she a staunch Baptist, and she was terrified. it was weird, and sad. i did get in a conversation once with a guy that was absolutely convinced that if you weren't "saved" in his religion (church of christ, iirc?) you were going to hell.

it was an eye opening conversation, and that's kind of when i put the brakes on thinking religion, in and of itself, was the end all be all.

God, as we know him is omnipotent, so if that's the case, does that mean Budda, Allah or any other deity a culture worships is not the correct one? maybe we're all worshiping the same God? heck if Catholicism can spawn so many different Christian religions, they all can't the only ones to get right, can they?

which really bugged the guy out that told me i was going to hell as i asked him that question. lol. basically everyone else on the planet was damned, except his little congregation. yep, very christian.

anywho....bigger discussion that could go a lot of different directions.

but, i am Christian, i do have faith. if you don't fine. but the door is always open should you change your mind.:peace2:
What always gets me is how people put God in a box and say you have to this or you have to do that or else you go to hell. If it's so cut and dry what sends people to hell, why is there a need for a judgement? People have judged me to hell my entire life because I live in the buckle of the Bible Belt and believe differently that the baptists and methodists who reside here with me. Heaven isn't as complicated to get to as many people make it out to be.
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Civility is not trying to pigeon hole me as a "bad" person for having a personal belief. Fat shaming was your concoction. Why should I have to defend my belief/opinion on a subject like religion....? I am in no way trying to conform the thoughts of the Christians on here. I just refuse for people to be "sad" for me or say I am scared to read the bible. Ridiculous.

You have purposely invited everything you've had thrown at you on this thread with your original post calling Christianity magic and a crutch for weak people. Stop acting like a victim.
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Freak, we really do need a religious forum! Would you please consider it? It seems there is a need for a safe zone to post such things. Thanks and here's a free hot dog.
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